Friday, December 31, 2004

Iraqis Are Not Alone

America and Americans stand with you!

Iraqi courage will inspire their descendants and everyone in the world long after they create freedom from tyranny, peace from murder, and justice from secular and religious despotism in their country.,2933,143028,00.html

Iraq also will inspire the children, women, and freedom-loving men of Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Jordan, Yemen, Qatar, and more. They will certify to the Arab world that democracy is the path to true freedom, prosperity, and peace, not Islamic fundamentalism.

America is proud to help, but the Iraqi people must, and will, do this themselves. Iraqi courage will become the new "D-Day" to symbolize the force of good triumphing over evil, of freedom over oppression, and of right over wrong.

I wish courage to my new Iraqi brothers and sisters of freedom in their coming trials. Your sacrifice is not in vain; even if you should die, you will die standing up for a free Iraq like no one else in her history.

You have already earned your place in history, now you will earn your children's.

Adios My Friends,


"Democracy is UnIslamic"

Well there it is, in black in white. If anyone wondered why middle eastern countries are cesspools of monarchism, corruption, and theocratic bilge you have no further to look than the Quran.

The terrorists couldn't have made their case any plainer, or in more obviously desperate terms. Democracy IS the antidote to theocratic despotism, tyranny, and murder - and they are very afraid. The Iraqi elections WILL demoralize and minimize the terrorists, and they know it.

And incidentally, the part of the story that claims 700 election workers resigned is crap. Iraqi officials state that very few people have resigned, and those that did were replaced immediately by volunteers. I guess one shouldn't expect anything else from al Jazeera, the terrorist network.

All attempts by the terrorists, the UN, the EU (France and Germany in particular), and the traitorous liberal/socialists in the US and UK to minimize the importance of the Iraqi election are failing, much to their frustration and chagrin. All they've managed to do is come off looking like petulant teenagers complaining about their measly allowance. Like all those who come down on the wrong side of history and freedom, these ignoramuses (kindly, they might more accurately be called opportunists) are destined for obscurity and laughing stock-dom.

Iraq will shortly be free of these fools. They'll go back to Iran, Syria, and Palestine. But what they don't realize is what they've gotten themselves into by contesting the will of America, Iraq, and freedom-loving people everywhere: they are no longer safe anywhere. If there is a country or two on the Earth in more dire need of freedom, it's Iran and Syria. Well, we'll be coming there next - and with our credability gained in Iraq, the people of those countries will be much more helpful in their own liberation.

So to the terrorists I say: NO ONE on this planet buys your fundamentalist claptrap anymore except foolish, ignorant young boys. They, and you, are no match for freedom, liberty, and justice. Islam has many inspiratoinal and valid messages, like Christianity and Judeism, but also like these religions Islam has more than it's fair share of bullshit. Muhammed was a pedophile and highway bandit, Jesus consorted with hookers, and Abraham was a racist. Religion and history must never be swallowed whole, without modern perspective and objectivity. Islamic terrorists have neither of those two traits, and thus will die because of it.

Good riddance, and we're happy to help.

Adios MF,


Thursday, December 30, 2004

Democrats Steal Washington State Governer's Election

They just kept counting until they found enough votes to win. I think it was ol' Boss Tweed's motto - "The votes don't decide the election, the counters do." I wonder how King County residents feel now that they're exposed as WA's Demcratic Party hotbed of corruption? Emphasis intended.,2933,142954,00.html

Just kidding (or maybe not?), but I can imagine the fell deeds and editorial roar it would cause if Republicans suddenly 'found' 3000 'uncounted' ballots! If I was a resident of WA I would find that completely unacceptable and say so in strongest terms, just like Rossi. I don't like the smell of it even all the way over here in West (By God) Virginia.

It's a great idea for the legislature to call a new election there, Rossi is on the right track. Unfortunately with the liberal holdouts left in state and local governments, and all over WA courts, I don't give Rossi good odds - I'd say about 20 to 1 No Re-Election.

We'll probably see a few more of these Dem. scams over the next 5 or 10 years, but the country is trending conservative again, thank goodness. Soon liberals and socialists will be jettisoned from the Democratic Party and it may someday come back as a viable political alternative to the Republicans.

But the liberals have to go before they are allowed to scam another 2 generations.

Adios MF,


Monday, December 27, 2004

Jeez, another TAS Gem

Another inspirational article on TAS, this one by William Tucker. It relates the American spirit of Christmas to the US's character as a gracious, forgiving nation. Our positive impact on the world cannot be overstated:

The American Spectator

Something else to be very proud of as an American citizen. I am!

Adios My Friend,


A Ben Stein Gem

Ben really gets it:

The American Spectator

In thanks to our military men and women.

Adios MF,


America, The Beautiful

Fantastic article, there is so much truth in the numbers. Americans get a bad rap in the world's and our own press, but the basic idea of self-government succeeds no where as well as in the US. Our benefit to the world is undeniable, true reflections of our nation's character. I wish all the America bashers at home and around the world would read this:

America enjoys view from the top - The Washington Times: World - December 27, 2004

Our enemies are right to be afraid. Even without our military might or the will to use it (strong and getting stronger), American ideals inspire all by themselves. Socialists, liberals, communists, tyrants, and terrorists fight our ideals because of the evidence of their success our country provides to all but the willfully blind. Free citizens will voluntarily support, believe, fight, bleed, and die for ideals that serve the cause of freedom, liberty, family, security, and brotherhood.

I'll put those motivations up against tyranny, religion, and terror any day. Bring it on, scumbags.

Adios MF,


Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Jihadi PR: al-Jazeera and al-Manar are Terrorist Organizations

Is there any question in the mind of any freedom-, security-, progress-, and/or opportunity-lover that these so-called media outlets are nothing more than terrorist fronts? I value freedom of speech and of the press as much as the next American, but the hate speech and inciting rhetoric from al-Jazeera and al-Manar have long crossed over the line into true criminality, at least in the US (and I would think in all western countries in which a-J/a-M's drivel is broadcast):

I think UN sanctions against Qatar and Iran are in order until they clamp down on these criminal organizations. Should that not prove to be forthcoming (What!! The UN do something useful and just?!!!), then the US should take matters in hand, as per usual. There is no radio frequency emitting device in the world that the US military cannot destroy, and that goes for cable and web sites as well.

Al-Jazeera and al-Manar must provide opposing viewpoints and BALANCED coverage or they should not be broadcast in countries that value such things - like the US, the EU, Canada, etc. It amazes me that liberals in these countries fight for the rights of these broadcasters to spew their venom unopposed and uncontradicted, and yet frown on companies like Fox News, particularly in Canada and the EU.

Terrorists don't care who they kill, and liberals generally live in cities - the most inviting of terrorist targets. Lots of bang for the buck, if you'll excuse the horrifying pun.


Adios MF,


UNICEF: "Let'em Starve, But Guarantee Their Civil Rights"

Wendy McElroy is one of my favorite editorialist. Her views on radical feminism and women's rights are so refreshingly honest, balanced, and mainstream. In Wendy's view, you don't have to be a left-wing, pro-choice, militant, radical lesbian to be a true feminist, unlike NOW's, the Liberal/Democrat's, and apparently UNICEF's vision: - Views - ifeminists - UNICEF's 'Rights' Focus Is All Wrong

UNICEF has long been known for their left-wing agenda, corruption, and mismanagement. They are going the way of the UN in general - fading into irrelevancy, corruption, and socialist/liberal reality-hell. Also as with the UN in general, this is a very unfortunate state of affairs for the world - the good they used to do is still in high demand. Now more than ever, which by the way IMHO is the most irrefutable indictment possible of the UN and UNICEF as a failure. Quad erat demonstratum, my friends.

But for all the anti-American sentiment, accusations of US government corruption, and general whining that is the UN these days, the US is and has always been more committed to the original UN ideals, by far. In the job of keeping the peace, helping children, promoting individual freedom and liberty for men and women, and eliminating tyranny, hunger, oppression, racism, and genocide, NO country or organization on Earth, ever, has done more than the US. The resentment, envy, criticism, and even outright opposition of the rest of the world notwithstanding, of course.

We should quit fooling ourselves and say the "Ok, the heck with the rest of you self-centered, self-important, corrupt bastards, we'll do it ourselves, as always. That being so, get your scum out of our UN building by the end of the month are we'll send the NYPD to evict you all." As I'm sure they realize, NYPD would love to help them 'move'...

Adios MF,


Friday, December 17, 2004

DC Council Chair Linda Cropp - Soon to be the most hated woman in DC

Linda Cropp is trying to force in a private financing deal for the new stadium, part of the MLB deal for a new Washington baseball team, The Nationals:

Cropp claims that the private financing codicil is intended to reduce the risk to DC taxpayors, but that's crap. The Council and Mayor don't give a hoot about risk to taxpayers, and even if they did there's no more risk here than there is in building additional Metro stations in DC. Basebasll-starved fans in DC have been waiting over 30 years for a new team since the DC Senators went to Texas, as the Rangers, but Cropp is about to kill the deal.

No, this last minute 'private funding' debacle is not for the benefit of DC residents, it's a back-room deal being arranged in order to grease someone's pocket - seems pretty obvious it's Cropp. If MLB ultimately caves and goes along with this, watch for connections between the private financier and Cropp, she'll probably get one hell of a kickback on 140 million. Another potential reason is probably political - Cropp can run for mayor if she manages to get baseball in DC for 140 mil less than Mayor Williams was going to spend.

Either way, Cropp is endangering the entire deal for her personal benefit, I'm sure of it. When it comes out Cropp won't be able to run for anything in DC. In fact she'll most likely be running FROM DC, as fast as her portly pins can carry her. It's obvious that she thinks DC residents are stupid.

Or, it could be that she's only doing this for the attention, and has every intention of caving. It's still a good political club to use on Mayor Williams in the next election.

I don't expect MLB to cave - private financing for this deal is too risky for their taste. They can go to a dozen other cities around the country in a heartbeat - cities who WILL build a stadium with 100% public money for THEIR new team. Also, the article makes a good point - Cropp and the council, and Mayor Williams don't have a very good track record of finding private financers for DC projects. Pretty much a big fat goose-egg as a matter of fact. Cropp and Williams are probably asking for too big a piece of the pie.

Adios MF,


Thursday, December 16, 2004

Annan Wants Oil-for-Food Probe to End

Poor baby, it must be so trying for Kofi "Show Me the Money" Annan to have to deal with, at best, his criminal negligence for allowing OFF to happen. At worst, Kofi's in it up to his eyeballs and is looking for a way out (someone else on whom to shift the blame - look for an American scapegoat from them soon) or a last payday before indictment. Wouldn't it be great if the first major prosecutions in the UN International Criminal Court were of Kofi and his highwaymen? - Politics - Annan Wants Oil-for-Food Probe to End

What's just as criminally irresponsible is the fact that the UN will send only 25 people to monitor Iraq's first election - AFTER SENDING MORE THAN A HUNDRED MONITORS FOR THE 45th US election! Does anyone actually believe that the UN is committed to a free, democratic Iraq? Not that UN Election Monitor presence actually means much anymore - the Venezualian fiasco with Chavez highlighted the ineptitude (or not-so-covert socialist agenda?) of the UN election monitoring group, and Jimmy Carter's for that matter.

OFF, horror in Sudan, Kosovo, Venezuala, Zimbabwe, Iran, Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq...everything the UN touches turns to sh!t. The UN is hopeless and the US needs to get out and start a new UN - I say call it the United DEMOCRATIC Nations - that ought to seriously piss off old Korruption Kofi and the Kriminals.

Adios MF,


Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Traditional Democrats are Liberals?!

Ha! Brit Hume's Political Grapevine on usually has at least 1 very interesting story in it, but today all three are keepers: - Special Report w/ Brit Hume - Political Grapevine - Money Matters

1. First, and my favorite, is the story about MoveOn and how they insist that they now OWN the Democratic Party. They bought it with their fundraising (although you might better say that Soros and a few of his friends bought it, not MoveOn) and therefore they now own it and will do with it what they please. But the best part is what they plan to do with it! In the very standard looniness of true liberal/socialists they declare that traditional Democrats are liberal/socialists and therefore they'll "return the party to them". Bwahahahahahah!

They couldn't play right into Republican hands any better if Karl Rove was Director of MoveOn. Traditional Democrats are not liberals in MoveOn's socialist definition of the word. True Democrats believe in capitalism and free markets AS WELL AS compassion (not a free ride) for the less fortunate, just like today's Republicans. If MoveOn is successful in their 'appropriation' of the Democratic party the moderate and conservative Democrats will either a) move en masse to the Republican party, or b) split off and become a new party. Either way the Democratic Party is doomed. Liberal/Socialists are foolish dreamers or calculating tyrants, or both. They are not pro-individual, pro-freedom, pro-free market, pro-small government, pro-low taxes, or pro anything that made this country the envy of the world economically or socially.

2. My next favorite is Bill Moyer's assertion that media exists that is pro-Republican, and that the rest of the press is only interested in their bottom line. A second horse-laugh: Bwahahahahahaha!

Moyers is so inured to 40 years of the liberal media he thinks that any deviation from the standard liberal/socialist slant is bias. And of course that bias is from evil, greedy corporations that don't give a crap about average Americans - standard socialist class-warfare claptrap.

Bill just can't even entertain the idea that average Americans might be smarter, more idealistic, and have more common sense than all the academics, 'intellectuals', media personalities, and Hollyweird wackos toeing the Marxist line. This self-deluding clique of pretentious ignoramuses can't imagine that THEY and their beliefs are actually the source of most of the world's problems today. The lack of personal responsibility and initiative and the tyranny of big government inherent in liberal/socialist/communist thought has damaged more people and countries than anything except maybe religion now, and in just the last 100 years. A century of failure means nothing to these fools.

3. The story about the mall in Florida displaying Menorahs but not nativity scenes is just more anti-Christian bias for the grist. Harpooning, slandering, libeling, demonizing, and denigrating Christianity and white males are the new national media sports. I'm not religious at all, although I admit to more fondness for Christianity than Judeaism, Hinduism, especially Islam. Less elite-ism, foolishness, and barbarism, in that order.

But this is supposed to be a country where religions are equally respected, and where majority rules. The majority in this country is Christian, like it or not. If the majority wants to see a Ten Commandments display in a courthouse, or a Nativity scene in their kid's school play, then activists in the media, schools, courts, and governments should NOT be able to rule against it by fiat.

Adios MF,


Insurance/Car Company Spying

Good article on about car black boxes. There's most likely one in your car right now. Do you feel safer with it? Or, like me do you feel spied on?,2933,141048,00.html- Views - CATO - Car Black Boxes: Safety or Spy Feature?

The box has nothing to do with safety and the potential for misuse of this device to invade privacy makes it NOT in the best interests of the consumer. Does anyone not believe that this black box is a prerequisite for a more claim denials and warranttee refusals by fat cat business execs?

So why are they being installed? And why didn't anyone ask consumers if they mind the invasion of privacy?

Ask your insurance and company and automobile dealer. Can anyone say boycott?

Adios MF,


Monday, December 13, 2004

Terrorists Now Conduct Press Conferences

I'm not sure who is the bigger scumbag, the terrorists or the press who give them reach?

Freedom fighters my ass, these criminals deserve to be shot, not published. And that includes the reporters.

Adios MF,


United States Needs to Quit United Nations

Right on Cal! It appears that Cal Thomas agrees with me - the US should get out of the corrupt, dictator and terrorist-friendly UN. He also agrees that we should start a new "UN" and invite only democratic countries: - After Hours w/ Cal Thomas - Column One - United States Needs to Quit United Nations

Enough said.

Adios MF,


Thursday, December 09, 2004

UN vs. Iraq - My Money's on Iraq

Excellent article in The American Spectator on-line, Jed Babbin is an uncommonly clear thinker:

The American Spectator

Kofi Annan is holding out to protect his partners in crime, the French, Germans, Russian, Chinese, and the Baathists in Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine. Ths UN is finished because of Kofi Annan's leadership, he should not only step down, he should be jailed. He and the UN deserve every bit of their current and growing irrelevancy. The socialists and tyrants around the world are doing their best to create a permanent ruling class, using the UN as it's front company and bag man. It's about time the US put a stop to it.

It would be very easy to do - the UN is completely useless without a US membership, even more so than it is now. To hasten it's demise, after the US withdraws from the US and expels the criminals from Turtle Bay, it can immediately create a new, pro-democracy, pro-freedom organization of like-minded nations. I suggest Australia, Britain, Pakistan, Canada (maybe), Japan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Uzbeckistan, Ukraine, and all other 'Iraq Coalition' members as initial members.

Make the French, German, and Belgian scumbags of the EU pass democratic reform to eliminate the socialist elements of their government before they are granted admission. Wouldn't that be a hoot?!

The UN is doomed, and good riddance to it.

Adios MF,


Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Reflections on Government

Someone posted these on Free Republic today, some are very good...:>) I especially like Mark Twain's comments.

1) Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. ............Mark Twain

2) I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. ........Winston Churchill

3) A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. .............George Bernard Shaw

4) A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money. ............G. Gordon Liddy

5) Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. .............James Bovard, Civil Libertarian (1994)

6) Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries. .......Douglas Casey, Classmate of Bill Clinton at Georgetown University

7) Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. ................P.J O'Rourke, Civil Libertarian

8) Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. ..........Frederic Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)

9) Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. .........Ronald Reagan (1986)

10) I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ..............Will Rogers

11) If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free. .........P.J. O'Rourke

12) In general, the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other. ........Voltaire (1764)

13) Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. .........Pericles (430 B.C.)

14) No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session. ....Mark Twain (1866)

15) Talk is cheap ... except when Congress does it. .....Unknown

16) The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. ........Ronald Reagan

17) The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. ......Winston Churchill

18) The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin. .....Mark Twain

19) The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. .......Herbert Spencer, English Philosopher (1820-1903)

20) There is no distinctly native American criminal class... save Congress. .....Mark Twain

21) What this country needs are more unemployed politicians. .......Edward Langley, Artist (1928 - 1995)

22) A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. ........Thomas Jefferson

House Democrats Reject Calls for Annan's Resignation

Jeez, how typical! Democrats refusing to put responsibility for Oil for Food where it belongs - on the BOSS OF THE ORGANIZATION THAT FACILITATED THE THEFT OF 20 BILLION DOLLARS FROM IRAQI WOMEN AND CHILDREN.

House Democrats Reject Calls for Annan's Resignation - from

These are many of the same folks that threatened Sinclair Broadcasting with license revocation when SB tried to air Stolen Honor.

Modern Democrat (Liberal) Policy: "Free speech is only for those who agree with us, and any manner of tragic, despicable crime is ok as long as it serves our interests."

Adios MF,


College's Decision to Allow Men Irks Women

It seems Wells wants those male-student dollars, but not actual diversity: - U.S. & World - College's Decision to Allow Men Irks Women

Is it just me, or do the complaints by the students smack of serious anti-male attitudes and prejudices? Seems to me they could use more associations with men - they seem to think that all males are criminals and perverts.

Not sure why any man would want to attend a college that has a faculty completely oriented to women, I honestly didn't think that there were still all-female and all-male colleges left in the US.

But, in all fairness, I say let them stay all-female and just pay more for the privledge - whatever Wells is falling short due to lack of female enrollment candidates. Unlike feminists, I have no problem with gender separation where it makes sense. The students make a good point that having no men fosters a more focused academic effort.

HOWEVER, for the same reason I think all-male schools ought to be kept that way as well. Including military academies if they so choose. Why not create an all-female military academy instead of forcing male-institutions to deal with male/female issues? Separating the sexes in education works.

Adios MF,


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Annan Must Go

Good article in The Washington Times: