Monday, January 21, 2008

Big Brother in Canada: The Canadian 'Human Rights' Commission

The Canadian Human Rights Commission is laid bare by our friend Mark Steyn, even better than the recent Ezra Levant video that's been circulating the web:

McLean's Article

Both gentlemen are currently under the screws by the Grand Inquisitors of the CHRC; the complaints brought by Canada's biggest fans of tyranny, Canadian Muslim 'leaders'. Canada's goofy socialists have created an almost perfect mind-crime vehicle for the government - a long term jobs program for politically correct leftists. Morons who think they can force a free human to think and feel as the Government wishes. Canada's radical Muslim Imam's have seized on yet another example of western foolishness to use against us.

What will bring CHRC down though is that it can't exist and operate in secret (a 1st requirement of any decent Star Chamber) with the Internet in the equation. Canadian legacy media has long ago sold out to the socialists, in the hopes of being the ONLY voice of the people - CBC will be no help in exposing their partners in Stalinism. But the Internet, key to publicizing other travesties of public betrayal like Rathergate, KerryGate, Ron Paul, etc, has been crucial in shining the light on this jackboot liberalism.

Sorry to disappoint the fascists, but via the web Messers. Steyn and Levant have successfully blown the lid off the CHRC. The fact that former CHRC employee Mr. Warman pretty much has such Big Brother power at his private disposal is very revealing, thank you for that very interesting bit of information Mr. Steyn. Ezra Levant's video denunciation of CHRC is brilliant and inspiring, my compliments Mr. Levant. I was also very pleased to find out that both Mr. Steyn and Mr. Levant have received many offers of free representation and donations to defray costs for fighting The Hoser (my term for Canada's version of 'The Man').

Like Mr. Steyn, I'm not surprised at all that Muslim fans of Sharia Law would jump whole-heartedly on the mind-crime bandwagon. When all evidence points to the truth about Islam - clearly it's the religion of mass-murder, terrorism, rape, misogyny, prejudice, slavery, genocide, and extortion - outlaw the presentation of such evidence.

Unfortunately, there are many in our own government (US Civil Rights Commission, State Dept., etc.) who would love this kind of tyranny. The US legacy media has sold out for the same reason as Canada's. Luckily, we watch our government a little closer, but it's not out of the realm of possibility in the US. Vigilance is key.

We're with you Mark and Ezra! Keep fighting the good fight - it may take time but your ultimate vindication is assured. The fact that Muslim fanatics are this desperate makes that perfectly clear.

Adios My Friends Mark and Ezra,

- Doug


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