Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Pigs Barrel-Roll: SF Media's Glimpse of Sanity

The pigs are in combat-air patrol formation over San Francisco Bay's Golden Gate bridge today, a proud and glorious sight.

At today, a notoriously liberal website based in the San Francisco area (surprise!), there' s a fresh breeze blowing through columnist Cinnamon Stillwell's office. [I shall resist a cutesy name smile due to her (his? - in the interests of laziness I shall declare 'her') incredibly well-written piece.] At least someone on the left coast begins to understand what's at stake in the War on Terror:

Savage vs CAIR: The battle over free speech

Ms. Stillwell's article shows that she understands that western civilization, law, tradition, freedom, and tolerance are at stake. I really don't understand the reaction of liberal, gay, and mouthy San Francisco to the War on Terror - overwhelmingly against the leaders, soldiers, tools, and methods best deployed for waging and more importantly, winning the battle. The Quran makes clear what's in store for these Americans under the Islamic caliphate - persecution, torture, prison, and death. It's nice that at least some in this 'anti-war' city actually SEE the threat.

And even nicer that a SF web site will print such a well written expose on the chief propagandists for the terrorists, CAIR. WAY TO GO SFGATE.COM! Free speech is indeed under assault in America by CAIR, MAS, and many other fronts for Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Queda, Saudi Wahabbists, Iranian intelligence, etc.

But better batten down the hatches guys - I'm sure you'll be hearing from Islamist lawyers and politicians soon. Oh, and the San Francisco City Council will certainly now censure you for hate speech as well SFGate. Rest assured you'll be in good company with Michael Savage.

Adios MF,


Thursday, December 06, 2007

Omaha Shooting Site was Gun-Free Zone

How many more will have to die before the fascists will get off their gun-grabbing high horses?,2933,315563,00.html

All recent mass shootings have happened in 'gun free zones'. We should change the name of these zones - how about "all victims here are unarmed, come and shoot as many as you like" zones? Is there anyone left in this country that doesn't know that personal concealed carry laws SAVE LIVES?!

Gun Free Zones my ass. Yet ANOTHER incredibly stupid liberal Democrat idea that kills innocents on a daily basis.

"Support Violent Crime, Vote Democrat!"
