Thursday, March 31, 2005

One Stuffed Berger to go, please!

UFB! I haven't been able to blog lately, between the new job and the new band I've been pretty busy. But this story caught my eye and PISSED ME OFF. Where in the heck is the public outrage in the liberal media (and even FOX, Washington Times, etc.)! Sandy Berger STEALS secret and top secret government documents, destroys them, and gets off with a wrist slap:,2933,152108,00.html

I can't believe Clinton had the nerve to say that it was a Republican ploy, what a scumbag that man still is. And where is George Bush's new AG on this? Why isn't he launching a full investigation with a special prosecutor? What I see are political machinations to use the Terri Shiavo story to slip through unnoticed this betrayal of public trust and perversion of justice. Just when I thought I couldn't get any more disgusted with our public servants, and the media that bends over for them every time.

How are we ever going to find out what was in those documents? How will we now find out what part of the overall Clinton 911 Commission plot Sandy played? I'm convinced that Sandy Berger was the back door man who would steal/destroy documents and otherwise control what the full 911 Commission saw pertaining to Clinton's administration, as of course Bill's watch bears primary accountability for intelligence negligence prior to the 911 tragedy.

I can't remember the other players names now (I blogged about them both before, feel free to search my archives). But they were the female Dep. AG under Janet Reno, and that lefty lawyer, can't remember his name. The Dep. AG would ensure that the committee didn't press Clinton's CIA, NSA, FBI, and Justice heads, or any of his administration too deeply or lengthily, she was the Defense. She tossed Clinton's boys and girls softballs, and defended Clinton's policies with every breath. Even though she personally was in part directly responsible for the 'wall between criminal and counter-terror intelligence' that contributed to the lack of intelligence problem.

The lefty lawyer was the litigious attack dog, the Offense, going after Bush's gang and attempting to divert attention from Clinton's failures. He never passed an opportunity to ask a 15 minute question, during which he also gave the answers he wanted, an old slimy lawyer trick. My favorite part of those hearings was when Condi repeatedly and plaintively asked him to let her answer his questions.

Consequently, the 911 Commission Report is a nothing but a whitewash and public scam.

Even die-hard democrats have to shudder a bit at what Sandy is likely concealing. I know I do, a lot. Was Sandy hiding evidence of Clinton Admin. collusion with the UN Oil for Food scandal, evidence of Saddam/UBL connections, WMD evidence, etc.? He admitted to destroying the simple 'makes us look bad' documents, but I doubt that's all he stole. The number of events reported by witnesses is far more than just the two or three documents Berger admitted to.

Did 3000 people die because Bergler and Slick Willy were asleep (or screwing and intern) at the switch? Did our country suffer the most vicious terrorist attack in its history because Clinton administration National Security/Justice policy was don't share counter-terror information with the FBI? I happen to already believe the answer is yes to both questions, but I now despair of ever seeing proof. Sigh.

I'm very dissappointed in conservative media for letting this go by unchallenged. Are they that myopic that they can't see the obvious opportunism of the timing of Sandy's misdemeanor announcement?

And while we're on the subject of getting away with crimes and lies, why haven't at least the conservative media found out about the dishonorable discharge in John Kerry's military files?

Adios MF,


Monday, March 14, 2005

Dean's Dodge

VERY interesting that The Screamer wants to hide his gubernatorial records from the public, I wonder why?,2933,150281,00.html

Based upon his track record in Vermont, I would guess that they are full of 'embarrasing moments' as Dean described them. After what the liberal media did to him in order to get another record-hiding northeastern liberal nominated for President by the Demonrat party, I can't say as I blame him too much.

Liberals are always afraid to have their records made public, the facts of their lives and actions are almost always inconvenient to their ideology. The very survival of liberal/socialist ideology depends on the arrogant premise of 'do as I say, not as I do'. With a complicit liberal media, or a state-controlled one in the case of the Soviets, it is possible to maintain this lie for a long time, in the Soviet's case it was about 75 years. In the US, it's been about 40 years. But like all lies, in the end the truth is revealed.

In Asia, that out-ed truth resulted in the demise of the biggest 'union' of countries in the world, the laying low of a monstrous oppressor nation. In the US, the truth is fighting back against the liberal/socialist-controlled major media outlets, with dramatic strides recently. Fox News, the New York Post, and The Washington Times are key forces of truth against the 'man'; CBS, CNN, NBC, ABC, NYT, WaPa, LAT, BoG, etc. Liberal media can run, but they can't hide.

But the real combatants have been ordinary citizens like you and me, blessed with access to the most effective vehicle of truth ever devised - the Internet. Bloggers and surfers have revolutionized the telling of truth to the masses - no longer can liberal/socialist media spoon-feed us their leftist propaganda without fear of exposure, ridicule, and disgrace. Can anyone say Dan Rather? Jordan Eason? I thought you could, thank you web neighbors.

True, objective reporting is probably an impossibility to be fair. But it certainly should still be the preferred goal of journalists rather than the indoctrinated Marxist claptrap that passes for 'enlightened, progressive reporting' these days. It's actually very easy to be objective, it takes more effort to push a leftist (or rightist) agenda in my opinion, so even laziness is no excuse. It's still very possible to be 'the voice of the people' without being 'the People's Voice', if you get my capital letters. We'll keep our laws of your bodies, how about you keep your liberal/socialist corruption off our laws?

Release the papers Howard.

Adios MF,


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Syrian Tapdance

Excellent article in The Washington Times online today about Syrian President Assad's latest Bojangles moment:

Assad is cornered and he knows it, such a sweet moment in history! I bet Israelis are particularly amused about this whole situation. Syrians were supposed to be allied with Lebanese against Israel, and maybe they still are, but Lebanese don't want any part of US wrath against terrorist nations. The Lebanese, like everyone else, know that removing the Syrian army and intelligence apparatus from Lebanon also means removing Hezbollah, Hamas, and the rest of the Bekaa valley scum.

The US is applying just the right kind of pressure on the situation, backed up with our recent history in the region. I get an image of W in an 1800s Texas saloon, two bodies on the floor behind him, pulling his coat back behind the butt of his Colt, a suddenly sober villian in front of him. Sure is nice that US diplomacy once again has teeth.

If Assad thinks he can continue supporting terrorists in Iraq (and Afghanistan, Kashmir, Sudan, Egypt, Uzbeckistan, and of course Lebanon and Israel) he might wake up in a Black Hawk helicopter one night soon. He certainly is making a huge mistake allowing the US an additional excuse for a little Bush Doctrine seminar in Damascus. The 3rd Infantry is all rested up and refitted and busy training, but I bet they could spare a weekend sometime in May if necessary....

Adios MF,


The Liar and the Fool

The Washington Times relays a story in Italy's press today about the ineptitude of Mr. Calipari (aka The Fool) in his exfiltration of Ms. Sgrena (aka The Liar):

I'm the sorry the man was killed, and my sincere condolences to his family. I'm sure there is more to this story, this man could not have actually been that foolish on purpose. And I can't help but suspect that silly old communist Sgrena, this thing smells like a KGB-inspired but horribly executed con job. The only problem I have with what happened is that our soldiers accidentally shot the wrong person, if you catch my drift...>:-P

Just kidding, I don't wish a bullet on anyone. Not that Ms. Sgrena would appreciate that, or return the sentiment. And in return I won't waste anymore bandwidth about her.

Adios MF,


Monday, March 07, 2005

Sgrena - Italian for "Disgusting"

Josh Gibson hits another bulls-eye:,2933,149682,00.html

What most media doesn't report is often plainly discussed on, this is no exception. Sgrena is clearly a 'fellow traveler', and in my opinion Josh doesn't go far enough - Sgrena most likely planned this from the beginning with her terrorist buddies. Josh gives her the benefit of the doubt, but I've always thought she was a willing co-conspirator.

I still can't believe that Berlusconi paid her ransom, unless Italian intelligence agencies are running some kind of game. Berlusconi has been very tough on terrorists and good ally of the US - there's more going on here than a ransom payment, I'd bet on it. I wonder if that 6 million is even now back in Silvio's account, and a bunch of terrorists are being quietly rolled up.

There's nothing more pathetic than an old communist, except maybe one in miserable denial and ethical hell. Sgrena is in both, and oddly enough so are her former 'captors'....coincidence?

Adios MF,
