Wednesday, May 09, 2007

DC Victims to be Legally Armed: Democrats Disappointed

Finally some sane rulings on DC's unconstitutional gun ban. The US Fed. Appeals Court reversed the ban in March, and here they deny the 'we didn't like that ruling, let us try again' appeal from the city:

REVERSED MEANS REVERSED! The Mayor, police, and the rest of the liberals are desperate now; they have to stop this before it's enacted and crime rates drop by 70% over the first weekend. Nothing facilitates crime-prevention (not to mention government by and for the people) like a strong public awareness and participation in the good ol' 2nd Amendment. And if you have lower crime, you need less taxes for it and more importantly, there's less work for the lawyers - can't have that!

Gotta love those founding fathers - they knew the govt. would come after our guns over and over. It's just a modern leftist politician's nature, can't be helped when elected government service becomes a life-long career, a personal quest for power. It's of course predominant on the Democrat side, but there are also Republicans on that runaway train too.

I especially loathe Chief Robinson's opportunistic, disgusting use of the Virginia Tech massacre as an argument FOR gun control. VT, like most schools, is a Gun Free Zone, a liberal program that ensures only criminals have guns on campus. In particular, VT is a campus where every student is an adult, and thus clearly guaranteed the right to bear arms. The Gun Free Zone program was one of Cho's tools for murdering those people, every bit as necessary and deadly as his pistols. If only one of those 32 victims had a handgun the rest might have survived.

Chief Robinson should be ashamed of himself. Mayor Fenty is still trying to keep DC victims disarmed, but his last attempt, appealing to the US Supreme Court, is obviously doomed. And, DC's SCOTUS failure could very well lead to the rollback of gun bans everywhere, which would be wonderful news.

Excellent, and thank goodness for Bush's SCOTUS appointments.

Adios MF,
