BETRAYED! By the RINO-7 Mega-Wussies
I'm so angry I don't know where to start. Frist and the seven RINOs who betrayed conservatives will pay, you watch the next elections.,2933,157441,00.html
We conservatives worked extraordinarily hard in the last elections to ensure that Republicans were elected. We got the vote out that elected a Republican president and added seats to both the House and the Senate. And THIS is our reward. A bunch of RINO (Republicans In Name-Only) wimps in the Senate roll over for the radical wing of the Democratic party and preserve the Dem's main weapon of fascism: judicial activism.
Our reward so far for handing Republicans bigger majorities has been no movement whatsoever on illegal immigration, no movement on fixing the tax code, welfare reform, or social security, and now a cop out on presidential nominees. Does anyone know what our Republican majority is actually DOING for us? Not a thing as far as I can tell.
I'm so sick of Senate scumbags I'm tempted to call for a return to monarchy. Our current system of government is broken, especially in the Senate, but also in the White House and the People's House. After the last election I took great pleasure in telling whining liberals "We won, you lost - deal with it." But it seems I was mistaken, it seems we still lost.
Here's the RINO egomaniacs, I'll post these until they are defeated in their next elections:
Lincoln D. Chafee of Rhode Island
Susan M. Collins of Maine
Olympia J. Snowe of Maine
John W. Warner of Virginia
John McCain of Arizona
Mike DeWine, an Ohio Republican
Lindsey O. Graham of South Carolina
You seven are DONE, better get your resumes in order. You seven are a splendid example of the WORST traits of an American politician and I will work to unseat you with every tool I have. Starting with contributing to your truly conservative opponents, but also here on my blog.
Adios MF (and I don't mean 'my friend' with regard to you 7 arrogant wafflers),
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