Let's see how the liberal media ignores Clinton's failings this time...
You know they will, or find someone else to blame it on:
All of this information was available from day 1 to the media, but they ignored it. They refuse to believe that they and their liberal 'god' Clinton could have been so clueless about the growing threat of terrorism.
My favorite part of the the above article is Lt. Col. Buzz Patterson's comment about how Clinton met with Monica Lewinsky more often that his CIA and FBI directors. Ha! So true, so funny, but overall, OUTRAGEOUS! Where is the outrage in the media about this?!
Reno and Gorelick are, of all Clinton Administration officials after Clinton and Berger themselves, most responsible for the tragedies of 9/11/01. Clinton was not wise enough to be President of the US; too immature and of low character. But his sycophantic cabinet, lawyers, and advisors were more concerned with liberal ideology and job preservation than national security, it's obvious. The 9/11 attacks were the result of 8 years of Democrat negligence of national security in favor of Clinton's penis. The 9/11 Commission was almost entirely geared to protecting Clinton's legacy, it's good to see that scam coming unraveled now.
It disgusts me that liberals and Democrats refuse to come to grips with their ideological failings and the bloodshed they cause. Even today in Israel, reporters can scarcely contain their glee watching the anguish of Israel's withdrawal from Gaza. Israeli conservatives are meeting terrorists half-way at great cost to themselves and innocents, but all the liberal reporters can do is gloat and and exploit the pain.
Let's see what they say when terrorists resume killing Israelis anyway after this withdrawal.
Adios MF,
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