Friday, February 23, 2007

Finally! Employers Indicted for Employing Illegals!

Of course, it only seems they were indicted because they were also fraudulently collecting government benefits for the illegals. But it's a start:

One down, 1,233,883 to go.

Adios MF,

- Doug

PS: Think I'll look into this company a little further - how much do you want to bet they were HUGE campaign contributors?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Rummy is a MUCH better man than YOU McStain!

John McCain bashes Donald Rumsfeld as the worst DOD secretary ever - my ass. Rummy is one of the best ever DOD Secs; responsible for two of the quickest, least expensive (in terms of money and lives), and most one-sided victories in the history of the United States. That McCain is saying this in S. Carolina, a state with MANY military bases and families, is probably the worst campaign idea I've heard yet:,2933,252822,00.html

Unlike McCain, Rummy is a true American and staunch conservative Republican. McCain hasn't been a conservative, or even a patriotic American, since the early 90's when he joined with Hanoi John Kerry to shut down the Vietnam POW search. I know what Kerry's motivation was for that; his subsequent business deals with Vietnam netted him quite a tidy sum. Any money that Kerry can extort on his own ('Halp Us' Jon doesn't earn money, he extorts it) is that much he doesn't have to beg off the ketchup lady. But I AM curious as to what McCain got out of the deal...

McCain is doing his best to now to run to the right, wooing conservatives is apparently his main focus in life. Suddenly he's a big troop surge advocate, anti-abortion, anti-gay, etc. He's hoping conservatives will just forget about his betrayal on judicial nominations, his anti-free speech campaign finance reform, his support for amnesty for illegal aliens (I don't understand this at all - McCain is a senator from ARIZONA), and his half-assed support for President Bush and our military. McCain's certainly not helping himself in the latter area with this new attack on Rummy. McCain's not fit to shine Rummy's boots.

John, you can dissemble and pontificate all you want, we conservatives KNOW THAT YOU ARE NO CONSERVATIVE. You're a RINO and will NEVER GET OUR VOTE. You might as well just convert to the Democrat party, conservatives don't need any more 'help' from wishy-washy sell-outs like you.


Adios MF,


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Republican Traitors

Below is the list of Republicans that voted with the Democrats in support of the anti-surge, non-binding resolution. UFB how stupid, traitorous, and ignorant many of our elected leaders are, but this vote helps to identify them at least; the so-called Republicans that is. To identify the rest of the ignoramuses, just look for the "D" next to their names.

The US expects more of Republicans than Democrats, everyone knows that congressional Democrats are traitors and self-serving, loathesome creatures. But to see this kind of behavior in Republicans is very disheartening. Obviously, these Republicans have sold out for their own imagined personal gain.

Guess what RINOs? This vote, more than anything else, will see you 'dis-elected' in '08, or '10.

Good riddance to quisling, ball-less liars:

Senate (The Spineless 7):

1 Norm Coleman MN (what a shame, all Norm's good work reforming the UN is now forgotten)
2 Susan Collins ME
3 Chuck Hagel NE
4 Gordon Smith OR
5 Olympia Snowe ME
6 Arlen Specter PA
7 John Warner VA

House of Reps (The Scumbag 17):

1 Michael Castle DE
2 Howard Coble NC
3 Thomas Davis VA
4 John Duncan TN
5 Philip English PA
6 Wayne Gilchrest MD
7 Bob Inglis SC
8 Timothy V. Johnson IL
9 Walter Jones NC
10 Ric Keller FL
11 Mark Steven Kirk IL
12 Steven LaTourette OH
13 Ron Paul TX
14 Thomas Petri WI
15 Jim Ramstad MN
16 Fred Upton MI
17 James Walsh NY

Adios MFs (and I DO mean Adios Mother Fuckers, in this case),


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Not to be outdone, GOP's Inglis: "I surrender too Usama!"

Rep. Inglis just betrayed every military man, every citizen, and especially all those Republicans who voted for him:

Weak-kneed, fair-weather, cowardly GOP 'support' like this for the President, the WOT, our country's security, and our military is WHY we had that traitorous travesty of a vote in the House yesterday. Where in the HELL are the cohones that Rebpublicans used to be famous for? Ronald Reagan is SPINNING in his grave.

Inglis says, "I saw this vote as a vote of conscience, rather than a vote of representation. I consciously tried to disregard the political consequences." Since when does Inglis's conscience outweigh that of his constituents? What he really means is that he's a coward and doesn't have the stomach for tough fights. And/or, Bob Inglis is just a traitorous opportunist and looking for any reason to sell out his countrymen. Inglis might as well convert to the Democrat party and be done with it, he's clearly a Republican in name only.

My own Congressperson, Shelley Moore Capito, voted against the resolution, but then said in her newsletter "I agreed with it, but didn't want it to be used by Dems as a stepping stone to denying funds for our soldiers." I sent her an email asking her why she thinks her constituents want a dishonest, lying representative? I asked her, if she wants to surrender to the terrorists she should just come out and do so by voting her 'conscience'. I also told her, as I mentioned above, it's precisely her kind of mealy-mouthed, fence-sitting cowardice by supposedly GOP members that created the anti-surge resolution, and most of our problems in Iraq.

I further told Ms. Moore, and I'll say the same now to Mr. Inglis, that should Democrats and their traitorous GOP partners on this non-binding resolution have their way and force us out of Iraq, the death spree and further Islamofascist bloodshed that will then ensue will be squarely on their heads.

Just like Vietnam, the gutless politicians are well on their way to selling out American ideals, soldiers, US allies, and freedom for their own personal political gain.

Bob Inglis, you sir are a traitor, to this country, to your constituents, to the GOP, and most importantly to our soldiers. Your betrayal will not be forgotten and we true Americans will do our best to see you and your kind removed from power, forever.

Adios MF,


Friday, February 16, 2007

Pelosi, Hoyer: "We Surrender, Usama!"

I'm so completely disgusted today by Democrat traitors it's hard to not lapse into profanity, but I'll try to keep it clean. Pelosi and Hoyer, and all Democrats (and ESPECIALLY Republicans) who voted for this non-binding travesty - I now feel even freer to question your patriotism (or, if you had ever demonstrated some I would question it):

Pelosi, lying leftie stooge that she is, claims that this is the 'will of the people'?! Says who, moron? Some polls? Todays polls are low on Bush because of the questions they use. Any poll on the Iraq war should include the question: "Are you upset with Bush's handling of the Iraq war BECAUSE HE HASN'T COMMITTED ENOUGH TROOPS AND SET THE ROEs PROPERLY TO KILL EVERY TERRORIST, IRANIAN/SYRIAN AGENT, AND INSURRECTIONIST IRAQI WHO POPS THEIR MURDERING HEAD OUT OF HOLE?" I promise you, this country would quickly get a vastly truer mass opinion than the current agenda-driving stuff media is reporting now.

The other thing that enrages me about this is Pelosi et al claiming that the '06 election was a referendum against the Iraq war, what rubbish! Democrats won elections because they ran on a platform of supporting the WOT, the President, and the Military. Democrats that could demonstrate any patriotism at all won elections. Those that were stridently anti-war lost - can anyone say Ned Lamont? Where does the Speaker and her leftist retards get their facts?

Even worse, Pelosi flagrantly brags about how this non-binding resolution against the troop surge (the surge that is already working great by the way) will lead to additional legislation to deny funding for the war, and the military in general. Then it really WILL be Vietnam all over again, the politicians betraying our soldiers and national ideals in their personal lust for power. Leftist scum of Pelosi's/Hoyer's age reliving their misspent youth. And I DO mean misspent - the 3 million people killed after the US withdrew from Vietnam are on the anti-war crowd's head. History will now place the millions of innocent Iraqis who will die after a US withdrawal, and the millions more emboldened terrorists will then kill, directly on the doorsteps of Pelosi, Hoyer, and all the US traitors who voted for this reprehensible legislation. This non-binding resolution is useful only to terrorists, and only hurts the United States.

The only silver lining in this vote is that the Democrats have done just about everything they need to in order to guarrantee a massive Republican surge in '08, and beyond. The Democrats, very clearly now the Party of Surrender to and Appeasement of Terror, will NEVER see the White House, and will lose all their majorities in the next election.

Pelosi, I spit on you and your traitorous ilk. You're even starting to LOOK like Hanoi Jane...

Adios MF,


Thursday, February 15, 2007

And they wonder why everyone hates the French...

Chirac is a Iranian tool, willing to have his entire country nuked by the mad mullahs:

Interesting that Chirac has no problem with the UN's French troops attacking Israel. I guess Chirac thinks the IDF won't kill the French pussies manning the Lebanese border? Better think again Jacques...

Or could it be that Chirac KNOWS that Hezbollah will kill Frenchies with NO provocation? What's tragicly ironic about the whole Lebanese/Israel/UN border watch thing is that the net effect is to give Hezbollah (Iranian) terrorists an ally against Israel.

Hey Jacques! You maroon, do you think your entire military stands a chance in hell if Israel decides that France (aka Wussistan) must be eliminated? The IDF will kill every French 'soldier' and raze Paris to the ground if 'threatened' by eurotrash in South Germany, er, France. Get real. Do you think the US will defend you against Israel? Bwahahahahahah! Do you think ANYONE will?

I'm a big fan of Gen. Norman Schwartzkopf's take on the French: "Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your accordion."

The elimination of the Surrendering, Cowardly Nation of Betrayal (France) can't happen soon enough in my opinion - Israel can have a colony in what used to be the Islamic Rep. of Fwance. Gives the IDF better access to Iran, and once the Fwench wine industry has been 'kosherized', they might actually start making a profit in Champagne again...

Adios MF,


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Joe Kennedy is a Sell Out Scumbag

But selling out runs in the family, so it's not that big of a surprise. Joe Kennedy's pop sold the US out during WWII (when he could take time away from his other illegal business dealings). Joe Jr. is just following the family tradition by selling out to Fascist Hugo Chavez:,2933,251484,00.html

Joe asks "What are we supposed to do?" I'll tell him: Stop supporting America's enemies! If you'd like to subsidize fuel purchases for the poor, do it from MA's mammoth tax revenues, or from your own considerable wealth. Joe Kennedy is a traitor.

I applaud Rep. Connie Mack for his efforts to get Joe back from Chavez's propaganda team. Keep it up Connie; FDR had to slap down Joe Sr. - you get Junior. Use a bigger stick, and keep after the traitor.

PS: I'm back from my hiatus, more blogging on the way!

Adios MF,
