Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Eliot Spitzer - Wussie

Neil Cavuto takes Mr. Spitzer to task over Eliot ducking FOX News in his public appearances/press conferences:,2933,146074,00.html

Whoa! Neil tears Eliot Spitzer a new one.

I have mixed feelings about Mr. Spitzer - while I admire his zeal in going after corporate criminals, I've often been disturbed by his partisan leftist leanings. Unfortunately, his overwhelmingly liberal rhetoric clouds his achievements in the courtroom - has he looked the other way at corporate criminals who support leftist causes or politicians, or promise to support Eliot himself in his run for NY Governer? Is his zeal against corporate crime a mask for liberal/socialist class warfare? Also, why is it that corporate criminals he prosecutes don't go to jail, they just pay fines whereas regular criminals get heavy jail time?

Personally, I think that Eliot ducks FOX because he doesn't want to have to answer those questions.

Mr. Spitzer's pompous, faux-righteousness about Republicans using the 911 attack in political ads during the 2004 Presidential Election also soured me on the man. It revealed his contamination with liberal 'selective free-speech' disease. As a State AG (much less NY Governer), I can't imagine a worse disease to have. I also seem to remember that this disease manifested itself in Eliot last fall when Sinclair Broadcasting attempted to air Stolen Honor before the election. I remember comments by him suggesting lawsuits against Sinclair and Stolen Honor producers, and NY affiliates who would broadcast it. But not one word against the Farenheit 911, cBS's MemoGate, NBCMilDraftGate, and ABCProDemocratPolicyGate scandals...

I also have to wonder why Mr. Sptizer isn't making a huge hay about the UN Oil for Food scandal, and UN scandals in general. Being that the UN is in New York city, I would think that Eliot could go after them for SOMETHING, or at least constantly encourage the Fed. to do so. Oil for Food is the biggest corporate corruption scandal in the world, ever. But Eliot seems to be very quiet about the UN. Hmmmm.

Then of course there's his constant Bush-bashing and support for same-sex marraiges. Not that I care much about either - regarding the former, Bush doesn't care so why should I? As for the latter, I only start to care when an activist judge attempts to overule the will of the majority, or when insurance companies want to raise my rates in order to provide coverage to same-sex couples at 'family' rates. While Mr. Spitzer's perfectly within his rights to do and support both of those things, I think it shows poor judgement to do so while in the post of NY AG. In how many New Yorkers has he engendered mistrust for NY's judicial system due to expressing his leftist opinions publicly while in his capacity of AG?

Glad to see that FOX refuses to give him a free ride in the press. Wish other networks had such integrity when it comes to liberals and Democrats.

Adios MF,



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