Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Gen. Kearney, a terrorist's best friend.

Here's a General who never should have been:

Kearney's forgotten the first rule of command, PROTECT YOUR MEN. A moron who's never figured out that a battlefield is not a courtroom, combat is not patty-cake, and officers are not babysitters. Bet Kearney learned leadership from that putz Wes Clarke when he was in Bosnia.

Kearney's another Murtha, guarranteed - he'll retire and run for office on the Democrat ticket. Bet me.

The enemy within - just as dangerous as terrorists, if not more.

UPDATE: Gen. Kearney's spokesperson attempts damage control:

Yeah, right Kearney. I still hold to my take on this incident - that this armchair general is working on a post-military political career as a Democrat. I think Rep. Rohrbacher has a great bead on this military moron:

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California Republican, said: "It would appear that the general has his priorities [wrong]. His job is not to try to curry favors with the liberal media ... ."

"No one should ever ignore when our people are acting in an illegal or immoral way, but neither should commanding officers try to demoralize them by exaggerating any fault they find and giving the benefit of the doubt to the enemy, rather than to our own people."

Exactly. In particular with SOC soldiers/marines, whose missions include many that push right up against (but NOT over) the edge of legality. A SOC boss ought to know better - there's no excuse for this kind of betrayal except a personal agenda and/or incompetence. Both of which in anybody's book are grounds to relieve this schmuck of his command, and then cashier him.

I look forward to a DOD investigation of this chump, I smell a leftist PR plot...

Adios MF,



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