Wednesday, January 30, 2008

McCain or Hitlery? I can't tell them apart...

Democrats are doing their best to pick the GOP Presidential candidate for us, their latest attempt is RINO Sen. John McCain. O he of the McCain/Fiengold 1st Amendment attack. Mr. Keating 5. Together with Traitor John Kerry, the man who ended the US's search for Vietnam POWs/MIAs in 1991, then going into business with our former enemies.

And of current notoriety as Mr. Illegal Alien Amnesty.

Romney might be a little mealy mouthed, but he's at least flipping in the right direction - abandoning any former leftist positions daily. McCain actually DEFENDS his leftist insanity, his souless betrayal of Republicans, Conservatives, and the Military. The Senator from Arizona must NEVER be President. But I'll have to seriously sit down and think it over if it comes down to McStain or Hillary.

I'm praying for an Osama, oops, Obama candidacy. Any Republican could beat that twit, but I sure hope Romney takes the nomination. Romney would make short work of either Hill OR the junior Sen. from Illinois. Which is of course why the media is giving McCain all the good PR.

If it's McCain or Barak Hussein, I'd probably vote for the big-talking stupid kid. Lil' Barak is a one-termer for sure, and he'll spend way too much time running his mouth (as opposed to actually having a GOOD idea) to do much damage. McCain is too dangerous a snake, we'll be one Executive Order away from the 4th Reich.

However, as much as I love ya Ann I don't know if any circumstances could force me to vote for Hillary. Like you I would FEAR a President Hillary; unlike you, even more so than a Presidente (that's how Jaun will want it spelled if he wins) McCain:

Ann Coulter

But I'll certainly think about it, at least Hillary is a less-accomplished liar...

Adios MF,

- Doug


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