Thursday, July 29, 2004

Michelle Malkin: More Muslim hate crime myths

Not a lot of time today, but I found Michelle Malkin's articles on the myth of Arab hate crimes very interesting:

Michelle Malkin: More Muslim hate crime myths

Sounds like the Arab-American ADL has taken a page from the NAACP and gay-rights groups: Make it a crime for anyone to have a low opinion of you or your behavior. Discrimination is already a crime, and despicable. The "Hate Crime" label is a crass attempt to allow the government to make it illegal to have your own opinions. In the AA-ADL logic, wasn't 9/11 the biggest hate-crime of them all? NO. It was mass-murder, plain and simple. The killing of Byrd in Texas was murder, plain and simple. The killing of homosexuals is murder.

There is no consitutional protection against being hated. If there were, liberals would all be in jail these days. It matters little to the murdered if their killer is electrocuted due to the commission of a 'hate' crime.

In America, people are free to hate, love, or be indifferent as they choose. Unlike Islam, where the Quran clearly states that Muslims must hate, kill, and oppress non-Muslims, women, gays, etc. Let's hear the AA-ADL condemnation of Islamic hate-mongering native to the religion. But even terrorists if they are American citizens are free to hate us without govt. reprisal. They may not, however, move beyond that into injury, discrimination, or murder.

AA-ADL: How about you remove and condemn the parts of the Quran that hate Jews, Christians, women, and other races?


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