Monday, February 28, 2005

Bin Laden Urges Zarqawi to Attack the US

Bin Laden: Hmm, that Iraq thing didn't work out any better for us than Afghanistan, dammit. I know, let's hit them in America where their soldiers aren't! If we keep killing them they're bound to see it our way eventually!,2933,148999,00.html

Bring it on, scumbags.

Why should soldiers get to have all the pleasure of killing you tyrants?

Adios MF (and I DO mean ADIOS, and I DO mean MF),


Iraqi Policemen - Heroes

My sincere and heartfelt condolences go out today to members of the families of those killed in today's massive homocide bombing in Baghdad. The depseration of the attackers grows more evident every day, but that is little consolation to the loved ones of the lost.,2933,148919,00.html

Kill all terrorists everywhere, without mercy. The world is through talking, or should be, liberals notwithstanding.

Adios MF,


CDC: Faux Science

Very revealing article in today's Wasington Times regarding the CDC latest obesity 'study':

CDC isn't immune to the modern scientist's disease: Scientific conclusions should serve the over-riding modern scientific priority - they should generate an avenue for more research money or at least serve a political agenda that might also generate more money for these 'scientists'.

HHS, Dep. of Ag., US Forestry Service, CDC, NIH, FDA, EPA, and the plethora of 'private' scientists no longer give a crap about the search for scientific truth, it's all about the money and truth be damned if it is counter to the money channel. Newspapers over the last 20 years are FULL of stories of scientific fraud, slanted methodologies, political agendas, and one-sided 'truths'. Funny how almost ALL of these stories serve the liberal/Democrat agenda...

The researcher lies, fraud, and circus of methodoligical scams have recently found a new poster child, obesity. An issue that Democrat lawyers and big-government fans are trying hard to turn into a mandate for government run healthcare and a lucrative channel for class-action lawsuits. Nanny-state fans LOVE this issue, the fact that consumer choice is the cause, not fast food restaurants, is conveniently dismissed as 'big-business propaganda'.

But the scientific issues being corrupted by faux scientists are everywhere: Global warming is their king right now. The GW crowd would love to see properous, productive nations hamstrung by Kyoto and even more ridiculously anti-business laws and regulations. It has nothing to do with pollution or long-term planetary health - GW scammers know the science is WAY against them on that score. GW is a transparent grab for research dollars and a socialistic world order. GW gets traction because the entire world would like to see the US economic machine stunted and misfiring under a travesty like Kyoto, more opportunity for them to take the US's markets.

Some other issues that have seen widespread scientific fraud over the last 20 years, including some going on even today are: ALAR (on apples - EPA fraud), Endangered Species (Forestry Service, EPA fraud), DDT (EPA fraud), Bio-Engineered foods (privately-funded and Dept./Ag. scientific fraud), Breast Implants (FDA and privately funded fraud), and on and on.

I don't even mention the fraud and mismanagement going on in the drug industry - why would we have 6 different new medications (most of them unsafe but pushed through the regulatory channels through fraud and incompetence on FDA's fault) for fighting depression but no cure for cancer, AIDS, Herpes, etc? A myriad of new drugs for combating obesity, coincidentally coming to the market during this latest anti-obesity campaign, but no cure for even a common cold? Could it be that treating (but NOT curing) these diseases is too profitable for the drug companies and doctors involved? Where does the BILLIONS in funding and donations for these cures go?

How much do you want to bet that the donation you made to the American Cancer Society, once they get finished skimming 70% of it for 'administrative costs', goes right into Merck's anti-depressant, or hair regrowth research projects?

I'd like to see legislation that enforces the idea that money allocated for specific cures goes to those cures without fail, and that cures/solutions to these terrible diseases are not suppressed, side-tracked, or priortized lower. Laws that enforce tracking/accountability of research money will in turn force drug companies, government agencies, and private researchers to address the issues that Americans want addressed, rather than whatever happens to be deemed most profitable or self-serving at the time for those with a vested interest in their 'faux findings'.

Scientists who refuse to have their work scrutinized by their peers, or who insist that their conclusions should stand in the face of evidence of scientific fraud or poor methodologies are not scientists, they are fund raisers.

Adios MF,


Friday, February 25, 2005

Slovokia's Dzurinda Blasts Media for Bias

Ha! Not all of Europe is in love with the French/German/Belgian liberal/socialist agenda. Unlike western Europe, eastern Europe remembers well that whole tyranny thing:

So refreshing to hear someone outside of conservative US, British, or Australian circles actually 'getting it', much more so that it's the Prime Minister of Slovokia, Mr. Dzurinda. In your face Jacques! And you BBC, Guardian, Shroeder, Putin, Kennedy, CBS, and the whole liberal circus!

We Americans hear you Mikulas, we're pretty PO-ed about the whole thing too. Lucky (in a manner of speaking) for you you have direct experience with the liberal/socialist/communist 'worker paradise' utopia. Slovaks are not as easily conned as are soft, neurotic, over-nannied, rich liberals (aka US Democrats). US academia and media was long ago seduced by this con, and typical of those who live apart from reality, can't face its demise - ever. It's a long, hard struggle to eliminate liberal/socialist ignorance once it gets a foothold, short of a 50-year occupation by an aggressive neighboring socialist country of course.

So much more interesting that I didn't hear A WORD about this in the liberal press. Believe me, I searched very diligently on CBS, WaPo, CNN, NYT, and the LAT websites - not a murmur. What's that matter Mr. Moonves? Don't like a national leader half-way around the world describing the warts on the ass you have hanging out?

Nothing succeeds like success, eh boys and girls? All the embittered liberals in the world cannot hide the fact that the US under George W. Bush is succeeding in bringing freedom, liberty, and democracy to 50 million people who have never known it. Like Reagan, all it takes is the courage of his convictions and a thick skin. Now some national leaders are beginning to realize how slow they've been on the uptake - the average man and woman in the world DOES want democracy and will do much, risk everything to have it. Kudos to PM Dzurinda for being steadfast and outspoken in his support for the US and Iraqi freedom.

Shame on Jacques, Gerhardt, Hollyweird, Michael Moore, and all the liberal idiots who believe that one can reason with secular tyranny and religious fanaticism. I'd like to grab every liberal media reporter by the neck and rub their face all over an Iraqi woman's voting ballot. I'd like to slap every anti-war protester, twice, for every death of an American soldier (and for every death of innocent Iraqis, foreigners) since the end of major hostilities in Iraq. If not for their divisive, arrogant, ignorant, hateful, self-absorped, anti-Bush, terrorist-encouraging mania many lives could have been saved on the journey to Afghan and Iraqi freedom.

I'd like to think that the more thoughful, intelligent liberals may have a change of heart now, but I'm not hopeful. That's a pretty tall order for most liberals - there's not much room in a liberal's heart for rationality what with all the passion for the right of foreign terrorist murders to have the same legal standing as the US men, women, and children they would kill.

Wake up and smell the finger ink you leftist nimrods!!!

Adios MF,


Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - Cyber Whore

Getting pretty sick of's dizzying array of on-line advertisements, pop-ups, animated and audio-enabled ad-graphics, etc. I sent this to and I encourage everyone to do the same:

I’m a loyal reader of, I blog about articles on your site every week. But I’ll be posting this letter on my blog today:

I may start looking elsewhere for my on-line news if you continue to clog your website with advertisements. I’m sick of having to hunt through the visual (and now aural) ad assault for actual news items. I long ago had to purchase and install a pop-up blocking program due to your site’s (and in fairness, other sites as well) insistence on jamming every useless ad possible into my reading experience. I understand folks need to make money, but I’m sure Fox is not hurting and could do without the trashy website ad channels. I don’t know about others, but I have NEVER responded to any ads on your site, and never will.

Your latest ‘swat the fly’ ad is not only visually annoying, it’s stepped over the line to aurally annoying with the constant ‘fly buzzing’. Do you actually think this ad will win you fans?!!! Are you TRYING to send readers to

I will not visit your site any more today until that ad is gone. I will visit less and less until you stop turning your site into a cyber-whore.

Adios MF,


Friday, February 18, 2005

Protester's Just Deserts

Ha! These protesters (click the link, and read the story entitled "Mission Impossible") got exactly what they deserved:,2933,148013,00.html

The traders kicked their butts! And rightly so, the traders' livelyhood and that of their families was at stake. What's really funny is the protester's comment about the traders 'not wanting to listen to their point of view". Bwahahahahahaha! Whew! Talk about a loose grip on reality.

If the protesters ever had a real job they'd probably understand. Folks will listen to their point of veiw once, but if it's BS then repeated attempts, screaming, yelling, disruptions at work, and law breaking will not help, and in fact will likely get your ass beat and sent to jail, as in this case. It really is pathetic when protesters fail to realize the free speech does not include forcing people to listen to you. Liberals never understand (because they only hang out with other liberals) that most people have to work for a living and don't have time for ignorance and idiocy.

Way to go Traders!!! Hope to see more of this kind of push back against the tyrannical left.

Adios MF,


Kyoto Accord: Economic Suicide

Excellent article today on regarding the Kyoto Global Warming Accord. The worldwide global warming scam is still in high gear, but ultimately it will be exposed for the tripe it is:,2933,147995,00.html

The thing that pisses me off the most about the global warming nuts is their ability to duck and weave around issues like climate history, the fact that fossil fuels will be completely expended long before any major climate changes might occur, and the fact that their 'evidence' for the 'climate crisis' is not only dubious, but more likely patently false. So called 'global warming scientists' use fraudulent and/or unscientific methods to create the impression of a crisis, but then run and hide when any scrutiny is directed at them.

The 'global warming' crowd has long since been co-opted by the liberal/socialists as a means to transfer wealth from rich, productive countries to poor, backwater hell-holes of socialism. The whole 'pollution credit exchange' issue is a transparent grab for money and economic blackmail material if I ever saw one. In addition, the controls laid out in the Kyoto agreement give oversight to the UN, a new cash cow for them to replace the Oil for Food scam. The UN knows full well that any enforcement they wish to do will be laughed at by member (of Kyoto) countries, but they'll still be able to get kickbacks and bribes in exchange for help with the media attacks against non-member countries, in particular the US. Same strategy, different tool.

The environmentalists (operative syllables - 'men-tal') only have a platform to spout their global warming nonsense in wealthy countries. Poorer countries are all for it because Kyoto will in effect transfer wealth to them. Kyoto would destroy the US economy in short order and place expenses on developing nations that delay or render impossible their own economic success.

Should those wealthy countries get a knock on the head and somehow sign on to the Kyoto Economic Suicide Pact, it won't be long until the money extorted from governments for 'environmental research' dries up. Global warmers remind me of the ant telling the elephant "I'll be gentle". But Kyoto would give that ant a brontasaurus-sized strap-on. I'm happy to tell the idiots to get real jobs and leave the poor elephant alone - her droppings alone can feed your entire colony.

Down with Kyoto - thanks W for standing up to the scumbags.

Adios MF,


Monday, February 14, 2005

Affirmative Action: Unfair AND Ineffective

A brief article about a recent study (from UCLA Law Professor Rick Sander no less - not a school noted for conservatism) concluding that affirmative action programs in top law schools are not working:,2933,147493,00.html

I've always felt that affirmative action programs were unfair, you can't fairly resolve perceived organizational racism by practicing more of the same from the other side. Critics of Mr. Sander's study like Chris Darden say, in essence, that it's still better to deny deserving and capable enrollees in favor of racially-selected candidates that are less qualified. "Some may struggle initially, but eventually succeed", Mr. Dardin says. But the study says even those who do make it through law school don't pass the bar their first time by a comparative margin of 4-1 against white students.

I don't understand how it is better for a law school to give precedence for admission based upon racial background, when those students drop out or fail the bar at a much higher rate. How is that in the school's, the student's, or even the law industry's best interest? It seems to me that it's in everyone's interest that the school accept students who AREN'T likely to drop out; only those with the highest marks and drive. Mr. Dardin only offers the idea that 'those who succeed may end up on the Supreme Court someday", a clear emotional appeal to the professional race baiters among us. How much do you want to bet that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will be weighing in on this shortly?

Mr. Dardin would have law schools continue to deny more academically worthy applicants on the basis of race, even at such an enormous cost to all involved. That of course is aside from the basic unfairness of affirmative action 'race quotas' in general. Many will argue that affirmative action isn't about race quotas, but that IS the net effect.

Judiciaries across the land have ruled against affirmative action, calling it unconstitutional and in violation of civil rights. Only where the judiciary is corrupted by liberal activism does affirmative action continue to receive support, such as in Michigan recently. Liberal congressional and judicial activists have to gerrymander affirmative action cases in order that they get the 'correct' judge to have any hope of succeeding.

Admission to any college, law school, university, institute, etc. must be based upon true admission criteria: academic excellence, extra curricular activities, drive, etc. and never race. It's even unfair to the racially preferred to select them simply because of the color of their skin. Affirmative action is a law that chooses to promote mediocrity rather than fix the real problem - the fact that many minority students are not prepared for top schools.

My own son was one of those who wasn't prepared for a top-notch college and dropped out, and he's white - preparedness is not just a problem for minority students. But I wouldn't want his college to simply lower their standards so that my son could succeed there, this is my son's problem - not necessarily theirs. He's admitted he didn't work hard enough. I do think colleges could do more to help borderline students if maybe they spent less on things like "Gender Role Impacts in Art History" and payments to speakers like Ward Churchill and Louis Farrakhan, but my son's school in particular didn't do too many of those things.

The bottom line is if the student can't or won't hack it, they shouldn't be there. College's must measure a student's chance for successful graduation based upon standard academic criteria at application. They should admit only those who have the highest marks and best drive. Race or tuition shortage should have no role in the decision.

Adios MF,


Thursday, February 10, 2005

Lantos Defends Kofi - Liberals Love the UN

Quite interesting to see Cong. Lantos spinning like a top in defense of Kofi Annan and the UN:,2933,147023,00.html

I wonder if foreign-born Lantos remembers this kind of corruption from the old country, and is therefore unimpressed? His comment about the UN reflecting the state of the world is disingenuous at best - the UN hasn't reflected any part of the US or pro-American thought in the world in some time. You could better say the UN today is reflective of the enemies of freedom, individual human rights, liberty, democracy, and especially the enemies of the US.

Liberals will always support the UN, in all its corruption, anti-US bias, and ineffectiveness. The liberal goal of world socialism and a global welfare state is dealt a severe blow every time the UN proves its worthlessness, but there's nothing else in a better position to destroy America. Ain't gonna happen though! As always, liberals, socialists, and criminals (aka, the UN) can't survive the light of truth.

It's too late, Oil for Food was simply too greedy and heartless - the UN will not survive it intact. The myriad other scandals will just be icing on the cake.

Adios MF,


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Dean for DNC Chair - Please!

Woooohoooo! I must remember to thank the DNC for ensuring the ascendancy of conservatives (via the Republican party) for the forseeable future. Dean as DNC chair will further alienate main-street America and strengthen the image of Democrats as exclusively liberals and socialists:,2933,146629,00.html

I would love to have a moderate Democratic Party in which to effectively compete with the Republicans. George Bush is certainly not perfect and engaged in several initiatives (or perilously unengaged in several) at the expressed displeasure of the majority of his party. He knows that conservatives have no other place to go because of Democrat liberal lunacy. Unless there is a viable alternative to Republicans, issues like border security won't get the attention they deserve from W.

But I also love to see the liberals throwing gasoline on the fire - adding more coal to their freight train to obscurity - you can't buy entertainment like that. The fact that Democrats don't see the mistake in this is priceless, a clear myopia on their part. If there is anyone who will hasten the remaining moderates in the Democratic party on their way to the Republicans, it's The Screamer! "Hmmm, a liberal New Englander for DNC Chair? Of course, what a great idea! Liberal northeasterners are just the ticket to win over moderate America! Fifty years of failure means nothing!!!"

Good thing liberals are so detached from reality.

Adios MF,


Thursday, February 03, 2005

UN: It's Benon Sevan's Fault!

Fox's article about the UN's first report on it's Oil for Food fiasco is a good indicator of where the UN internal investigation under Paul Volcker will go:,2933,146320,00.html

The UN will throw Sevan to the wolves in order to protect the rest of the criminals, which is just about everyone else in that organization. A lousy 1 million dollars in oil voucher that Sevan is alleged to have received is NOTHING, let's hear about how OFF money financed terrorists, or about how France and Germany sold every weapon they have (and including some WMD-producing equipment) to Saddam for OFF money. Let's hear about how OFF money bought UN Security Council votes against the US, positive press for Iraq, and financed HUGE off-shore accounts for UN, Iraqi, and associate French, German, Chinese, and Russian government officials.

In my opinion, there is no recovering from the Oil for Food scandal for the UN. I can't think of any more deceitful, under-handed, heartless, soul-less, reprehensible, arrogant, cynical, self-serving, disgusting, dangerous, evil, and nasty thing that could be done to the Iraqis, and the world in general. The UN as we know it is FINISHED.

US out of UN, UN out of US!

Adios MF,


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Eliot Spitzer - Wussie

Neil Cavuto takes Mr. Spitzer to task over Eliot ducking FOX News in his public appearances/press conferences:,2933,146074,00.html

Whoa! Neil tears Eliot Spitzer a new one.

I have mixed feelings about Mr. Spitzer - while I admire his zeal in going after corporate criminals, I've often been disturbed by his partisan leftist leanings. Unfortunately, his overwhelmingly liberal rhetoric clouds his achievements in the courtroom - has he looked the other way at corporate criminals who support leftist causes or politicians, or promise to support Eliot himself in his run for NY Governer? Is his zeal against corporate crime a mask for liberal/socialist class warfare? Also, why is it that corporate criminals he prosecutes don't go to jail, they just pay fines whereas regular criminals get heavy jail time?

Personally, I think that Eliot ducks FOX because he doesn't want to have to answer those questions.

Mr. Spitzer's pompous, faux-righteousness about Republicans using the 911 attack in political ads during the 2004 Presidential Election also soured me on the man. It revealed his contamination with liberal 'selective free-speech' disease. As a State AG (much less NY Governer), I can't imagine a worse disease to have. I also seem to remember that this disease manifested itself in Eliot last fall when Sinclair Broadcasting attempted to air Stolen Honor before the election. I remember comments by him suggesting lawsuits against Sinclair and Stolen Honor producers, and NY affiliates who would broadcast it. But not one word against the Farenheit 911, cBS's MemoGate, NBCMilDraftGate, and ABCProDemocratPolicyGate scandals...

I also have to wonder why Mr. Sptizer isn't making a huge hay about the UN Oil for Food scandal, and UN scandals in general. Being that the UN is in New York city, I would think that Eliot could go after them for SOMETHING, or at least constantly encourage the Fed. to do so. Oil for Food is the biggest corporate corruption scandal in the world, ever. But Eliot seems to be very quiet about the UN. Hmmmm.

Then of course there's his constant Bush-bashing and support for same-sex marraiges. Not that I care much about either - regarding the former, Bush doesn't care so why should I? As for the latter, I only start to care when an activist judge attempts to overule the will of the majority, or when insurance companies want to raise my rates in order to provide coverage to same-sex couples at 'family' rates. While Mr. Spitzer's perfectly within his rights to do and support both of those things, I think it shows poor judgement to do so while in the post of NY AG. In how many New Yorkers has he engendered mistrust for NY's judicial system due to expressing his leftist opinions publicly while in his capacity of AG?

Glad to see that FOX refuses to give him a free ride in the press. Wish other networks had such integrity when it comes to liberals and Democrats.

Adios MF,


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Congratulations Iraqis!

You've won the admiration of the world for your bravery and determination to have democracy in your country, even at risk to your lives and those of your children.


Now to finally root out the terrorist scum there once and for all. Take your revenge for their murder of your innocents, I don't blame you a bit.

Enjoy your celebrations, you've earned it.

Adios My Friends,
