Saturday, June 23, 2007

So someone is listening after all?

There's a good article today from Steve Dinan (an excellent reporter who's coverage of the illegal invasion has been key in the fight to stop it) in the Washington Times online:

Bloggers and talk radio are making an impact, but I think the article fails to include another key facet of the resistance to the latest amnesty legislation: NO ONE IN THIS COUNTRY, INCLUDING RECENT LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, WANTS THIS LEGISLATION. Except of course for vote-pandering politicians and their slave-labor corporate campaign supporters.

What's especially interesting in this case is that for once leftist media finds itself on the side of George Bush. George, that ought to tell you something about your ridiculously corrupt position on the illegal alien issue. Leftist media's agenda for the destruction of democratic, free-market capitalism is better served when there are no sovereign borders. Someone on the President's staff should have spent more time educating him about that.

The media knows that open borders will lead to the massive redistribution of wealth that is key to socialism. What's conveniently left out of all pro-amnesty comments from politicians and media is the fact that we conservatives are pro-immigrant, NOT PRO-ILLEGAL. We welcome all legal immigrants to the US, provided they adopt our laws and culture as their own, or at least our laws. Leftists and the President are doing their best to spin us as racist, ignorant, anti-immigrant, etc, but the average person on the street sees right through that. A contributing factor to the comment above about how no one wants the new amnesty legislation.

Open borders are not conservative, patriotic, or in our economic interest no matter how hard Democrats and media spin it. I guess I have to include the President and some Republicans in that group-spin, sadly.

Defeat this legislation once and for all! Keep it up bloggers and talk radio!

Politicians: Enforce our borders by funding and mandating existing law! End birthright citizenship! Punish illegal alien employers! Build a border fence and stop at least 95% of illegal traffic - then we'll talk about the criminals already in our country.

Adios MF,



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