Monday, February 13, 2006

UN: Close Gitmo before someone thinks of sending us there...

NEWSFLASH: The UN Human Rights Council, UNHRC, that noted bastion of truth and freedom containing members such as Sudan, China, and Zimbabwe, advises that Gitmo be closed and that military and political leaders be prosecuted for torture:

That link requires a membership to read the full article, but it's free.

The US knew what the UNHRC outcome would be as soon as they announced their investigation; it comes as no surprise that the UNHRC remains as corrupt as can be. Zimbabwe and Sudan probably did the first draft, they're especially good at fabricating lies in their own countries. The UNHRC never even visited Gitmo, they seem to have taken all their information from released terrorists. Wouldn't be surprised to find out they paid terrorists for some juicy lies, or guidance on which lies would do the most damage. Perhaps they'd like to see the place closed before someone in the US decides that UNHRC support for terrorists qualifies them for free lifetime membership at Club Gitmo?

As the article states, the UNHRC report on Gitmo is very symbolic of what is wrong with the UN today: It has become a haven and foil for terrorist, communist, and despotic nations. The UN today serves only as a cash cow for nations opposed to western culture, the US, democracy, and individual freedom. The UN today protects the nations that enable WMD proliferation, terrorism, socialism/communism, and who participate in all manner of corrupt and criminal activity.

You name the UN program, and I'll provide at least 2 links each to stories outlining the outrageous and despicable corruption associated with it. Oil for Food alone is worth abolishing the entire UN organization, starting with the conviction and execution of Kofi "Crime Boss" Annan himself. The UN activity in Congo, inactivity in Sudan, willful blindness regarding nuclear proliferation, and support for Palestinian terror are also in and of themselves justification for disbanding that entire cesspool in Turtle Bay.

This is what the free world gets for dealing in good faith with criminal nations. The US needs to go their own way, forming regional and like-minded coalitions such as those for Afghanistan and Iraq when it becomes necessary to act. Or, we should just go it alone as needed - no one gives us credit for any diplomatic success anyway.

The UNHRC is right up there with the UN Procurement Office in terms of corruption and stupidity, neck-and-neck with the UN WMD inspection team and the UN Security Council in terms of anti-US efforts. The bottom line is that the UN is too far gone to reform, those in charge will never allow it. Any efforts along those lines will be painted as US hegemonic activities and/or propaganda.

Consequently, the following (something I've been saying for YEARS) is becoming a louder, and more insistent mantra among sentient Americans:


The sooner the better.

Adios MF,
