Friday, June 08, 2012

"The private sector is doing fine." - B. Obama, June 7th, 2012

Here's a GREAT one to rekindle the fire under my vast readership:

Wow, where do you start with a comment like that? Obama went on to say that it's government that's hurting, clearly suggesting more bailout money for state and local government. Meanwhile, Fedzilla's as big as it's ever been, federal employees make way more money and have way better benefits. State and local governments may be hurting, but also have a large salary/benefits edge over the private sector and plenty of room to reduce their spending. And if they're hurting, it's mostly due to federally mandated spending.

Government as a whole is too big and costs too much, and in these days of high technology and poor economy, it's criminal not to manage the people's money and affairs better. Getting the government out of industry, reducing regulation (but NOT oversight), reforming tort law, eliminating or at least reducing Federally mandated spending, energy policy reform; these alone will solve most of state and local government problems.

Notice any tax increases in the above approach? The HORROR! On the contrary, taxes can come down and we'll still pay off our massive, end-of-the-world debt. Anybody remember the good old days when politicians got elected on promises of reducing taxes and spending? Today's Democrat party is just plain crazy if they think that's changed now...but by all signs they really do. It's the very definition of leftist insanity, delicious.

Looking forward to November as the left becomes more and more unhinged. It's going to be Christmas every day around here...!

- Doug

PS: Ditching my original sign-off "Adios MF", Spanish is too hard. Minus Doug is good nerdiquette too.


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