Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Barking Moonbat of the Month - January 2006

The final votes are in for the month of January, 2006 (of course all the votes are made by me, so it was easy to count)!

Al Gore almost stole the show with his anti-Bush tirade a week ago, Unhinged Al gets an honorable mention in this month's Barking Moonbat of the Month competition. Having Al accuse the President of 'knowingly, willingly, repeatedly' breaking the law would have been enough to take the prize if Gore wasn't such a pathetic loser. It's hard to give someone our prestigious award when the only justification for it is such a transparent cry for attention. Someone needs to hug the ex-VP quick - Tipper must be having an affair.

Our actual award winner this month worked HARD for the honor, even to the point of willful stupidity in "misinterpreting" the Concerned Alumni of Princeton satire piece into a racist rant. His accusations against an honorable 15-year judicial veteran of the US 3rd Circuit Court and legal scholar were mean-spirited, vicious, insensitive, and repugnant. Add to this our winner's befuddled, alchohol-ravaged, meandering and pointless delivery, and the award committee was overwhelmed.

The Sanity Anyone? Barking Moonbat of the Month award for this month goes to:

Ted Kennedy!

This month's award was really a no-brainer after Kennedy's performance in the Alito hearings - Kennedy is certfiable AND a major-league hypocrite. I laughed long and hard at his subsequent attempt to quietly withdraw from a male-only club of which he's been a member for 40 years. Kennedy's questions at the hearing were not only vicious smears and liberal propaganda, they were outright lies and personal attacks. This from the man of Chappaquidick infamy.

Kennedy needs to be medically retired, I can't believe the people of Massastan keep electing this numbskull.

Adios MF,


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Iraqis Optimistic, Democrats Are Deeply Saddened

I found a link to a Washington Times on-line article by UPI, regarding an international poll about national confidence. Afghans and Iraqis are most confident about their future among all nations polled, including the US, Europe, and Canada:

I couldn't find this anywhere on the usual liberal media sites, no surprise. I'm sure you will hear no Democrats mentioning this until they have to get re-elected - then suddenly they'll have been pro-military all along. They'll point to this success and be very proud of the vote to give W the authority to act in Afghanistan and Iraq. Gone will be any mention of Bush-Lied, No Al Queda/Saddam connection, Blood for Oil, NSA spying, Niger Yellowcake, Plame/Wilson, casualties, bad soldier morale, no progress, no training, lawlessness, and on and on.

The success of Bush's foreign policy glares around the world, and nay-saying Democrats, through their arrogant propaganda organs in the leftist media will now suddenly change their stripes.

Bush's recent performance in his public appearances is also seriously marginalizing the moonbats. His confident, forthright, easy demeanor wins many over with every folksy quip or grin. It's great to hear him, and ordinary folks reaction to him.

I loved the Iraqi/Kurd woman's plug for him and slam at the anti-war left during his Kansas State University appearance - fantastic! I'd link to a video of it, but I can't find it anymore on major sites. She managed to work in thanks for the President, a 'shut up' to his anti-war detractors, the fact that she lost 10 family members to Saddam's regime (and retrieving their bones out of mass graves), a big plug for Iraq's recent successful election, that two women in her family were now elected representatives, and that she spoke for Sunni, Kurd, and Christian members of her family. We need to hear a lot more of this.

But you won't. Democrats have their anti-Bush playbook and they're following it step by step. The playbook requires defeat in Iraq, terrorist attacks within the US and around the world, a weak economy, open borders, high crime, and strong enemies. It's methods include treason, betrayal, backstabbing, character assasination, smears, lies, and one-sided journalism. This is the DNC/Kennedy/Kerry/Gore/Moore/Soros wing, who by the way have the biggest man-purses.

But the Democratic playbook weakness is that it doesn't count on political whores like the Clintons. With Hillary moving right as fast as she can, look for fireworks with her honest liberal friends, supporters, and peers. She'll attempt the same "I'm a moderate by gosh, honestly!" approach that served her serial-philandering husband so well. It will be interesting to see which side the media takes in that fight - a greedy, self-interested hop into the Clinton sheets (as they always have), or the supposedly cleaner sheets of their liberal overlords?

In the end, she'll be the only seemingly electable Democrat in 2008. There will be an epic showdown in the DNC, and she'll get the cash. The liberals will be trapped with another liberal candidate who has to continue her moderate facade in a national election, a female Kerry. Add to that the extremely Republican-energizing quality of another Clinton candicacy (in particular Hitlery Rotten Klintoon herself), and the Democrats would get more votes running the dead body of Jimmah Cahtah for President of the United States in 2008.

Oh wait, he's still alive? Okay, Hillary would get more votes than a LIVE Jimmah, but no one else.

Adios MF,


Monday, January 16, 2006

RINO McCain: Leave My Free Speech Alone!

In a typical slimy political move, RINO (Republican In Name Only) McCain tries to pull a fast one. The Abramoff issue being discussed is Senatorial and Congressional BRIBE-TAKING.

But McCain once again attempts to smother free political speech in every form except for politicians and major media through his McCain/Feingold farce, leveling outrageous charges against the Federal Election Commission:

McCain sees the danger of average citizens keeping a close eye on their elected representatives through the freedom of the Internet and other alternative media. US citizens are clearly fed up with a lying, manipulated legacy media in CBS, NBC, ABC, NYT, WAPO, CNN, etc. - politicians have mastered the art of the sound byte. An alternative media that provides the REST of the story is anathema to a shady politician. And to a liberal media, for that matter.

I really regret that John McCain has fallen so far from his heroic past, it's a shame that today's military don't support him any more either. But his actions as an Arizona Senator have betrayed the very ideals our military protects. His 1991 betrayal of Vietnam POWs and MIAs and their families, in cahoots with another Vietnam 'hero', John Kerry, by killing US government efforts at recovery before we found our lost soldiers was just the start of McCain's slide into political whoring. His supposed 'campaign finance reform' is a joke, a shallow deception to consolidate electoral power in the hands of politicians and the major media.

Any mention of the Swift Boat Vets in a negative way gets my blood boiling as well. The article talks about the damage done to Hanoi John Kerry's presidential campaign by the Swifties, when in fact Kerry himself did the damage long ago by shamelessly lying about his military service. The article makes it seem like the Swifties did a bad thing, especially if you consider that is also a 527. I'll put up with MoveOn if I have to, but they have to deal with groups like the Swift Vets too.

Kerry was a consumate liar, almost on par with the master Bill Clinton; but the Swift Vets came forward with the truth. The Swifties did an incredible service for their country once again, in the face of a hostile media and political climate, AGAIN, and with no regard for personal gain or loss, AGAIN. My hat is ever off to them, they buy no beer in my presence - forever. I cannot imagine 9/11 and a subsequent War on Terror under a Kerry presidency...we'd all be lining up to convert to Islam by now.

Only towards the end does McCain begin to address the problem, if only obliquely, with his 'earmarks' babble. "Duh, there's a built in problem with lobbyists having any access to legislators to address legislation specific to their clients." As solutions go, I guess regulated lobbyists and some good old fashioned INTEGRITY on the part of our elected officials is out of the question, according to McCain - need to do away with the earmarks.

So don't pass any laws, make any decisions John?

Or, maybe dump them all in a bill but don't tell anyone?

We all see your plan John: Make a big fuss without saying anything substantial. Change the names and methods of the way legislators are bought, put together a fancy sounding bill just like your 'Campaign Finance Fascism'. Shut down blog sites that might tell your constituents the truth about who you sell yourself to, and why. The legacy media will back you because it puts some teeth back in their liberal yaps.

Not on my watch RINO. We netizens will find a way around any bogus muzzle you put on our contitutional right to flame your corrupt, lying, power-mad ass in 'public' when you deserve it. Count on it.

Never forget: Despite what you and your homies in DC think, you ALL STILL WORK FOR US. Don't make us prove it to you again, our foreign enemies would take advantage of another American Revolution.

Adios MF,


Friday, January 13, 2006

Rafaello Pantucci - So Confused

I read The Washington Times editorial by Mr. (I think he's a guy, although he doesn't display in his writing any testosterone whatsoever, just the opposite) Pantucci and couldn't help but think: Here's a man who doesn't understand the world we live in:

Europe is a socialist quagmire of stagnant economies, increasing Muslim demographics and fundamentalism, under the gun from an Iranian madman - and helpless to react with anything but moral equivalence platitudes. There have been two major, 9/11-style attacks by Muslim fundamentalists in Europe and Iran is about to have ballistic nuclear weapons, but Pantucci is arguing that Europeans won't support 'security at any cost', as if the US is taking pages out of the old Stalin or Mussolini models.

Pantucci , probably unwittingly, clearly represents the reasons for the slide into irrevalence of old Europe, as well as the reasons that Europe is such a ripe target for radical Islam. A socialist mindset combined with moral equivalence is a ticket to power for any group with balls, no scruples, and a willingness to get nasty. If Hitler was alive today, and if NATO wasn't around, Adolf could take the entire continent with one troop of Munich-area girl scouts.

Today Angela Merkel, Germany's new Chancellor, is in the US whining about Guantanomo Bay and secret prison camps after her government just freed a terrorist who brutally killed an American serviceman. The UK's parliament is rebelling against deportation for terrorist-supporting Imams, France is acquiescing to radical Muslim economic blackmail, and Spain - Spain is already the first Dhimmi-nation in the new Islamic Caliphate. All around the world, and especially in the US and Australia, Spaniards are running neck-and-neck with Frenchmen as the world's foremost girlie-men.

And Pantucci says that not only is the US wrong for standing up for western civilization, but that we should join the pantywaists of old Europe in their Dhimmitude. Silly Raffaelo, don't worry your pretty little head about it - we'll continue to protect the free, civilized world BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. We'll use whatever means is most effective in limiting risk to Americans and our soldiers, and not care a bit about the rights of proven terrorists and murderers.

Enjoy your last few years of freedom Europe, we won't be coming to save you this time - not unless you prove that you're willing to save yourselves. We don't waste our blood for fools and pussies.

Adios MF,


Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Barry Robbed by "Local Youth"

Which of course is code for his drug dealer. The Washington Times online has a story with former DC Mayor for Life Marion Barry's version of the events:

I've got a 'translated' version of events for those of you who are not familiar with Barry BS like we locals.
  1. Barry uses 'grocery carrying, odd jobs' as a cover for visits by the local drug dealers. Barry even admits that he's tight with them. "The bitch set me up" is a phrase that rings true for drug dealers too, not just crack smokers like Barry.
  2. Barry obtains some weed/crack/blow/whatever from the local hoods, flashing a bit more money than he should.
  3. Drug dealers then retire to the car, counting the total from all sales. Due to their own high usage, they're short for the next bulk purchase. Dealer A remembers the Barry wad.
  4. Drug dealers return, rob Barry of money and drugs knowing he can't complain about the robbery for fear of the drugs coming up.
  5. Barry knows he has to report this or he'll be a regular target in the hood. His "I don't want them prosecuted" is an olive branch to keep from getting shot.
  6. Once they're caught, he'll stand up for LAW and ORDER, denying any drug accusations as a cheap tactic of the 'real' criminals.
Everything else in the Times article is window dressing. In DC's illegal drug business, Barry was a well-known customer, and yes 'hero' to them, for decades. That's why when they robbed him it "hurt him".

It's a CLEAR and amusing flashback to the heady 90s when the Mayor for Life (MFL) regularly used the DC police to clean up his messes, get hookers, get drugs, and squelch competition in favor of HIS drug dealers. The MFL was MFL.Inc! The money was pouring in from his crooked friends, the avelanche of prosecutions and jail sentences to come was only just being hinted. The DC Council and Fed. Govt. couldn't even get him on the phone, except by bugging his crack smoking trysts with his blackmailing girlfriends.

He's attempting to use the DC Police again as a council member, but for what I guess is a similar reason. I hope the robbers don't take it personally...Barry's a home boy, but he did call The Man...

Why do I hear that Mod Squad theme song?

Adios MF,
