Friday, April 29, 2005

Bank Paribas - French for "Bend Over"

Interesting article in today's Washington Times online regarding Bank Paribas role in the UN Oil for Food debacle:

It ENRAGES me how they and in fact the UN themselves say "it wasn't our job to verify who was actually getting the money we doled out". If that doesn't highlight the overall problem of the UN I don't know what will.

When I write a check to pay my utility bill, you can bet your ass that I'll ensure that my electric company is who they say they are. Just because it's not their money, the UN thinks no one cares how they spend it? What kind of perverted, corrupt, ASSININE logic is that?! Bank Paribas is simply following the UN's lead here, "What corruption?" The buck stops with ol' Klepto Kofi, and of course Bank Paribas' CEO to a slightly lesser extent. The fact that both of these scumbags claim ignorance doesn't escuse them one bit. Anyone who buys that BS ought not to be off their meds.

The fact is that the Oil for Food program was an enormous cash cow for the corrupt poseurs at the UN; everyone fought for their piece of the pie, their nugget in the gravy train. Bank Paribas got their cut as well, being the UN's designated money launderer has its perks. They all banked on the hope that Gore would be elected and therefore the Saddam Hussein ass-kissing and shared OFF enrichment would continue. Oooops. No wonder the Dems were so mad about that election...

Now Volker is preventing the recently resigned investigators from his team from testifying before congress. Does anyone on this planet actually believe he did that to 'protect the integrity of his investigation'? Volker is bent way over backwards trying to sweep this horrible, despicable scandal under the rug, away from UN fat cats and their corrupt friends. Volker has no intention of telling the truth, it might cut off his Swiss bank income. Anyone who, 6 months into the investigation, couldn't find evidence that OFF corruption went straight to the top is not investigating, he's sucking that big UN tit.

I hope I'm wrong, but I bet those investigators who resigned get bumped off. My fingers are crossed that they're being very careful, and staying well-hidden.

By the way, anyone heard ANYTHING about where the $20 billion in tsunami relief went? I was going to donate $100, but decided not to when W turned over our money to the UN scum. They get not one more dime of MY money if I can help it, it'd be like giving cocaine to an addict. As much as I empathized with the Asians impacted by the disaster, I had no confidence (and still don't) that my donation would have actually made it to someone who really needs it, and not used for the UN staff hotel bill.


UN = Worldwide Criminal Organization

Kofi Annan = World's first worldwide crime lord

Adios MF,


Monday, April 18, 2005

American Activitst Dies in Iraq

I'm very sorry for Marla Ruzicka's family, and for Marla herself. My condolences to her family and friends:,2933,153742,00.html

However, if this doesn't point out the the fact that Iraqi terrorists don't care who they kill I don't know what will. Ms. Ruzicka spent most of her time worrying about Iraqi civilians rather than US soldiers, and from the point of view that the US is the one causing the hardship for Iraqis. Just because she's now dead media seem to ignore that her efforts aided the terrorists at least as much as ordinary Iraqis. Stangely, even Fox downplays her anti-war mania and that of her organization.

The US took so many pains to avoid civilian casualties that many soldiers died or were wounded unnecesarily. Terrorists don't take the first pain to avoid innocent Iraqi deaths, THAT should be the big message in Ms. Ruzicka's death. But no, that might lead to a fair evaluation of the anti-US forces in Iraq - terrorists, murderers, and criminals. Then the media's favorite propaganda term - insurgents - no longer applies, can't have that.

Honestly, most Iraqis probably are 100% behind the US liberation of their country. In my view, groups like CIVIL encourage anti-US opinion in return for money to rebuild houses, businesses, etc. damaged by war. I bet most of the damage was done by terrorists and their IEDs, or by terrorists hiding in civilian areas, schools, and churches.

Also, CIVIL's stated goal of quantifying Iraqi civilian casualties is not for any altruistic, fair-minded accounting of the cause of innocent death. If and when they come up with a number, it will be released in such a way as to do the most damage to George Bush, the US, and our soldiers. I don't believe for a second that CIVIL will spend any time attempting to determine exactly who was at fault for any innocent Iraqi's death, they will all be laid on the doorstep of the US and George Bush. The fact that Iraqi terrorists and anti-freedom fighters, by FAR, killed more innocent Iraqis than the US, and even almost as much as Saddam before them, will be downplayed or huffed-off as US propaganda.

I'm sorry for Ms. Ruzicka's death, honestly and deeply. But these days an 'anti-war' activist is not really anti-war - they are 'anti-US-using-war-as-a-means-to-liberate-oppressed-people'. They don't give a crap that terrorists kill innocents left and right for money and power. That kind of 'war' is okay in their book, it's just when America attempts to protect and liberate freedom-loving, pro-democracy Iraqi dreamers that war is 'wrong'. Apparently Islamic Fascism is an easier means by which to someday attain the goal of most anti-war protesters: a world socialist/communist government. After a couple decades of tyrannical Islamic government, tyrannical socialism/communism probably looks pretty good to the ignorant.

Adios MF,


Friday, April 15, 2005

Duuuhhh, where did they go?

If any single news article could ever highlight the absurdity of the US's illegal immigration problem, the ridiculous attitudes on the left toward it, and the utter inneffectiveness of government to deal with it, this one does it all:

If even ONE of these illegals was also a terrorist, every govt. official involved in this travesty could some day be guilty of doing nothing to prevent the loss of thousands of lives on the same scale as Bill Clinton's refusal to deal with OBL before 9/11.

"Delegate Vivian E. Watts, Fairfax County Democrat, said Wednesday the law limiting local officials in detaining illegal aliens is necessary to prevent illegals from being victimized by other criminals."

What friggin' planet do these yahoos live on?! I suggest that everyone who reads this article send an email to this ignoramus in the VA legislature at Explain that illegal aliens are criminals, and if they fear victimization by other criminals maybe fewer of them will break our laws? Ask also that she limit her constituency to her LEGAL Fairfax Co. residents? Maybe suggest that her name will now be remembered among those who 'were part of the problem' in the future - after the next 9/11 and subsequent World War?

The Republican Albo's response was better, but still willfully blind:

"It seems so obvious to me that no one would show up," said Delegate David B. Albo, Fairfax County Republican. "It just highlights how much the federal government has completely dropped the ball on this whole issue. They get their hands on 11 [aliens] and they can't even grab them and throw them out of the country."

It's not just the federal government at fault David, where in the heck were you and the VA legislature? How about a state law that allows for illegal alien detention and deportation, why does the federal government have to solve your problem? Pointing the finger away from you still leaves 3 fingers pointing back at you...weaseling is not an attrative quality Del. Albo.

Republican Delegate Frederick's response was just about right:

Delegate Jeffrey M. Frederick on Wednesday didn't expect the illegals to return for yesterday's court date. "Yeah, right," the Prince William County Republican said. "When are we going to stop encouraging illegal activity?"

I know it's not fashionable in liberal circles, but 'deterence' is the means by which much of history is shaped. Principles, patriotism, and personal responsibility are not 'reactionary Republican propaganda' in most cases. Illegal aliens are both an enormous security problem and an equally enormous economic problem in MY country. And I do mean MINE.

Democrat self-serving ethnic and illegal alien pandering, and in fairness southern Republican pandering and greed aside, and contrary to many in the liberal media, this problem is not unfixable. The Minuteman Project has proven that in spades. If 90% of legal US citizens, including %78 of legal immigrants in this country, all agree that our borders are not secure, should %.0003 of our citizens be allowed to ignore the demands of the rest and have their way? Isn't that almost exactly the conditions that led to the American Revolution in 1775?

Now ordinary Americans are arming themselves and volunteering to police our borders. The project name "Minuteman" could not be more appropriate, but will our political leaders respond to our will before they're politically 'hanged' by their electorates in the next election?

Doesn't look like it so far. To them I have to say: Since volunteers, guns, and a %90 mandate don't get your attention, how many innocent Americans will die before you get your heads out?

Adios MF,


Monday, April 11, 2005

Cal Thomas Gets It About Illegal Immigration

Not much else to say:,2933,153075,00.html

The Minutemen have clearly demonstrated both the problem and the solution, let's see if our political leaders give a crap...don't seem to so far.

Adios MF,


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Cookie Monster is Now a Wussy

Came across this article on today:,2933,152785,00.html

So now the wild, funny, irreverant, mischievious Cookie Monster of my youth is watered-down, candy-assed, 'moderated' version of himself. Leave it up to liberals at PBS to take the joy out of even the most innocent of childhood fun.

When I was a kid the whole point of the Cookie Monster was that he was a bad for eating all the cookies, for not sharing. But he always learned to share and resist his greedy impulses. Not once did I ever get the impression that Sesame Street writers were suggesting that I could eat just cookies. Or if I ever did my mother certainly straightened me out on that.

Sesame Street characters were buddies back then, Bert and Ernie always made me laugh, Oscar was always cool because he loved trash, the Cookie Monster appealed to my sense of fun, very large a that age. Now they're just furry parental replacements, fuzzy propaganda tools for liberals over at PBS. "Get 'em used to leftwing programming early eh? Why wait until college?"

McDonalds and the Cookie Monster are NOT the cause of childhood obesity - parents are. But liberals need for coporate America to be at fault, and so usher in the socialist nanny state. They'll crush any childhood fun, any sense of innocent foolishness in pursuit of that goal. Cookie Monster today, Fat Albert and the Hamburgler tomorrow.

Adios MF,


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Republicans Are About to Screw Themselves

I'm so pissed:

If this is an example of Republican conduct than I have to come to the conclusion that Republicans have joined the Democrats and betrayed their supporters, our soldiers, and our very country.


So once again our soldiers are going to suffer because of politicians' duplicity and greed. Wonderful. I thought that kind of betrayal was exclusive to Democrats, oh well.

And by the way Frist, when exactly DO you want to have a debate on immigration reform? After the NEXT 911? You've already delayed once, back in Dec. when you could have passed both ID and Illegal Immigration legislation. How many more innocents have to die before you decide that maybe your vested interests are LESS important than our security and economy?

What's even more screwed up is that the Senator who is most vocal about securing our borders is Hillary Clinton, the beast herself. I guess Republicans WANT her to be our next president...I think I'm going to be ill....

Adios MF,


Citizens Taking Border Security Into Their Own Hands

I couldn't have said it better Matt:,2933,151987,00.html

Better pay attention Bush and Republicans, or Democrats will replace you in the next elections.

Adios MF,


Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Minuteman Project Gaining Momentum and Success

Hmmm, more volunteers have shown up and lo! - illegal entry to the United States is dramatically down in the patrolled areas. Duh.,2933,152468,00.html

I love the Border Patrol's response, that they're getting false positives on their sensors from the Minutemen. "Gee whiz, you're giving me extra blips on my computer screen!" The fact that the Border Patrol is not working WITH the Minutemen on this project - sharing a radio frequency, coordinating responses and patrols - is just breathtaking in its perversity. It's an excellent example of what's wrong with our nation's border security, where the management policy is "Zero Lawsuits through Abdication of Mission".

I wish folks would stop saying that securing our borders is not possible, too expensive, not supported by the electorate, racist, vigilante-ish, etc. The whole point of the Minutemen is to point out to both our government and the Mexicans that we're finally serious about border security, deadly serious. When an American puts on a weapon and volunteers, he means business. The fact that it is so successful already just points out the absurdity of the situation - average Joes can secure our borders better for free than the authorized agents who are paid to do so.

Most Americans believe that the next group of terrorists are likely to arrive in our country via Mexico or Canada, it's the path of least resistance. Mexico in particular is huge concern due to their government's lax security and unwavering unwillingness to address it. Canada is in the same boat as far as their liberal government's approach to security, it's just that Canada is slightly less porous.

Americans welcome immigrants to our country, we always will. But they will enter the country legally, they will adopt our culture (or at least not violently oppose it) and language, they will obey our laws and respect our customs, and they will participate and invest in the free future of the nation, politically, economically, and personally. In turn they will get every bit of respect for their beliefs, ancestry/ethnicity, culture, religion, and individual rights.

Americans are no longer politely expecting this over time, we have to look for it in advance and watch the door very closely in order to avoid another 9-11. We are sorry if illegal immigrants and their fans don't like it (not really), but they're going to have to get used to it.

Adios MF,


Friday, April 01, 2005

Liberal News Blackout: Berger, Illegals, Iraq Success...

A little more attention given to the 'Bergler' story by Fox today, but I still see little on other websites. In fact the WaPo and the NYT both have home page stories about how pre-war intelligence was right but ignored by Bush and Republicans. At least Fox has a home page link to it, if not a banner headline:,2933,152108,00.html

I doesn't surprise me that the liberal press will ignore this story. Just more evidence of the uselessness of those two media outlets.

I also notice that only Fox seems to be giving the Minuteman Project any press at all, and it's often a bit negative. Fox did mention that OVER 90% OF AMERICANS THINK OUR BORDERS ARE NOT BEING SECURED. That kind of number ought to get the attention of our Congress and President, but as usual their vested interests come first. Our Border Patrol needs new orders, and the Minutemen are there to see that agents get them.

Full speed ahead Minutemen, I'm behind you 100%!

"Mr. President, Congress - gentlemen we are not kidding. Secure our borders and deport ALL illegals now, or you will not be in DC much longer."

Gee, I think I also heard a rumor that we caught a number of terrorist leaders recently in Afghanistan and Iraq. I wonder if there's anything in the liberal news media about it....not!

Adios MF,
