Wednesday, January 30, 2008

McCain or Hitlery? I can't tell them apart...

Democrats are doing their best to pick the GOP Presidential candidate for us, their latest attempt is RINO Sen. John McCain. O he of the McCain/Fiengold 1st Amendment attack. Mr. Keating 5. Together with Traitor John Kerry, the man who ended the US's search for Vietnam POWs/MIAs in 1991, then going into business with our former enemies.

And of current notoriety as Mr. Illegal Alien Amnesty.

Romney might be a little mealy mouthed, but he's at least flipping in the right direction - abandoning any former leftist positions daily. McCain actually DEFENDS his leftist insanity, his souless betrayal of Republicans, Conservatives, and the Military. The Senator from Arizona must NEVER be President. But I'll have to seriously sit down and think it over if it comes down to McStain or Hillary.

I'm praying for an Osama, oops, Obama candidacy. Any Republican could beat that twit, but I sure hope Romney takes the nomination. Romney would make short work of either Hill OR the junior Sen. from Illinois. Which is of course why the media is giving McCain all the good PR.

If it's McCain or Barak Hussein, I'd probably vote for the big-talking stupid kid. Lil' Barak is a one-termer for sure, and he'll spend way too much time running his mouth (as opposed to actually having a GOOD idea) to do much damage. McCain is too dangerous a snake, we'll be one Executive Order away from the 4th Reich.

However, as much as I love ya Ann I don't know if any circumstances could force me to vote for Hillary. Like you I would FEAR a President Hillary; unlike you, even more so than a Presidente (that's how Jaun will want it spelled if he wins) McCain:

Ann Coulter

But I'll certainly think about it, at least Hillary is a less-accomplished liar...

Adios MF,

- Doug

Monday, January 21, 2008

Big Brother in Canada: The Canadian 'Human Rights' Commission

The Canadian Human Rights Commission is laid bare by our friend Mark Steyn, even better than the recent Ezra Levant video that's been circulating the web:

McLean's Article

Both gentlemen are currently under the screws by the Grand Inquisitors of the CHRC; the complaints brought by Canada's biggest fans of tyranny, Canadian Muslim 'leaders'. Canada's goofy socialists have created an almost perfect mind-crime vehicle for the government - a long term jobs program for politically correct leftists. Morons who think they can force a free human to think and feel as the Government wishes. Canada's radical Muslim Imam's have seized on yet another example of western foolishness to use against us.

What will bring CHRC down though is that it can't exist and operate in secret (a 1st requirement of any decent Star Chamber) with the Internet in the equation. Canadian legacy media has long ago sold out to the socialists, in the hopes of being the ONLY voice of the people - CBC will be no help in exposing their partners in Stalinism. But the Internet, key to publicizing other travesties of public betrayal like Rathergate, KerryGate, Ron Paul, etc, has been crucial in shining the light on this jackboot liberalism.

Sorry to disappoint the fascists, but via the web Messers. Steyn and Levant have successfully blown the lid off the CHRC. The fact that former CHRC employee Mr. Warman pretty much has such Big Brother power at his private disposal is very revealing, thank you for that very interesting bit of information Mr. Steyn. Ezra Levant's video denunciation of CHRC is brilliant and inspiring, my compliments Mr. Levant. I was also very pleased to find out that both Mr. Steyn and Mr. Levant have received many offers of free representation and donations to defray costs for fighting The Hoser (my term for Canada's version of 'The Man').

Like Mr. Steyn, I'm not surprised at all that Muslim fans of Sharia Law would jump whole-heartedly on the mind-crime bandwagon. When all evidence points to the truth about Islam - clearly it's the religion of mass-murder, terrorism, rape, misogyny, prejudice, slavery, genocide, and extortion - outlaw the presentation of such evidence.

Unfortunately, there are many in our own government (US Civil Rights Commission, State Dept., etc.) who would love this kind of tyranny. The US legacy media has sold out for the same reason as Canada's. Luckily, we watch our government a little closer, but it's not out of the realm of possibility in the US. Vigilance is key.

We're with you Mark and Ezra! Keep fighting the good fight - it may take time but your ultimate vindication is assured. The fact that Muslim fanatics are this desperate makes that perfectly clear.

Adios My Friends Mark and Ezra,

- Doug

Friday, January 18, 2008

Democrats Squabble for the Illegal Alien Vote

Shrillary and the Mouth are trying to score points off each other, and downplay the fact that courting the Illegal vote is their main objective:

Fox News story about the Spanish-language election ad

The big question is, of course, why have a Spanish-language election ad at all? If a person has been here long enough to vote (7 years, isn't it?), they have certainly been here long enough to learn English as responsible American citizens.

This 'union-sponsored' ad praises the 1st-term, boy-Senator from Illinois for supporting caucus voting at Las Vegas casinos. Surely casinos only hire legal immigrants and American citizens? I say that with a big smile, I'm sure they rely on the union to check immigration status...

Careful avoidance by Democrats of the major issues of our generation (the War on Terror and Illegal Immigration) has permitted them to focus on getting out the fraudulent vote again, illegals, criminals, the deceased, etc. Watch for the MoveOn and other Soros thugs to start their work again very soon, if they're not already hard at it. Anytime a Democrat mentions 'union', what they really mean is 'gimme mah dough Georgie-boy!' (that last was in my best Shrillery-esque fake southern accent).

Vote Republican please, for anyone but that idiot Ron Paul. McCain and Huckabee are also suspiciously left on illegal immigration, and even more suspiciously, very popular with leftist media. Probably because neither has a prayer of beating even the best turd in the Democrat Presidential cesspool.

Every Democrat in the race is a failed politician or inexperienced fool. Funny how today's Dem's can only rally behind failed socialists, war traitors, sex-predator draft-dodgers, ethnic con-men, and hustlers. That their money comes from socialists like Soros, communists like China, and criminals like Wu is very telling...

Adios MF,


Saturday, January 05, 2008

Pentagon & US Govt. Penetration, by Islamists and Communists

Everyone who worries about our elected and appointed officials selling out the country to our sworn enemies ought to read this story:

Inside the Ring

So DOD Deputy Sec. England facilitates the penetration of Islamists, namely Muslim Brotherhood front groups into our innermost defense councils. Bush, Rice and co. facilitate Chinese communist penetration into upper levels of federal government policy.

SINCE WHEN does the US value Communist China's policies over Taiwan? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING GEORGE BUSH?! I can see Condi being confused, she's the same bird brain that supports giving terrorists of Fatah a leg up over our traditional allies Israel. But YOU George? Your father spent a good part of his career fighting Chinese communists, both at CIA an as President of the US.

What happens to pro-American patriots when they ascend to high federal government posts? It seems pretty clear to me that their hidden treason soon finds its way out.

Ronald Reagan would have FIRED EVERYONE INVOLVED, if he stopped there. It seems pretty obvious that there's plenty of shady crap to be discovered in an independent investigation of how this espionage was allowed to happen.

Dep Sec. England, Bush, Condi - you are all scum-sucking traitors if you don't stop this nonsense once and for all. In this patriots opinion it's time for all of you to go - you've done enough damage. Just in case you've forgotten the priorities of the US citizens you work for:

Taiwan should be in the UN, as of a LONG time ago. They should enjoy our FULL SUPPORT always as the clearest challenge to communist China's bullshit ideology.

Anyone with a demonstrable past as a radical islamist, or with any connections to bastards of that ilk, ought to be arrested and investigated, not promoted over those actually fighting the greatest threat of our generation.

Is that clear now, dipshits? Holy crap, what imbeciles.

Adios MF,
