Saturday, June 23, 2007

So someone is listening after all?

There's a good article today from Steve Dinan (an excellent reporter who's coverage of the illegal invasion has been key in the fight to stop it) in the Washington Times online:

Bloggers and talk radio are making an impact, but I think the article fails to include another key facet of the resistance to the latest amnesty legislation: NO ONE IN THIS COUNTRY, INCLUDING RECENT LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, WANTS THIS LEGISLATION. Except of course for vote-pandering politicians and their slave-labor corporate campaign supporters.

What's especially interesting in this case is that for once leftist media finds itself on the side of George Bush. George, that ought to tell you something about your ridiculously corrupt position on the illegal alien issue. Leftist media's agenda for the destruction of democratic, free-market capitalism is better served when there are no sovereign borders. Someone on the President's staff should have spent more time educating him about that.

The media knows that open borders will lead to the massive redistribution of wealth that is key to socialism. What's conveniently left out of all pro-amnesty comments from politicians and media is the fact that we conservatives are pro-immigrant, NOT PRO-ILLEGAL. We welcome all legal immigrants to the US, provided they adopt our laws and culture as their own, or at least our laws. Leftists and the President are doing their best to spin us as racist, ignorant, anti-immigrant, etc, but the average person on the street sees right through that. A contributing factor to the comment above about how no one wants the new amnesty legislation.

Open borders are not conservative, patriotic, or in our economic interest no matter how hard Democrats and media spin it. I guess I have to include the President and some Republicans in that group-spin, sadly.

Defeat this legislation once and for all! Keep it up bloggers and talk radio!

Politicians: Enforce our borders by funding and mandating existing law! End birthright citizenship! Punish illegal alien employers! Build a border fence and stop at least 95% of illegal traffic - then we'll talk about the criminals already in our country.

Adios MF,


Sunday, June 17, 2007

It's Official: I love Ann Coulter!

It's been a long-running, passionate, and completely unrequited whirlwind romance (Ann I would have told you about it, but you're a pretty busy chick). However, I can contain the feeling no more; Ann Coulter, I love you. (In every non-ligitory, lawful, un-creepy, and please-don't-have-me-arrested sense of the word, of course.)

There's a million reasons why, but here's the latest one:

Ann's latest web-column, "No Drug Smuggler Left Behind":

All kidding aside, Ms. Coulter scores big with another literary ass-whuppin' - my honey's rhetoric is as funny and deadly accurate as always. Our elected leader's conduct on illegal immigration is a disgusting, and even traitorous abdication of federal government responsibility. Ann has a unique way of driving home that point so forcefully that it goes all the way through, reverses direction, and pirouettes enough to make any skater green with jealousy.

Much as I love her, Ann would have to let me win an argument every now and then or I'll, I'll, ...just continue losing them. :>D But I bet I can still open pickle jars that she can't!

Nice work and keep 'em comin' baby. XOXOXO!

Adios M(y) F(riend),


Friday, June 15, 2007

UN's Melkert: "Did not! Did not did not did not!!

"And you can't prove that the UN is supporting yet another psychotic fascist's nuclear ambitions with the money you gave us to fight poverty! We're the UN, just give us the money and shut up."

Fox has another UN scandal du jour - it appears that UN anti-poverty money has been funding Kim Jong Il's nuclear program:,2933,283075,00.html

So, a new General Secretary from South Korea and then suddenly everyone seems to know about a long running con to prop up the PRK Pixie, ol' Long Jong Iller? I know the FBI and State Department get a bad rap (and deserve it for the most part), it appears that they do occasionally get it together. I hope the General Secretary is behind the push to expose any PRK corruption of the UN Development Program, time will tell.

At the very least Melkert needs to be fired for his refusal to turn over records. This is not the EU Mel, we will have accountability with OUR money.

Can we NOW talk about the getting the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US? Can we end the nonsense about the world needing the UN to survive? How much more evidence does anyone need to overcome doubts that the UN has aided and abbetted most of the worst crimes against humanity since WWII? Islamic terrorism, WMD proliferation, genocide, robbing the starving, rape, fascism, racism, totalitarianism, global warming scamming, election fraud - no crime is left behind at the UN.

Adios MF,


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Bush: 'Screw all you Conservatives' isn't nice?

Yo George! Conservatives want to solve the real problem - foreigners flagrantly ignoring our borders, spitting on US National Sovereignity.

In my opinion, the original House bill on this subject was most appropriate: Close the borders first, then we'll decide what to do with the 12-20 million illegals in this country. If we have the door closed it's a lot easier to concentrate on criminals who have already come in.

Bush and the Senate have a different agenda, obviously. They'd prefer to sell out US citizens to big business in favor of slave labor. Can't have the threat of terrorists marching freely over our borders derail the gravy train of illegal immigration! As Dennis Miller said, "We love immigrants - just sign the damn guest book first."

Bush and any politician supporting this travesty of amnesty legislation are clearly caught by the system. Politicians like this think we citizens are stupid, lazy, fear-mongering, etc. and therefore our 'betters' think, like for children, they need to do 'what's best for us'. No. What's best for us is to remove all of you lying, thieving, betraying, elitest scumbags from elected office, and we will.

Even LEGAL immigrants hate the current amnesty sell out in the Senate. I've sent anti-amnesty letters to both of my Senators and my congresswomen. However, my senators are Byrd and Rockefeller, they're even worse than Bush on this subject, if that's possible. My congresswoman is Shelley Capito, a weak-kneed conservative who has already voted against the troop surge and constantly makes noises like a Democrat regarding the WOT. No guts at all.

We need a new political party, a sane conservative group who's leaders won't betray their voters. I've stood by Bush through everything, voted for him twice. But not this - I'm sure Bush and Congress's next job approval poll will reflect the mass defection. Very strange priorities among our elected leaders, considering none of these illegals can legally vote - but that, I'm sure, is on the agenda should they succeed in legalizing this foreign invasion.

Secure the border FIRST! Down with amnesty, deport all illegals! Just because you say the latter is impossible doesn't make it so. During a recent hurricane in the Houston area, upwards of 5 million people moved 100s of miles west within a day or two. So with public transportation, a citizenship verification system, and a REAL mandate, deporting 20 million people could work easier than most think.

As I said above, I'd be willing to negotiate to keep the non-violent, the hard working, the tax-paying, the skilled, and those who truly are willing to adopt American language and culture. But only after the the borders are secure. Period.

"Comprehensive" is now the new buzzword for the most massively corrupted domestic legislation of our time.

Adios MF,


Monday, June 04, 2007

Republicans, Bush Betray Base on Illegal Immigration

According to this article in the on line Washington Times, there doesn't seem to be much hope for defeating the worst immigration legislation ever devised:

KISS THE 2008 ELECTION GOODBYE REPUBLICANS. We average Americans expect betrayal and lies from Democrats, but we had hoped that the GOP would stand by us. Unfortunately, with the exception of Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo, and maybe Fred Thompson there doesn't seem to be any Republican worthy of the name anymore.

Therefore, the entire Republican Party gets my semi-annual Moonbat Award.

For conspicuous ignorance about the will of the people, for callous disregard of the best interests of the country, and for reprehensible betrayal of the very people who voted for them, the GOP wins, hands down, the semi-annual Sanity Anyone Barking Moonbat Award.

No matter how hard I try, I just can't understand the GOP's seeming aversion to winning elections. What's so hard to understand about "NO AMNESTY"? George Bush has completely abandoned his own base on this issue, and it disgusts me.

Up until now W's legacy has been solid and intact, the War on Terror is a very good thing. But the President has now thrown it all away with his condoning of the Mexican invasion, their complete disregard for US national sovereignity. Way to go George, now you'll go down in history as a clearly inept yokel, just like the Democrats have been saying from the beginning. I hate to admit that liberals and leftists are right about anything, but by his own actions on illegal immigration President Bush has confirmed their opinion of him.

Adios MF,
