Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Be my guest to work in your OWN country...

Dear George,

How many times do we have to say it?! THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES (you know, the folks who ELECTED you) DO NOT WANT A GUEST WORKER PROGRAM. So what do you do? Bundle the guest worker crap in the same legislation with the border security reforms that we DO want:

There ARE no jobs that Americans don't want to do. There are jobs that Americans won't do for the measly pay that your pals in the corrupt, money-gubbing, greedy industries that donate to your's and all politician's election campaigns offer - true. But eliminate the slave labor pool that illegal immigration provides and the economy will correct that injustice.

NAFTA, CAFTA, guest workers, and the other nonsensical legislation that are thinly veiled attempts to screw Americans out of a decent wage do not fool us anymore. We're TIRED of our elected leaders selling us out for campaign contributions.

So while you're at it securing our borders, how about some REAL campaign finance reform rather than the unconstitutional, anti-1st Amendment, claptrap in McCain/Fiengold?

I'm thoroughly disgusted with you on the issue of guest workers W, it's a betrayal of the first order to conservatives, and indeed to all working Americans. The United States DOES NOT NEED a legal sub-class of employees, who due to their circumstances will work for peanuts and no benefits. It will not stop at 'jobs Americans don't want to do', as if there are any. Pretty soon computer programming will be 'a job that Americans don't want to do', as will trash collection, and carpentry, and plumbing, and on and on. Also, I guarantee that liberals will immediately start agitating for voting rights, unions, and increased wages for these 'guests', it won't be a cheap labor pool for long!

The backlash from your guest worker program will fracture the Republican party, alienate conservatives, and destroy the ability of Americans to hope for smaller government, responsible government spending, and law and order. How can you do this to Americans George?! Have you no shame, no scruples, no compassion at all for your fellow Americans? If you were looking for another issue that will DESTROY your legacy of the man who spread democracy to the middle east, you found it in guest workers.

FIRST, secure our borders, without the guest worker nonsense please. SECOND, punish American companies who employ illegal aliens. THIRD, over the next few years remove EVERY SINGLE ILLEGAL ALIEN from my country.

It's getting to the point that I'm forgetting why we elected you George. It's all well and good to provide democracy to middle eastern folks, how about some for your own country?

Adios MF,



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