Friday, July 28, 2006

Chertoff: Border "Controlled" by 2008 - Yeah, right.

So Chertoff expects Americans to wait another 18 months until our borders are secure?! At the rate illegals are pouring over our southern border, that translates to another 5 million illegals who are given the red carpet to invade our country:

Chertoff is obviously only in his job to support W's sellout of US citizens via the President's 'Guest Worker' program. If the President and Congress were serious about securing our borders it could be done in 60 days. Instead they throw window dressing at the issue with 6000 National Guard troops (when 30,000 are needed), who they have to train for 10 weeks for a 2 week deployment, and who also are not allowed to actually help inderdict illegals. What a farce!

Bush and Chertoff also throw in a few prosecutions of illegal employers (when there are literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of employers hiring illegals), and 'almost' end catch-and-release. While I applaud even these half-assed efforts, that is NOT what we citizens pay our elected leaders and Department secretarys for. That is not what 90% OF AMERICANS ARE DEMANDING!

Our elected leaders obviously don't give a shit about US Citizens, the President and Congress only care about what illegal aliens can do for them and their financial and political aspirations. The ruling 'elite' are WAY out of touch with the electorate, the last time it was this bad we had an American Revolution. W and Congress are working for open borders, it's obvious.

We the people don't want to dissolve the United States of America George!!! We don't want to denigrate all the blood and treasure our forefathers and military have shed to establish the greatest country the world has ever seen.

Our political leaders, rather than solving the problem in the way that their bosses (us) demand, are spending all their time trying to maneuver a sellout that they hope we citizens will be forced to take if we want ANY progress on the worst domestic problem this country has. They spout the same lie over an over, expecting it to become truth at some point: "It is impossible to remove all the illegal aliens, we have to have a Guest Worker program and a path to citizenship." Which is why the Senate produced their Shamnesty Travesty in the face of overwhelming horror from the electorate.

BS! Our government doesn't WANT to deport the illegals; Fed. Govt. campaign contributors are paying big bucks to buy off Congress and the President. If we put a dozen men on the moon, and built the best and largest highway system in the world, and defeated the Soviet Union without firing a shot at them, we can remove illegal aliens from our country.


Then fine and/or jail all employers who knowingly employ illegals, and/or who fail to perform even the most basic checks. Fire all IRS and SS administration employees who refuse to cooperate with employers checking validity of new hires. This will eliminate the demand for illegals and relieve the pressure on the border defenses. Once we've stopped the flood of illegals over our borders, then we can take our time finding and removing all illegals in our country.

Send ALL illegals to the back of the line in their own countries. In fact, in my opinion, foreigners who obviously don't give a crap about US law should NEVER be allowed in this country again, ever.

The US House has the right idea with their proposal to secure the border FIRST and foremost. The President and the Senate are a disgrace on the issue of illegal immigration, and they will pay for it in terms of losing seats in the Senate, House, and probably even the Presidency.

I agree with the President on a lot of things, but George is quickly losing all of my respect just because of this issue alone. The Senate never had my respect, but now I'm even more disgusted and angry with them. In this blog and elsewhere I will be actively campaigning against ALL in the Senate who supported their Shamnesty sellout.

Adios MF,


Friday, July 07, 2006

The US Social Security Administration: Part of the Problem

There's an excellent article in the Washington Times online today about the SSA's refusal to report false SSN filings to the employers:

The SSA whines about privacy rights, but I smell a BIG RAT. Employers already have access to employee SS numbers due to other hiring requirements. Could this abdication of responsibility be because SSA, like politicians, doesn't care about illegal immigration because it's a boon to their personal interests?

Where does all the money that these illegals pay into the system go? Are you telling me that estimates of Social Security insolvency are actually worse when the illegal contributions are removed? Or worse, since illegal SS contributions seem a very easy candidate for it, are those contributions not even making it into the system? Fraud? Embezzlement? What's up with that SSA?

If there is going to be ANY progress on stopping the illegal invasion of this country, it has to START with enforcing the law against hiring illegals. You cannot enforce that law if our own government refuses to cooperate! Fire those responsible for SSA's policy of refusal to cooperate with our border protection initatives!

As much as Americans pay for SS protections, it's the least SSA can do to help. I'm a former computer programmer myself, we're talking about 2 hours worth of coding. Privacy has nothing to do with this, that dog won't hunt.

Adios MF,
