Saturday, June 24, 2006

Kelo: My home is my castle, I hope...

The home-owner in the case that drove the US Supreme Court travesty about eminent domain is highlighted here in a Washington Times online editorial, very moving:

I wonder if any who supported this decision have ever taken an economics class, even if they obviously skipped US History 101? The SCOTUS might as well have just declared martial law and selected themselves as the new Politburo.

THIS IS EXACTLY WHY CONSERVATIVES HAVE BEEN PUSHING FOR STRICT CONSTRUCTIONISTS ON THE SCOTUS, ALWAYS. This is also exactly why our founding fathers CLEARLY forbade members of the Judicial Branch from making law, reserving that for 'we the people', in the form of our ELECTED representatives. Talk about a ruling that needs to be overturned, I can't think of any other more deserving, not even Roe v. Wade. Now every legislature in the country, city, county, and state is free to either pass laws protecting private property, or NOT.

The only bright spot in this whole tragedy? I love it that to immediately illustrate the true insanity of this decision, a few days after it was made a NH developer petitioned the local government to seize Justice Souter's family home in that state. In order to build a hotel, of course. Exquisite irony AND the reality of that SCOTUS decision! Bwahahahahah! And of course therefore downplayed heavily by our socialist media.

Please be assured Ms. Kelo, this country stands with you - forever. The US Constitution may be a 'living' document to some, but there is a long history of fighting to the death for one's valuable, honestly-earned, sacrificed-for, blood- and sweat-invested, legal possessions in this country, and everywhere in the history of the world for that matter.

Wiser heads are prevailing as we speak on the SCOTUS, and any legislative body who attempts to enforce this decision will be run out on a rail (one would hope). Even in the seedy, greedy, hands-in-every-pocket world of local politicians like those on Ms. Kelo's city council, time will eventually see them for the utter disgraces they are. Ms Kelo will be not only vindicated, but rewarded for her courage and perserverance. I know she probably wouldn't have chosen it for herself, most heroes don't, but the name "Susette Kelo" will now and forever be associated with being defiantly strong in the face of government tyranny.

Keep up the good fight Susette, this cannot stand.

Adios My Friend,



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