Monday, April 02, 2007

Only in America: Criminals Suing Cops

This is what happens when our elected leaders, President Bush included (and sadly most importantly), ignore the security and sovereignity of our nation.

That these illegals are suing the cops is key, illegals know our legal system as well or better than natives. But they SHOULD BE SUING PRESIDENT BUSH AND OUR LEGISLATURE:

How much more of this are US citizens going to have to take before vigilantism gets the better of them George? This nation's citizens have a long history of rising up against government repression and corruption, or have you in DC forgotten? Do you understand what is going to happen if the terrorists who commit the next 9/11 accessed this country with a nuclear weapon over the Mexico/Arizona border?

Our short-sighted, greedy, sell-out legislature and President will be negligently responsible for the deaths of thousands, mabye millions, both US citizens and illegal aliens.

Adios MF,



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