Thursday, March 29, 2007

NOW: What's Anti-Bush about Islamic Misogeny?

There's an article today on, Brit Hume's Special Report, about the National Organization for Women (NOW) filing a discrimination complaint against the Bush Administration:,2933,262582,00.html

It seems the President's "Promoting Responsbile Fatherhood Initiative" is only for fathers, in other words [shudder], men. A program designed to benefit women by teaching responsible living, job, and fatherhood skills to men is under attack by these 'champions' of womanhood. NOW can't publicly promote execution for men (yet), but they can certainly get rid of any support for those betraying mothers. How DARE these women have sex with a man?! And not get an immediate abortion?! "And Isis help you if you have a male child you, you traitorous bitch!"

Actually, it surprises me to know that NOW is still in existence - I've heard nothing from them since Bush began to stand up to the women-hating, raping, vagina-mutilating, sexist Islamic terrorists. That seems odd somehow...especially since the Wahabbist scum have installed their sludge in our own country. I thought the first word in NOW was "National"...?

Could it be that NOW will, instead of defending women worldwide, condemn 600 million Islamic women to slavery, chattledom, sexual assault, forced marraige, honor-killing, burqas, and despair in a heartbeat if it helps hurt President Bush? Islam is the ultimate anti-Bush, NOW couldn't care less about the complete betrayal of everything for which the group was supposed to stand. Those half-a-billion Muslim women can just go soak their amputated clitorises.

Or is it that NOW is just frightened of those bad ol' Islamic men, who will in fact use their overwhelming upper-body strength to kill the feminists first? Wait a minute, if NOW admits fear of men, any men, it's going to be difficult to keep up the 'women are no different than men' mantra, isn't it? Also, what are they going to do about getting protection against the Islamonazis? Do you think NOW is secretly counting on the male-dominated, misoginistic US Military to save their furry little legs? That must make for interesting policy discussions.

NOW's behavior towards the most heartbreaking feminist travesty OF ALL TIME, Islam (radical and otherwise), is a clear case of abdication. NOW has thrown every Islamic woman in the world under the Bush Bashing Bus; all women cannot help but be tarnished as well. As Charles Krauthammer would say, Bush Derangement Syndrome claims another victim - NOW should have been a valuable ally in the cause of female freedom in the Islamic world.

NOW is now simply a pathetic excuse for a former advocacy group, just another bunch of heterophobic (heh-heh), anti-Bush whiners.

Adios MF,


Friday, March 16, 2007

Bush Never Met an Illegal He Couldn't Exploit

President George W. Bush, master slaver, makes his usual ridiculous statements about illegal immigration. "I sent 6k troops on a bus tour of the desert (didn't let them out of the bus of course), so obviously I'm serious about securing our borders!" My ass. W's a damn sellout, just as bad as his legislative idol, Ted Kennedy:

All the good work that W has done in the WOT is tarnished by his abject surrender to Mexico and his slave-labor buddies on our southern border. Despite everything Bush done to take the fight to the Islamonazis, if I had to rate him I'd give him a 4 out of 10 as a President - ENTIRELY BECAUSE OF HIS LYING, BACK-STABBING, TREASONOUS BETRAYAL ON OUR BORDER SECURITY.

There is no question of the will of the people - 80% of the nation's legal citizens, including recent immigrants, want the wide-open border secured. So Tom Tancredo just sent me a solicitation for a campaign contribution, he's promising to run for Pres. in 2008 on a single plank - border security. Hey Republicans: What do you suppose Tom will do to your chances of getting another Republican President next year?

Bush not only has betrayed the people of the US on border security, he's betrayed the constitution he swore to protect and defend. Bush has doomed the Republicans to minority status and paved the way for, gasp, another liberal Democrat in the White House.

I've never bought into the hype about Bush's lack of intelligence, but I have to say: Nice work stupid. Enjoy your Mexican statues and Benedict Arnold legacy dumbass.

Adios MD,


Sunday, March 04, 2007

The TRUTH About Israel and "Palestine"

EXCELLENT article by Orson Scott Card about the REAL story of Israel. The murderous, lying, genocidal so-called Palestinians, the outrageous lies and betrayals by Muslim terrorists and nations, and the ongoing attempts by Muslim gangsters to keep milking the situation for personal wealth and power:

Anyone who would prefer to know the TRUTH about the middle east conflict, anyone who ever had a shred of sympathy for the Arabs and muslims in the region (I DO sympathize with non-violent Muslims in the region, if there are any), and anyone whoever wished they REALLY knew what the conflict was about should read this. In short, the legacy media, the Arabs, the Muslims, EVERYONE has been lying about this for decades - to the point where the original facts and the TRUE history comes as a very shocking surprise to most.

All this agnostic, freedom loving American has to say is: Go Isreal! You can bet your ASS that no US politician will betray you for long.

My sentiments are echoed by everyone I know. They have nothing to do with any "Iraeli lobby", any 'Jewish control of major media' (that ALWAYS makes me laugh - our media is so anti-Isreal it's embarrassing), or any ulterior motive whatsover. My support for Israel has EVERYTHING TO DO WITH MY OPPOSITION TO BARBAROUS, MURDEROUS, MYSOGINISTIC, LYING, GENOCIDAL, RAPING GANGSTERS MASQUERADING AS HAMAS, AL FATAH, HEZBOLLAH, MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD, AND ALL THE REST OF THE COWARDLY SCUMBAGS - 'terrorist' is too nice term for them.

My support for Israel comes very naturally - the US has also at times been surrounded by enemies of freedom and democracy. We spent our blood and treasure to secure our way of life, Israel is doing the same - in the face of politically correct opposition from the rest of the world. Even from the US in some quarters - the ignorant, PC, molly-coddled generation makes me want to puke when they call themselves "American".

Keep up the good fight Israel, we're with you all the way. "Palestine" and "Palestinians" can kiss my ass, with their tongues out.

Adios MF,
