Wednesday, June 29, 2005

SC Justice Souter - Economic Bottleneck!

I love the story out of New Hampshire that a local developer has started an official proceeding to seize Justice Souter's home and land in order to build a hotel. He cites the very ruling that Souter and his socialist pals on the SCOTUS used to justify the theft of others' lands.

WOOOOOHOOOO! Brilliant!!! Let's include the rest of the liberal scum on the court in this strategy pronto! And then the developer/town who brought the suit against the homeowners in the first place.

Makes me proud to be an American.

Adios MF,


NYC Says "Hell No!" to UN Expansion

WAY TO GO NEW YORKERS! The UN wants to expand into a NYC park, building an office building instead. NYC has so far successful said 'forgeddaboudit':,2933,161082,00.html

I especially like the state senator's comment: "I don't get why anyone would want to give any approvals to this organization when it's continuing to come out that the different leaders within the U.N. have involvements with corruption and malfeasance.”

I wish all politicians would be so honest and forthright, too bad the article didn't give his/her name.

Keep it up NYC, let the UN live in that rat-infested death trap in Turtle Bay until they get sick enough to leave on their own. Actually, it's a great analogy, the four-legged rats against the two-legged kind: WWF Presents The Turtle Bay Death Match! Winner takes all! My money's on the two-legged rats, longer reach.


Adios MF,


Sunday, June 26, 2005

Liberals Want Your House

I'm VERY fired up about the recent Supreme Court decision that applies eminant domain, EMINANT DOMAIN?!, to property rights when the government decides it's 'economically justified'. Christopher Orlet says it all in his commentary on The American Spectator:

In pre-revolution New England there were many instances of the 'Crown' seizing property, money, and valuables for all kinds of reasons - The American Revolution wasn't just about saying no to 'taxation without representation'. In Britain, including the American colonies in the 1700s, and even now the monarchy can appropriate any property he/she chooses, with or without compensation. The United States of America was founded in part to correct this. I will not stand by and accept this decision, the Supreme Court did not write our constitution, and it does NOT make our laws, end of story. Justice Stevens and the rest of his commie liberal scumbags can just try enforcing that crap, we'll have another civil war - and we've also still managed to keep our guns, no thanks to the liberals. And there isn't an American soldier or law enforcement professional in the country who will back the SC on this.

The first rule of communism is take all the guns. The second is take all the property. The third is kill all who disagree. Rule number one hasn't worked - don't try number two or three without 'number one' successfully completed Justice Stevens, homey don't play that.

We fought a revolution in part to guarrantee our rights to property ownership, and now the Supreme Court says that ownership is at the mercy of faceless beaurocrats and legal scoundrels, otherwise often known as lawyers. But this is the liberal plan for America, where government sits in judgement of every act, where they taketh and giveth at their whim and fancy, and where the elite will manage the great unwashed - when they can spare some time from their busy schedule at the country club. Socialists, as the TAS the article says, have no love for property rights - rights to property are the very antithesis of socialist principle in which the state owns everything. That modern 'liberals' are in fact socialists is no longer in doubt to any but the youngest and most naive among us.

If there was ever a clearer need to get judicial activism under control in our courts, I wasn't alive to see it. The Soviet-era KGB's Project Venona was designed to engineer just this outcome in our democratic society; warp the students and public information long enough with socialist blather and it will attempt to become mainstream, given help by leftist media. Project Venona was a masterful plan, no question. Last week's Supreme Court decision about property rights will forever in my mind be a KGB triumph as much as a tragedy of American justice.


George Bush:

The liberals/socialists are now tearing at the very heart of our economy, our most basic national identity, our country - our homes! Forget about all your foreign policy success and legacy - fix this or you will do down in history a failure, forever. Nominate a true, strict constructionist judge to ALL Supreme Court openings, now and forever. Get them accepted by Congress by any means necessary, or just ignore Congress and do a recess appointment. The people will back you on this all the way, including 'dis-electing' any who encourage the SC in their support for socialism.

Seems to me that the 'Minutemen' have come back to us just in time. We are ALL about to be Minutemen again, and for the same reasons as existed in 1775...except now the SC is the 'Crown'.

Adios MF,


Friday, June 24, 2005

Martin Frost - Spinning for a Living

Lots of unbelievable stuff on today's news websites, first I have to take Martin Frost to task for his liberal fantasies:

Here's Mr. Frost's absurd article on,2933,160556,00.html

Here's my letter to him:

Dear Mr. Frost,

Your comments clearly show where your politics lie, on the far left of the spectrum. Not sure how you managed to get your spin published on, but I hope they won't do it again after your ridiculous article on Bush Myths/Reality today.

Just because the corrupt poseurs at the UN couldn't find weapons of mass destruction doesn't mean they weren't there. Ignoring the reams of evidence that WMDs were in fact present in Iraq does not a 'discredit' make.

I wouldn't brag too much about Bosnia, that was a cakewalk compared to Afghanistan and Iraq - America stopped terrorists from killing Muslims in Bosnia. Why is it that Democrats run and hide when, in their gratitude, Muslims are killing innocents left and right in Asia? Where is your outrage about the thousands of Iraqis killed by muslim terrorists and tyrants, even before American involvement?

Your comments stating that 200k troops could secure the Iraqi borders are possibly the most ridiculous of all. If you don't know anything about military capability, please keep your mouth shut and don't let on. Gen. Shinseki is widely viewed by military personnel as a beaurocrat, not a fighter. Instead of regearing the military to fight today's wars on terrorism, Gen. Shinseki was busy making the military wear berets. Securing Iraq's borders is not possible without the cooperation of neighboring countries, which we don't have. How about you blame the border crossings on the countries that enable them, namely Syria, Iran, and Saudi Arabia?

That Democrats proposed the Dept. of Homeland Security might be factually accurate, they're nothing if not opportunistic anymore, but the idea was long a conservative effort. Democrats were busy ignoring the gathering terrorist threat during Bill Clinton's tenure in the White House.

There is also plenty of evidence that Saddam Hussien was cooperating with Al Queda as long as 12 years ago, and what about the massive Al Queda training camp near Mosul? Is that supposed to have been built, manned, and operated without Saddam's knowledge? I'll believe that Saddam had no part in 9/11 when I've seen proof he wasn't. I don't need more proof he was involved, an association with Al Queda is enough for me.

Especially since he was also rebuilding his chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction using scammed Oil for Food money. I'm sure the Al Queda camp up the road was breathlessly awaiting them, too bad for the terrorists we removed their benefactor first.

The majority of myths about American involvement in Iraq come from leftist media and liberal pundits such as yourself Mr. Frost. Quoting a few Republicans in Name-Only like Senator McCain doesn't give your spin credibility, it only highlights the divisiveness of your rhetoric. Had you and your ilk in the media and Congress supported our President from the beginning, instead of subverting him at every opportunity, we would have a lot less dead soldiers and innocent Iraqis. Your spinning and fair-weather patriotism make me sick, and the blood of our bravest is on your hands.

If you think Democrats are supporting our military men in harms way, then how do you explain comments like those from Democrat Senators Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, and Ted Kennedy, and house member Nancy Pelosi? Why is Hillary Clinton so quiet and selective about her public support for our troops and their mission? You cannot call yourself supportive of our soldiers while bashing their mission. Out here in the real world, EVERYONE knows that Democrats are terrorist appeasers and enablers, and that Republicans are doing their best to make the world safe from terrorism. Democrats should get with the rest of the country or just get out of the way.

Signature removed.

Everyone should send this numbskull a letter, make sure to copy Foxnews too. Marti Frost's email: Foxnews:

Adios MF,


Rove Told it Like It Is

It's interesting to me that Democrats are freaking out about Karl Rove calling the LIBERAL's reponse to 9/11 'wimpy'. Rove said 'liberal' response - I guess all those who complained truly are liberals. One of which was Hillary Clintoon...."remember that you communist when you run for president as a 'moderate'!"

Karl Rove was RIGHT ON THE MONEY, and it's about time he and every other Republican began publicly saying so.

I'm SICK TO DEATH of liberal lies, corruption, and treason. How about you?

Adios MF,


UN's Brown in bed with Soros

Well, maybe not 'in bed', but 'in his bed'. The NY Sun broke the story that Malloch-Brown, Kofi "Crime Lord" Annan's chief of staff at the UN, is renting an apartment from George Soros, uber-liberal and general "I want to buy the American Presidency for my liberal friends" guy:

According to the article, Brown pays $120k a year in rent, but HIS SALARY IS ONLY $125k A YEAR. Hmmm. Brown says he's paying it out of his savings. Riiiiiiiight....

Soros is well known for being the moneybags behind MoveOn and numerous other liberal shock troops and liars of their stripe. That Brown is associated with George Soros is a pointed clue, if anyone still needs one, to Democrat/liberal plans for US freedom and democracy. Get ready for the world socialist state, with your betters at the UN in charge.

Not a chance in hell, of course, of actually happening. But the new Illuminati up in Turtle Bay sure do want it, don't they?

What amazes me is that I had to find this article on Free Republic - no other media source reported it other than the NY Sun. Leftist media is still not reporting it. Another classic example of liberal bias in the media, as if we needed any more of that either. Had Brown been renting an appartment from Karl Rove there would be calls for Brown's execution, and Rove's.

The bottom line is that like Karl Rove implied, liberals are anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-democracy, and obviously pro-corruption - witness their unwavering support for the criminals running the UN. Witness their shameful coopting of the WTC site for their 'it's our fault' monument to terrorist appeasement, also called the "Freedom Center". Witness their direct assistance to terrorists via false media stories like Newsweek, demoralizing statements like Pelosi's and Durbin's, and their myopic focus on supposed 'torture' scandals. In my opinion, we don't torture terrorists enough, our soldiers and innocent Iraqis/Afghans are dying dammit.

I have the newest conservative diet fad for you - don't eat until Hillary "I'm a moderate, I swear on my husband's life" Clinton promises to pull the US out of the UN, and likewise. Actually, maybe that's not a good bet, Hillary would say ANYTHING to be President.

After witnessing Chappaquidick Swim Team Captain Ted Kennedy's behavior at the latest Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, in which he spouted nonsense, lies, and defamations like they were going out of style, and insulted/disparaged the great men who are winning the war against terrorism, one can't help but think that the enemy is among us and has infiltrated our government all the way to the Senate and House. Pelosi might as well put on a burkha, strap some explosives to her leg, and take a little trip to Israel, like that crazy bitch the Israelis caught last week trying to blow up a hospital - another story that got no play in the leftist media. Durbin should run for President of Iran, the mullahs would love him.

Where is the pro-freedom ethos that this country was founded on, that ended slavery, that won two World Wars, that defeated the Soviet Union without war, that forced North Korea to keep their commie asses north of the 38th parrallel? It has been replaced, among leftists, with elitism, self-serving rhetoric, political correctness, and moral equivalency. Liberals are so against 'being judgemental' that they forget that judgement is necessary to stay alive. Total absence of judgement among liberals will see them on the ash heap of history soon, and good riddance.

Liberalism in our media and government has, for a long time now, clearly stepped over the line into treason. Traitors should be hanged.

Adios MF,


Friday, June 10, 2005

"...apparently, Dean likes the taste of his own foot." - Ron Bonjean

Excellent quip from Mr. Bonjean! Dean just can't help himself and is not being encouraged to do so by the Soros/MoveOn/Barking Moonbat wing of the Democrat party (the new owners):

The best part of Dean's craziness is that the left-wing lunatics at MoveOn and the other socialist 507 groups who shoved Dean down DNC throats now seem surprised that America utterly rejects his rhetoric and politics. They blame the media and the 'vast right-wing conspiracy' (shades of Hitlery Clintoon) for magnifying the lunacy of The Screamer. Many Democrats are highly PO-ed, especially the more moderate Dems (only a few of those left now), but even the Bidens and Hoyers of the far left ilk. MoveOn attempted a palace coup of the DNC, installed their man to do it, but the country rejects them just as much now as it did during the last election. More, since they don't have the liberal media pushing their cause much anymore.

The liberal media has very large problems of their own now, they are soon to be out of jobs. The slide of circulation and ratings for left-wing prosletyzers like CNN, NYT, WaPa, LAT, CBS, ABC, NBC, etc. is accelerating. Even raging socialists eventually see economic reality. CNN and NYT are both making half-hearted attempts to reign in the communists in their midst, but they are still in major denial about their liberal bias.

But changing a viewpoint that has been drummed into you all your adult life by leftist college professors, bosses, and other fellow travelers is hard. I wonder if the communists who did the original infiltration of American media and universities foresaw the danger that Americans might just be smart enough to reject socialist ideology even when it has been shoved down their throats for 50 years? That a 'free press' goes both ways - people are free to reject socialist agendas when the government is prohibited from enforcing them?

Americans are too smart after all, good riddance Mr. Marx.

Adios MF,


Thursday, June 02, 2005

Who should manage your money, the Government or You?

Not sure who Martin Frost is or why would run an opinion piece by him, especially one so obviously biased against President Bush and private Social Security accounts. But here's my emailed response:

Mr. Frost,

Your opinion piece on today on President Bush's social security reforms are so clearly a Democrat's effort at spin I'm a bit surprised that Fox ran it without a rebuttal.

First, the evidence is clear to me that under current conditions Social Security will begin running out of money LONG before 2042 as you and most Democrats want us to believe. More educated assesments put it around 2014, less than 10 years from now. Spinning the date out further is what all Democrats are doing, nothing new, but it does a serious disservice to Americans to fudge the facts.

Secondly, to suggest that Democrats have proposed alternatives to private accounts that would 'patch' the problem is disingenous to say the least. Patching is not what Americans are interested in, they want it FIXED. Government-run retirement accounts are NOT what I believe the founding fathers intended, and run contrary to the democratic principles this country was founded upon. Americans DO NOT want big government, and we wish you Democrats (and in fairness, some Republicans) would get off that kick.

Third, your statement: "He stubbornly persists in trying to sell the public his privatization scheme -- which has nothing to do with Social Security's long-term solvency and which the public roundly rejects." is way off base. There's so much wrong with that statement I don't know where to start. The public doesn't need to be sold on this, the public HAS NOT 'roundly rejected' private accounts, only your buddies in the Democratic party and their stooges in the liberal media/polling companies have. I've met NO ONE who wouldn't prefer to manage their own retirement savings. Not to mention that despite your attempts to paint Bush as 'stubborn' (like that's a bad thing), no one is buying it. It's Democrats that come off looking like obstructionists, liars, and arrogant elitists here.

Democrat efforts at spin on this issue are quickly reaching fantasy level. President Bush is not 'falling off the cliff', but Democrats are backed right up against it, aren't they? Why else would they be resorting to your kind of assinine rhetoric?

Fourth, your proposal for making the elderly work longer, and for increasing taxes are standard 'I don't give a crap about the common man' Democrat hypocracy. Americans are no longer content to quietly bear bigger and heavier burdens to further the liberal/Democrat vision of a socialist society. Get OUT of my pocket, get OFF my retirement age - manage your own house (for a BIG change) to solve the problem, not mine. Or if you can't reign in Democrat (and again in fairness, some Republican) tendencies for spending money you don't have, then just acceed to the wishes of the electorate and LET US MANAGE OUR OWN MONEY with private accounts.

I fire people for blowing budgets, politicians somehow get reelected. To me, that seems more of a cause for the current SS problems than anything else.

For you to say that fixing SS "won't be easy" is again disingenuous. Private accounts would be VERY easy. It's your counter-proposals that would be hard, unjust, and serve only to perpuate the problem. Again, Americans don't want to patch a corrupted, badly outdated system - we want a new system that WORKS for everyone, for all time. One in which we KEEP our money, which of course is the root cause of liberal/Democrat (sorry for the redundancy) angst about this - Democrats arrogantly believe government can manage our retirement planning better than citizens. Government sure did a good job with SS, didn't they? And now you advocate more of the same - get real please.

Your final comments warning about "benefit cuts and increased taxes" down the road are again - BS. Enacting private accounts will obviate the need for benefit cuts and increased taxes, your refusal to admit that aside.

The fact is that everyone understands Democrat opposition to private accounts instead of Social Security: it's simply about control and greed, with a little anti-Bush spite thrown in. Private accounts for social security are a first step in reducing the size of government and the control they have over average Americans. But this is directly contrary to modern Democrat philosophy, who like today's liberal media, now overwhelmingly believe in the concepts of socialism.

Well, most American's don't. President Bush should keep pushing for privatization of SS, he's got 100% of my support.


You should all send this idiot a letter too, copy so that Fox understands that running an con job like that opinion piece is not conducive to 'fair and balanced' reporting.

Bush: We should manage our OWN money in at least partial Social Security private accounts, it will bring bigger returns and ease the burden on the system.

Democrats: What problem? But if there is one, just work more years and pay more taxes.

Adios MF,
