Thursday, July 28, 2005

No-Talent Liberal Losers of the Year

The decision is in! The judges have ruled and it's a tie! Beating out liberal moonbats, socialist idiots, and traitorous, ignorant celebrities/politicians who were miles ahead, Moby and Eminem come from behind to take the gold!,2933,163921,00.html

Because of the fact that niether of these ball-less wonders has any socially or physically redeeming traits or positive intellectual qualities whatsoever, in the final tally they edged out the Dixie Twists (who are at least mostly pleasant to look at), Jane Fonda-Commies (who again, looks much better than a couple of no-talent, wussy, puling, teenage-boy hacks like Moby Prick and Phleminem), and Susan Saranwrap, Martin Dweeb, Michael Moore-on, Whoopi DumbasanIceberg, Jeanine GarBuffalo, Sean Has-Penn, and Tim "The Pussy" Robbins (just barely).

Just goes to show ya; you can take the trash out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer out of the trash.

It'll be great to see all these moonbats fade into obscurity, slowly, painfully, as Americans increasingly reject their hypocritical, ignorant, self-centered, anti-American garbage.

Before I go, I need to add more idiots to the list though: Greed Day, Bruce LoserStein, Steven Spukeberg, Hitlery Clinton, Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy, John "Scumbag" Kerry, Nancy Spewlosi, Robert Byrd-brain, Harry "Americans are Dumbasses" Reid, Chuck "Allahu Akbar" Schumer, and so on...

Too many more to name, unfortunately.

Adios MF,



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