Saturday, June 24, 2006

Kelo: My home is my castle, I hope...

The home-owner in the case that drove the US Supreme Court travesty about eminent domain is highlighted here in a Washington Times online editorial, very moving:

I wonder if any who supported this decision have ever taken an economics class, even if they obviously skipped US History 101? The SCOTUS might as well have just declared martial law and selected themselves as the new Politburo.

THIS IS EXACTLY WHY CONSERVATIVES HAVE BEEN PUSHING FOR STRICT CONSTRUCTIONISTS ON THE SCOTUS, ALWAYS. This is also exactly why our founding fathers CLEARLY forbade members of the Judicial Branch from making law, reserving that for 'we the people', in the form of our ELECTED representatives. Talk about a ruling that needs to be overturned, I can't think of any other more deserving, not even Roe v. Wade. Now every legislature in the country, city, county, and state is free to either pass laws protecting private property, or NOT.

The only bright spot in this whole tragedy? I love it that to immediately illustrate the true insanity of this decision, a few days after it was made a NH developer petitioned the local government to seize Justice Souter's family home in that state. In order to build a hotel, of course. Exquisite irony AND the reality of that SCOTUS decision! Bwahahahahah! And of course therefore downplayed heavily by our socialist media.

Please be assured Ms. Kelo, this country stands with you - forever. The US Constitution may be a 'living' document to some, but there is a long history of fighting to the death for one's valuable, honestly-earned, sacrificed-for, blood- and sweat-invested, legal possessions in this country, and everywhere in the history of the world for that matter.

Wiser heads are prevailing as we speak on the SCOTUS, and any legislative body who attempts to enforce this decision will be run out on a rail (one would hope). Even in the seedy, greedy, hands-in-every-pocket world of local politicians like those on Ms. Kelo's city council, time will eventually see them for the utter disgraces they are. Ms Kelo will be not only vindicated, but rewarded for her courage and perserverance. I know she probably wouldn't have chosen it for herself, most heroes don't, but the name "Susette Kelo" will now and forever be associated with being defiantly strong in the face of government tyranny.

Keep up the good fight Susette, this cannot stand.

Adios My Friend,


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Rather was a victim of age discrimination...Bwahahaha!

Below is my response to Ms. Estrich and to her column today about CBS letting Dan "The Forger" Rather go:,2933,200345,00.html

I read Ms. Estrich's opinion column on regarding CBS's poor treatment of Dan Rather. I laughed long and loud that she attributes Rather's fall to old age; I suppose a shallow woman of Ms. Estrich's age might prefer to think that as opposed to the truth. But while I believe that most of the US thinks that Dan Rather and CBS should have been brought up on federal election tampering charges for the Texas Natl. Guard debacle, that event was only the latest in a lifetime of serially biased reporting by Rather and CBS. Ms. Estrich can continue to deny the truth like the rest of the leftists in media, but the sad fact is that the majority of today's media practices biased yellow journalism as a rule, not an exception. "Rather Biased" has been a popular bumper sticker for decades.

CBS and its fellow harpies at CNN, NBC, ABC, the NYT, the WaPo, etc. steadily lose viewers/readers because they are hopelessly biased towards the left, this is only a quickly rejected "theory" among leftists - it's FACT to everyone else. Liberal media has long insulated themselves against the real, moderate, and even conservative leanings of the majority of the US in their attempts to push their liberal agenda. Dan Rather was the poster child of that leftist reporting, followed closely by Peter Jennings, but joined by 99 out of 100 people in the legacy media crowd.

Until the surge in popularity of the Internet, Fox News, and conservative talk radio, the average US citizen had no other option but to attempt to sift through the socialist agenda of available news sources for nuggets of truth. Ever since Cronkite's Tet Offensive propaganda (where good old 'trusted' Walter helped waste the lives of an additional 40k soldiers in Vietnam, and ultimately MILLIONS of innocent Vietnamese, through his agenda-driven reporting), and even before that when Ed Murrow took the teeth out of McCarthy's very important and accurate work weeding out the communist spies in our midst, the media has been in bed with anti-democratic, anti-American forces in our country. The passage of time and the demise of the Soviet Union have proven that McCarthy was stopped way too soon, before he was able to turn his attention to the communists in media and academia.

When there are no alternative news sources, ratings don't suffer. But where Americans can get both sides of the story, or at least the facts without the liberal agenda, they will come, in droves. With millions of potential new news viewers added every passing year, the sharp decline in viewership in legacy media ought to have been a HUGE wake-up call for media company owners. Instead, pundits whine about 'CBS age discrimination' that turns off viewers. Bwahahahahaha!

Personally, I'm a big fan of liberals keeping their heads in the sand about the fact that Americans are VERY aware of and DETEST their leftist leanings. The old media pulled out ALL the vile, underhanded stops in their efforts to get Kerry elected in 04 and Gore in 00. Their rage at their failure drives their continuing hatred of George Bush, moderates and conservatives, the American military, and our Iraqi coalition partners. The leftist media is doomed, and thank goodness for that. Ms. Estrich's efforts at dissembling aside, we the people will continue to ignore them in ever larger numbers.

Signature removed.

Adios MF,


Monday, June 19, 2006

Get With the Program W!

Excellent advice from top conservative congressional leaders in todays Washington Times online:

Republicans are growing more and more alarmed at unflinching poll numbers showing NO support for the Senate illegal amnesty and sell-out plan, and HUGE support for the House's 'border security first' approach. The words "guest worker" immediately generate a hostile reaction in any of the locales I frequent, W needs to get out of the White House more often to hear it. And "out of the White House" does not mean "into the boardrooms" W, take a walk down Pennsylvania Avenue once and simply ask passers-by.

Selling out the American people will not fly this time. The overwhelming disgusted reaction to the Senate bill should be a wake up call for all those who voted for it and support it: YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED IF YOU CONTINUE DOWN THIS PATH. In fact, it might be too late for you already, Senate votes have a way of following Senators around...

Wake up, wise up, listen up, and tighten our borders up! We will not be distracted with flag burning amendments, anti-gay marraige legislation, or even success in Iraq. This WILL NOT be NAFTA all over again; the Web will insure that a legislative sell-out of the American people will be immediately and forever labled just that, along with those who vote for it and support it.

Adios MF,


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Delaware Green Party Candidate Michael Berg: Punk Bitch Extraordinaire

Today the US Military killed Abu Musab al Zarqawi in an air-raid. This is the man, don't forget, who beheaded Michael Berg's son, Nicolas Berg, and posted the grisly video on the web. So what is Michael Berg's reaction? I'm completely disgusted, better read it yourself:,2933,198680,00.html

Michael Berg: "...Zarqawi's death is likely to foster anti-American resentment among Al Qaeda members..."

Gee, do ya think so you pinhead? They sure loved us before, you think we spoiled their overwhelmingly positive attitude toward us by killing them?

Michael Berg: "First of all, I'm not even certain that al-Zarqawi even killed my son, ..."

Yeah, and Bin Laden is just a misunderstood holy man. Jeez, and Berg is actually on the Green Party's ticket in Delaware for the US Congress in the coming election. Are Greens REALLY THAT STUPID, IGNORANT, AND DESPERATE?

Michael Berg: "I think the news of the loss of any human being is a tragedy. I think al-Zarqawi's death is a double tragedy" he said. "His death will incite a new wave of revenge. George Bush and al-Zarqawi are two men who believe in revenge."

It's called WAR you putz, look it up in any dictionary. People die until the good guys win, no matter who starts it. We didn't start this war, but we ARE the good guys - we WILL end it in a US/Iraqi victory despite the reprehensible slime coming from men like Michael Berg. This man craps on the memory of his own son by eulogizing his son's killer, THIS is the anti-American left in a nutshell. Pro-terrorist, pro-tyranny, pro-criminal, anti-American, anti-Military, anti-freedom - as long as it helps them regain political power in the US, ANY TRAITOROUS, DISGUSTING, LOW-LIFE thing goes.

Berg and Sheehan, two self-centered, completely worthless parents in a pod - both ICONS of the American left, need I say more?

If this man actually wins the election in Delaware (not going to happen, Delaware natives aren't that stupid) I will have to boycott the state.

To Mr. Michael Berg: If you don't give a shit about justice for your son, if you don't care about freedom from tyranny and terrorism for 50 million people, if you'd rather that many more innocent people die in order for you to get elected, keep up the psychotic rhetoric you punk bitch. You son is turning over in his grave, and the entire country knows that you're the cause.

Adios MF,
