Thursday, October 28, 2004

Free Speech Silencers in our Fed. Govt.

The following list of congressmen and senators are the elected leaders who joined forces to threaten Sinclair Broadcasting with license revocation should they broadcast the documentary Stolen Honor. These senators and congressmen used their positions to inimidate a conservative media outlet, and the liberal outlets all stood by and watched this DIRECT assault on the 1st Amendment. Freedom of the press my ass, it's only the freedom of the liberal press that matters to them.

These are the power-hungry men and women who said that Medal of Honor winners, POWs, and other heros from Vietnam should be silenced. Men who more than anyone else alive today have EARNED the RIGHT to be heard. These men, Swift Boat and POW vets, only wanted to bring to public awareness Kerry's OWN words and actions, none of it was false or lies, unlike everything coming from the Dem/Moore/Hollywood propaganda machines.

This is a national disgrace. I'm going to write an email to each of these lowlifes and ask them for an explanation for their suppression of free speech. I recommend everyone in this country do the same. These 'Democrats' will obviously break any law, defy any principle, or betray any trust to benefit their personal and political agendas.

I plan to display this list on my blog every month, and everywhere else I can find until these tyrants are gone:

U.S. Senators
1. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
2. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)
3. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA)
4. Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND)
5. Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI)
6. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL)
7. Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)
8. Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI)
9. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR)
10. Sen. Bob Graham (D-FL)
11. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL)
12. Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD)
13. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
14. Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI)
15. Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR)
16. Sen. Ernest Hollings (D-SC)
17. Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)
18. Sen. Mark Pryor (D-AR)

U.S. Representatives
1. Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-5-MD)
2. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-8-CA)
3. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-30-CA)
4. Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-28-NY)
5. Rep. Robert Menendez (D-13-NJ)
6. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-6-NJ)
7. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-9-IL)
8. Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-At Large-VT)
9. Rep. John Conyers (D-14-MI)
10. Rep. George Miller (D-7-CA)
11. Rep. John Olver (D-1-MA)
12. Rep. James Clyburn (D-6-SC)
13. Rep. Robert Brady (D-1-PA)
14. Rep. Lane Evans (D-7-IL)
15. Rep. Richard Neal (D-2-MA)
16. Rep. Betty McCollum (D-4-MN)
17. Rep. Luis Guitierrez (D-4-IL)
18. Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-22-NY)
19. Rep. Gary Ackerman (D-5-NY)
20. Rep. Steve Israel (D-2-NY)
21. Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-10-NY)
22. Rep. Chakah Fattah (D-2-PA)
23. Rep. Lois Capps (D-23-CA)
24. Rep. Peter Deutsch (D-20-FL)
25. Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-10-CA)
26. Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-14-NY)
27. Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (D-28-TX)
28. Rep. Tom Allen (D-1-ME)
29. Rep. Diana DeGette (D-1-CO)
30. Rep. Robert Matsui (D-5-CA)
31. Rep. Jim McDermott (D-7-WA)
32. Rep. Tom Lantos (D-12-CA)
33. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-3-CT)
34. Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-47-CA)
35. Rep. Steve Rothman (D-9-NJ)
36. Rep. Joe Crowley (D-7-NY)
37. Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-6-CA)
38. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-23-FL)
39. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-16-CA)
40. Rep. Pete Stark (D-13-CA)
41. Rep. Hilda Solis (D-32-CA)
42. Rep. Max Sandlin (D-1-TX)
43. Rep. Charlie Gonzalez (D-20-TX)
44. Rep. Jim Moran (D-8-VA)
45. Rep. Don Payne (D-10-NJ)
46. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-29-CA)
47. Rep. Chris Bell (D-25-TX)
48. Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-37-CA)
49. Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-4-NY)
50. Rep. David Price (D-4-NC)
51. Rep. John Tierney (D-6-MA)
52. Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick (D-13-MI)
53. Rep. Jay Inslee (D-1-WA)
54. Rep. Sander Levin (D-12-MI)
55. Rep. Elliot Engel (D-17-NY)
56. Rep. Mike Honda (D-15-CA)
57. Rep. Sam Farr (D-17-CA)
58. Rep. Danny Davis (D-7-IL)
59. Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-4-OR)
60. Rep. Shelley Berkley (D-1-NV)
61. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-3-OR)
62. Rep. Michael Doyle (D-14-PA)
63. Rep. Al Wynn (D-4-MD)
64. Rep. Charles Rangel (D-15-NY)
65. Rep. Kendrick Meek (D-17-FL)
66. Rep. Solomon Ortiz (D-27-TX)
67. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-7-MD)
68. Rep. Greg Meeks (D-6-NY)
69. Rep. Ben Chandler (D-6-KY)
70. Rep. Barney Frank (D-4-MA)
71. Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-8-NY)
72. Rep. James Oberstar (D-8-MN)
73. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-35-CA)
74. Rep. Ted Strickland (D-6-OH)
75. Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-14-CA)
76. Rep. Nita Lowey (D-18-NY)
77. Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-2-WI)
78. Rep. Robert Wexler (D-19-FL)
79. Rep. Bart Stupak (D-1-MI)
80. Rep. James McGovern (D-3-MA)
81. Rep. Timothy Ryan (D-17-OH)
82. Rep. Silvestre Reyes (D-16-TX)
83. Rep. Tom Udall (D-3-NM)
84. Rep. Bob Etheridge (D-2-NC)
85. Rep. David Obey (D7-WI)

Adios MF - and I mean the negative 'MF' with regard to these criminals, not "My Friend",


Russia tied to Iraq's missing arms

Not that Kerry and the DNC have ever been honest, but here's yet another example of Democrat pefidy. Don't bother pointing the finger where it belongs, at Kerry's UN for preventing the US attack until the majority of weapons and probably WMD could be moved and hidden. Just point it at Bush, and lie your ass off.

Russia tied to Iraq's missing arms - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - October 28, 2004

I don't understand how anyone could be voting for the party that lies, cheats, threatens, suppresses free speach, slanders, libels, sues, and damages national security, all in a corrupt effort to elect a corrupt politician.

Democrats: The ends DO NOT justify the means - members of your party are destroying our electoral system for their personal gain. I suggest you jump ship and come over to the light before you end up in jail too.

Adios MF,


School Board Cancels Halloween

Aw, leave the poor kids alone! PC run amok, as usual. This is standard liberal stuff tho, everyone has to view the slightest, most vague deprication as grounds to punish everyone: - Foxlife - School Board Cancels Halloween

Except with regard to white males and Christians of course - they're fair game for any kind of suppression, oppression, and insult.

If I have to have a thick skin with regard to attacks on white males, why can't everyone else have just a bit more self-confidence to laugh off, or at least calmly disregard, at least SOME of the ignorant opinions held by a few of their fellow Americans? Not everything is negatively intended, much is imagined, and the rest is just like an anal orifice: everyone's got one - no big deal.

In the case above, no acknowledged Wiccans ever even complained - news organizations could not even find one in the town in which the school resides. The nearest Wiccan's opinion was in essence: "What's the big deal?" This was a way over-sensitive administrator forcing their idea PC behavior on the community, with the kids getting the shaft. Again, standard liberal stuff.

Lighten up, put the lawyers away, live and let live, and just try to occasionally see the basic good in all Americans, and past any minor blemishes. You might find that most people, especially your fellow countrymen and women, are worth the little bit of effort it takes to disregard or accommodate a flaw or two in their characters. Tolerance and acceptance are two-way streets, always. Realize that the down-side of trying to avoid and/or punish EVERY perceived or potential slight is a life lived in perpetual turmoil.

And let the kids have some fun you killjoys!

Adios MF,


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

America Under Attack ... by British Media

Another good story on is the article about how British media, in particluar the BBC and The Gaurdian, both bastians of socialist, bomb-throwing propaganda, are virulently anti-American and in particular anti-Bush. All I have to say is: Shut the F**k up! - Views - America Under Attack ... by British Media

Like we care what the radical dregs of British society think?! Not likely. The BBC, the NYT, CBS, and all the rest of the OCM (Old Corrupt Media) realize that their days are numbered - the world has rejected their socialist ideals as unrealistic and naive. They no longer have a corner on truth in the world, bloggers, cable, and talk radio have ripped the long fascade of un-biased reporting right off their surprised faces.

Most of their readers/watchers have realized that not only do these 'news' organizations only tell one side of the story, but that side is CONSISTENTLY proven wrong. The failure of socialism and liberalism over the last 100 years can no longer be hidden and shrugged off by these idiots, bloggers and Foxnews are regularly exposing their frauds these days. Thank goodness!

America and the world is telling these fools that no, liberalism and socialism are NOT mainstream (and no longer even growing in favor), are NOT good ideas, are NOT what the people of America and Britain want, and that the proof is everywhere - except in their newspapers and TV stations. Life-long liberals and socialists are having to face that their entire belief structure is a lie; they are shuddering from a glimpse of the fact that everyone else is right, and they, their friends, their professors, and their media are WRONG.

Must be tough.

Adios MF,


The Sad Evolution of Sexual Harassment has an excellent article by Wendy McElroy regarding the abuse of sexual harrasment laws by countless women. As someone who was once falsely accused of SH, I can seriously relate. - Views - ifeminists - The Sad Evolution of Sexual Harassment

I'm sure that there are women out there (and maybe some men too) who have justified, bona-fide sexual harrassment claims. But my own personal experience is that everyone I know who has experienced this 'guilty until proven innocent' travesty, including me, has a similar story.

In my case I was reported to my company HR by a woman on my staff after I had to counsel her for sending inflammatory emails and overstepping her authority with my team. The mere suggestion that she was in the wrong sent her right over the edge with screaming, nasty emails, and of course a complaint to HR.

I was ultimately cleared (thank goodness I always save sent emails!) although the record of the incident stayed in my personnel file at that company, probably forever. I quit the job shortly thereafter due to the overwhelming lack of support I got from my own bosses, from HR, and even from some of my co-workers (all FEMALES, very few of my female friends gave me the benefit of the doubt - in fact only my sisters and mother did) - all of whom heard my side of the story but didn't believe me. Ms. McElroy is right on the money in that society and culture immediately demonizes the person accused of sexual harrassment, regardless of the facts of the matter.

Unless of course you are Bill O'Reilly and have the resources of a major media company to use to publically deny the charges. And, to report on the suspect motives of the accuser. I had none of that. I don't begrudge Bill his success at deflecting this blackmailer, I only wish that our Nation's harrassment laws were fair, and that abusers of these laws would get SERIOUS jail time and public humiliation, just like the folks they falsely accuse.

Adios MF,


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Cleveland Plain Dealer's Double Dealing

The CPD refuses to endorse a Presidential candidate this year after endorsing George Bush in 2000. While they were professing their high moral standards of non-endorsement, they managed to convey that their editorial board IS in fact for Kerry, and that "Bush has damaged the Nation".

What an arrogant bunch of morons. I guess they think Ohioans are pretty stupid.

Politics Blog / The Washington Times INSIDER

Here's the Letter to the Editor of the CPD that I wrote, hope a bunch of others have written as well:

I read online of the CPD decision to not endorse a candidate for election this year. I salute CPD's decision to refrain from making an endorsement that America's press (and world press outlets for that matter) have no business making. I think many Americans believe that media influence on politics, and in particular liberal media influence, is a large part of what is wrong with our political system and Old Media today. Unfortunately, if you were planning on a glorious moral stand with your "Americans can make up their own minds" comments, you immediately dashed it by first confirming that your board has a majority for Kerry, and next by your comment "We will never feel obliged to defend a president whose blunders and misjudgments have hurt the nation."

What kind of 'non-endorsement' is that?! Do you really believe Ohioans are that stupid? Your attempt to hold both the moral high ground of a 'no endorsement' policy AND bash the President at the same time is like Kerry's promise that he supports the troops, but that 'it's the wrong war, wrong place, at the wrong time.'

President Bush's policies have rescued this nation from the radical liberal hell of a Clinton/Kennedy (and almost Gore) imposed descent into impotent socialism.

So if you're going to keep your opinions to yourself, do a better job next time.


Adios MF,


Kerry Blasts Bush on Missing Ammo - Nevermind it was gone before US Soldiers got there...

Here he goes again. Kerry and the NYT collaborating on their lies. Too bad a former NBC reporter who was there confirms that the explosives were gone before US soldiers got there. - You Decide 2004 - Kerry Blasts Bush on Missing Ammo

I wonder if America truly is tired of the lies of the Old Media and the Kerry campaign. Election day ought to be very interesting.

Adios MF,


Monday, October 25, 2004

Democrat Philosophy: Fear is Good, Except from Republicans

The American Spectator article by Paul Beston makes a very valid point. Fear is a potent weapon in elections, and it rightly should be. If Americans are not afraid of a Kerry Presidency in these times of terrorism and war, they should be. And Bush/Cheney have every right to say so - Kerry's own statements justify fear of his policies. Statements like 'wrong war, wrong place, wrong time' don't inspire confidence.

The American Spectator

However, I think DNC fear tactics don't resonate as well because they are based largely on urban myths and conspiracy theories. Most Americans are too smart for that noise, but of course there are some who are happy to promote this fear. For instance, for racial-toned fear of voter suppression and disenfranchisement there's no race-baiters more tireless than Al Sharpton and Jessie "I got your Rainbow Coalition Job Right Here in My Pants" Jackson.

These and the DNC's draft and SS privatization fear scams are too 'out there' to fool most Americans. That's of course in stark contrast to the very real fear that Kerry will subvert American sovreignity to the UN and France, despite his claims. He's also given very clear signals to the terrorists in Iraq that, like the his NVA buddies 30 years ago, they only have to hang in there a few more months and Americans will cut and run.

Fear is contagious, but lies aren't. That's why DNC fear has trouble spreading, while RNC fear travels like wild fire.

One more week to see if Americans will have courage in the face of a hard, uphill but correct road, or, will change direction to once again head down the hill on which Bill Clinton started, the road to oblivion.

Adios MF,


Security Council members deny meeting Kerry

What?! Kerry lying about talking to UNSC members? I thought he only lied about talking to foreign leaders?

Security Council members deny meeting Kerry - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - October 25, 2004

Can anyone say: credibility? I thought you could...

Adios MF,


Thursday, October 21, 2004

German Sense - at Last!

It appears that not all Germans are hiding their heads in the terrorist sand. Here's an excellent editorial by a German political writer:

A lone voice of truth and defiance in the European hurricane of appeasement.

Adioe MF,


Friday, October 15, 2004

Election Theft, Soros/McAuliffe-Style

I'm so mad I could spit. This is what George Soros, Mark Halperin, Dan Rather, and Terry McAuliffe have planned for America's election. You wonder where the 200 million dollars that represents MoveOn, ACT, ACORN, etc. goes, well finally here it is in black and white. They certainly didn't spend that money on commercials. They spent in on an army, the Democratic Underground (DU), who with the complicity of a biased media will intimidate voters, make false charges, lie, cheat, steal, forge, commit fraud, slander, and libel, and use activist judges and lawyers in a venal, slime-Jihad against American citizens.

The Washington Times has an excellent breakdown of the strategy:

The DNC and Democrat 527s are attempting to steal America's Presidential election. It almost worked in 2000 and the leftist media went along with the plan. But this time they have a lot more money and even an overtly criminal alliance with the leftist media.

In addition, it now appears that foreign media and governments are meddling as well, namely The Guardian/BBC idiots, Germany, Canada and France. The media outlets are sending anti-Bush campaigners and lawyers, and the leaders of these countries recent statements are clearly designed to influence American voters in favor of Kerry and against Bush. In my opinion, these losers better butt out, America obviously doesn't play well with others when we're messed with...thank goodness. To Gerhardt, Jacques, and Paul: Americans will not forget. Your incredible betrayal of the world with Oil for Food - stealing the food out of starving children's mouths to arm Saddam and Osama, while betraying your strongest ally and paying for your villas and Mercedes - will still be made public.

Think the UN will condemn this act of foreign intrusion on our sovereignty? You know France and Spain would scream bloody murder if the situation was reversed - only terrorists are allowed to influence THEIR elections, oui/si? Heck no, the UN is piling on as well with their 'election monitors', a clearly anti-Bush international hit squad. Election meddling in my opinion comes pretty close to 'cause for grave concern' in UN Diplo-speak - these are usually that last words uttered before a nation starts killing people...

The UN also sent in its election monitors at the request of Democrat congressmen. It's most interesting that 2 of these monitors are bona-fide, current, card-carrying communists - one French, one Russian. THESE are to be the UN judges for fair US elections? If I wasn't so enraged by crass congressional Democrat anti-Americanism I'd be laughing my butt off. Here's another Times article that details the 'monitors': Http:// Who ARE these people and what makes them election monitoring experts?

Between Fox, the Washington Times, and the rest of the unbiased media, and maybe most especially us here in the Blogosphere - we have to continue to shine the light on these traitors. They must not be allowed to succeed, I think our very lives depend on it.

Yes, I said Traitors - stealing democracy is treason in my book.

Adios MF,


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Truth - Vietnam Vet-Style

Sinclair Media is running the documentary Stolen Honor. This is a movie about John Kerry's betrayals after the Vietnam War. It will run in markets all over the US and boy are the Dems, their useful idiots, and their media is PISSED. I wrote a letter to Sinclair's News Director, Mr. Hyman:

Subject: George Soros is very mad at you...

Dear Mr. Hyman,

I congratulate you on your courage and fairness in your decision to buck the leftist media cabal's coverage of the true record of Senator Kerry with your broadcast of Stolen Honor. As I'm sure you considered, this is a MAJOR story, with facts instead of propaganda, with John Kerry's own words and actions instead of fake ANG documents, and with thousands of eye-witnesses. Stolen Honor details the betrayal - and there is no other word for it - of American soldiers in wartime by a man who is now running to be Commander in Chief and President of the United States during wartime. How can this NOT be in every newspaper and on every television in America?

The DNC and George Soro's 167 mil. dollar shadow party of MoveOn, ACT, etc. are very mad at you, and will try to stop you by any means. Count on getting floods of form-emails, an avalanche of telephone vitriol, letters, petitions, public denunciations, pickets, computer hacks, and even possible threats and violence against you and your employees, including your affiliates. Please be careful, today's Democratic Party is a dangerous organization. Expect the full rage and excoriating power of the CBS/ABC/NBC, NYT, CNN, WaPo, LAT, BGL, and even foreign media outlets such as the BBC and The Guardian. Please stand fast and know that millions of current and former military, their families and friends, their employers and peers - in my estimation at least 80 million voters support your resolve and balance. Including this one, a 41-year-old son of a proud two-tour Vietnam Vet who never committed any atrocities and has hard-earned medals. I very much admire your judgement and public service sir.

Many might say that 35-year-old actions and words are not reflective of the integrity, honor, courage, and honesty of the current man. In some ways I might agree, people can change; they can regret and atone for past betrayals and lies, although treason is not forgiven by me personally. But the United States today is indeed at war again, and anyone familiar with the Senator's actions after his return from Vietnam (and before, for that matter - the Swift Boat Vets have once again done an enormous public service there) will see Kerry's pattern repeating with Iraq. The standard Kerry line of 'We support our troops, BUT..." is a mirror image of his tactics during the Vietnam War and the public ought to see that. John Kerry learned long ago that divided Americans can be exploited for his personal political gain, and once again the soldiers in the field are dying for it.

If Michael Moore's propaganda piece of Fahrenheit 9/11 can be embraced by the leftist media, the DNC, and Democratic politicians and shown in schools, even after over 50 assertions have been documented as lies, then Stolen Honor is well above the 'documentary' line and in fact NEWS. NONE of this movie can be denied, it is based upon John Kerry's own words and actions. Just as NONE of the claims in the Swifties' "Unfit for Command" have been disproved. Your legal position is sound gentlemen, pay no attention to the foaming threats of the DNC Legal Jihad.

Mr. Kerry has never apologized for his lies, or even acknowledged their consequences:

  • Millions of American soldiers falsely accused and stigmatized for life, their 'honor stolen'.
  • Millions of Southeast Asians executed by North Vietnamese Communists despite Mr. Kerry's assurances that it would be otherwise after American withdrawal.
  • Adding additional misery upon the backs of POWs in the Hanoi Hilton.
  • Encouraging the NVA to fight on after they were soundly defeated, costing an estimated 45,000 additional American lives.
  • Giving our enemies their weapon of choice against us, used to this day to great effect - divide the country until Americans lose their will.

Many Americans, especially younger people, don't understand Senator Kerry's role in America's only military loss in the last century. Unlike the Old Media, you and Sinclair obviously agree that electing a President for America while at war requires a balanced and true accounting of the records of all candidates, especially any other wartime experience, and most especially if that war experience is the candidate's self-professed prima facia evidence of his ability to lead our country during wartime. If there is a better barometer for a man's character, judgement, integrity, and honesty than his own record, I don't know what it is and Americans have a right know if their President can be trusted.

John Kerry and the DNC, aided and abetted by Old Media liars like Rather, Brokaw, Halperin and everyone at the New York Times have tried to pull a fast one on the American electorate during a wartime election. Thank you for standing up to them, and for me.

Harpers Ferry

Adios MF,


Censorship, Lefty-Style

This National Review article, "Little Suppressors", by Jay Nordlinger was recommended to me by my father, accompanied by his personal tales of anti-conservative bias at places like Borders and Barnes&Noble. Unfortunately, the article is still too new to be available in full on the National Review's website, to get the whole thing you must have a subscription and a login. Here's the intro to the article:

I've heard all kinds of stories about being unable to get conservative books at these stores, either by omission (they don't order them) or by commission (they hide the books and/or don't display them). Books by Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Michael Reagan, and in particular "Unfit for Command" by John O'Neill and the Swift Boat Vets are exceedling difficult to find. I've resorted buying my books on-line, preferably direct from the publisher. Even Amazon is uncharacteristically slow in getting UFC to online buyers.

Obviously the nazi-esque elements of the new Democratic Party (might as well change the name to the Socialist Party these days, Zell Miller would agree) are now doing their version of the 1930s German book burning. Aided and abetted by the 'useful idiots' at Borders and Barnes&Nobles, the Kerry machine would only allow us the pro-Democrat lies, anti-Bush diatribes, self-serving whining, and socialist claptrap along the lines of Al Franken, Richard Clarke, Kittie Kelley, and Joe Wilson.

Even though Unfit for Command has been NUMBER ONE on the NYT's own best seller list for months now, the NYT refused to even review it until recently. The review was very slanted of course, but could not avoid the conclusion that reading it would undoubtedly persuade even ardent Kerry supporters that Kerry's Vietnam experience was not even close to what he has billed it to be.

In the Barnes&Nobles I visit, Al Franken's book (some screed about 'lying liars', I forget the title - I suspect it's a very forgettable book) is featured in the most prominent window display by the front door. This book didn't qualify for any best seller list I know of and is almost unknown in the public domain. In contrast, the NYT best selling UFC was stashed in a FICTION section on a back shelf.

My perusing of the blogs on this subject leads me to believe that this is not a peculiarity of a store here or there but a wide-spread activity across the nation.

So Democratic brown shirts are assaulting Republican volunteers, breaking in and vandalizing Rep. campaign buildings, stealing voter roles, engaging in anti-American and libelous/slanderous fake stories (RatherGate), and slanted reporting (ABC's MemoGate). These new 'Democrats' are repetitiously repeating proven falsehoods on national TV, engaged in one-sided reporting of the Iraq war at the expense of our fighting troops' morale - fascism is fascism even if they choose to hide it behind noble phrases like 'getting the vote out' and 'helping the electorate understand that Bush is lying' (the gist of ABC News Director Mark Halperin's policy memo to his reporters). Now Dems and their stooges at our nation's bookstores are suppressing the very freedom of expression and information for which many Americans have suffered and died.

I don't understand how the Dems could have even 10% of the vote, much less 45%. I bet it's like Hugh Hewitt's book title (also not to be found in my B&N): "If it's not close, they can't cheat". It would not surprise me a bit to find out after the election that the DNC, the leftist media, and the various polling companies all conspired to make this election a close race so that Democratic cheating could push them over the edge on election day. If the polls were close before the election, they can get away with double voting, illegal aliens and criminals voting, identity theft of Republican voters, and more.

Adios MF,


Iraqi Progress - Media-Style

Good ol' Zell Miller. He writes an op/ed in The Washington Times that defines the ridiculous media coverage of the Iraq war from the perspective of the battle for Iwo Jima in WWII. Very accurate and powerful, as usual:

Most of the slanted Iraqi media coverage is driven by outfits like Al Jazeera and their US affiliate, The NY Times. The leftist media of CBS, ABS, NBC, CNN, WaPo, LA Times, Boston Globe, BBC, Guardian, etc. paint a picture of consistent and unmitigated coalition failure in Iraq. Just another example of the arrogant, power-hungry, socialist-dominated liars in today's Old Media.

No where, even on Fox although they are not as blatantly negligent, are the positive results of the Iraqi intervention: Women in business, government, and schools, free and fair elections, rebuilt and dramatically enhanced infrastructure in electricity, water, sewage, communications, and transportation, a free press (unlike the US these days - excepting the New Media of talk radio, internet, and cable news shows like Fox, ours is owned by the leftists), elimination of torture and government killings, and on and on. For balanced coverage of the good news in Iraq, try sites like and

Seems like a shame that only on the web can one get both sides of the Iraqi progress.

Adios MF,


UN-potence, Kofi Annan-Style

Going to post a number of articles today that provide fodder for the blogosphere on this day of October 12th, 2004.

Starting with this one, an excellent reflection of my opinion about the UN, and I think most Amreicans':,2933,135101,00.html

The article speaks for itself, and me. This is Kerry's hope for the future of US national security...ha!

Adios MF,


Friday, October 08, 2004

Democrats: The Party of Liars, Liberals, and Louts

Some very revealing items on, in Brit Hume's Political Grapevine. Aside from the overwhelmingly leftist slant of the Old Media of CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, NYT, LAT, Boston Globe, WaPo, there are clearly seriously dangerous fanatics and criminals flocking to party of Hanoi John and Hillary "I'm going to take things away from you for the common good" Clinton:,2933,134851,00.html

Maybe I'm just hopelessly old fashioned about some things, but I cannot believe that Democrats can seriously endorse folks like Michael Moore, Jesse Jackson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, John Edwards, Jaques Chiraq, Kofi Annan, and Dan Rather. Doesn't anyone in this formerly "Party of the Common Man" believe in honesty, integrity, freedom, ethics, and sincerity anymore? How about actions rather than words? I refuse to believe that all those who vote Democratic due to strongly held opinions about compassion for the average American also agree with the bomb throwing, socialist left that now dominates the party.

I'm guessing that a somewhat larger than normal percentage of these 'rational Democrats' will now most likely be voting for the softer, less religion-dominated Republican party. I'm all for it, I've no serious feelings for or against most of the Republican social agenda. I vote security, small government, integrity, and record. In fact if I could find a Democrat with high marks in these areas, I'd vote for him/her. I don't like deficits, large government entitlements, and wimpy border security policies - Bush must do better here.

In my opinion, the modern Democratic party has evolved into the Populist Liars Party of Socialist Elites. The Republicans are not perfect, but at least you don't hear about them removing signs, burning swazticas, threatening lawsuits, shooting weapons, sending fake emails, forging documents, voting multiple times, intimidating and assaulting opponents, and refusing to cover the Iraq war fairly.

I imagine Democrats like Zell Miller, Evan Bayh, and Joe Lieberman are pretty pissed about it. They should be - Billary Clinton, Al Gore, Byrd, and Ted Kennedy have destroyed their party. You want to know why Michael Moore is a Democrat - look no further than the The Fascist Five.

Adios MF,


Thursday, October 07, 2004

Like we care what the EU thinks...

This smells like a Dem plot to's always the cheaters who are most concerned about cheating.

I hope this 'commission' will also take a very close look at Democrats registered in multiple states and sending absentee ballots to vote multiple times. If they don't, you can bet this commission is only there to help defeat Bush.

Like the author of the article, I hope the OSCE also has 100 folks or more in Afghanistan on Saturday, Oct. 9. And then again in Iraq in January.

Adios MF,


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Like we care what the UN thinks...

The UN announces a panel to determine the legality of preemptive attack in the face of threats, or in other words, the Bush Doctrine. So they figured that if Kerry's going to give them power over US sovereignity they better actually come with Hanoi John's 'global test'...

To Kofi 'I'm now rich, so screw you' Annan:

Another wasted effort Kofi. You and your criminal scumbags that betrayed UN principles, the Iraqi people, the US, and the free world with the Oil for Food crimes against humanity must be brought to justice. You want international guidelines for something, first try UN integrity and honesty. This will only be possible with your resignation Mr. Annan. If you truly are innocent and honorable, resign now.

I agree that the UN (or something new, something clean - in the original spirit of the UN) is still needed around the world. But they should stick with their mandate instead of attempting to put their noses into the business of the American citizen - our right to self-defense. Unlike Israel, the US HAS the ability to bring the UN down. This is one citizen who thinks it's time we did.

It wouldn't be very difficult to do better.

Adios MF,


Monday, October 04, 2004

Canadian Commies

I sent another letter to The American Spectator tonight. This one is in response to a Canadian poofter ranting about 'Bush's illiteracy' and American decline. Here's his letter in TAS:, entitles "Quick Study".

Here's my response, entitled "Not so quick of a study":

Regarding Canadian Mr. Phidd's recent letter to The Amerian Spectator in which he insults our president, our country, and our intelligence with the practiced ease of the truly ignorant: A little education is a dangerous thing, and a little (dare I say 'petty'?) education is what you get in today's colleges in Canada, and of course in our own left-wing academia as well. Mr. Phidd should go back and re-read his economics text books for starters, and then he could perhaps discuss economics with this lowly B of S in computer sciences. He has quite a ways to go before he's able to understand MBAs and professional businessmen like President Bush.

Capitalism, not socialism, is what drives economies to healthy success. So it's actually Canada that is dragging the US down, not the reverse Mr. Phidd. Would he and his compatriots care to elect a free-market, limited government Prime Minister (or is it 'Premier' now?) up there sometime, or will Canada continue to freeload off the US in terms of economics, security, and capital market success? Canada is it's own anchor on true economic freedom, and the US is getting tired of dragging it around for the sake of Canada's welfare state.

Not sure where Mr. Phidd is witnessing this supposed decline in America. The DOW is a miracle of US resiliency considering where it came from 10 years ago and what it's had to deal with since then. It appears that Canadian class-warriors such as Mr Phidd are a bit concerned that proponents of democracy, such as those he's calling 'new-cons', are finally breaking the socialist/liberal stranglehold on the truth and direction of the United States. We Americans (and I think most Canadians still want to be included with us in that term) prefer to NOT live in a welfare state, thank you.

Sorry Mr. Phidd is disheartened, but perhaps he should have the courage to face his own educational shortcomings before ranting about illiteracy in America, and, his own nation's growing socialist irrelevancy in world affairs before complaining about US leadership. The US needs partners to help us rid the world of tyrants, theocratic tyrannies, and socialism - not slacking liberal whiners. Canada's economy will be much better off - and not so dependant on the US - if it is NOT run by socialists, not to mention mullahs.

But don't worry Easton, the United States will continue to protect and enrich your country too - we like your beer.

Harpers Ferry, WV