Friday, July 30, 2004

Hypocritical Protesters - "Down with Principles!!" "Up with Media Exposure!!"

Interesting how these folks who believe strongly enough in something to give up their lives and to go to Boston/NY to protest for/against it, but then immediately sacrifice their 'principles' to vote for someone 'who is not Bush'. - You Decide 2004 - Protesters Saving Energy for GOP

They'll be out in droves in NYC to harrangue the Republicans, knowing that our wonderful liberal media will give them the spotlight they desire. It's no surprise to Americans that protesters in Boston had no spotlight. Who would bother to protest the party of enlightenment, inclusion, and pro-'little guy'? Those are the media's and the DNC's definitions, not mine.

I wonder if poor Americans, minorities, and gays notice that the Democratic leadership is made up of white millionaires? I thought these downtrodden folks were tired of the white man's lies?

Sometimes I despair for Americans - the liberal media plays us like fiddles and those who are not intellectually disciplined enough to question the propaganda that is CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, NY Times, etc. are easily swayed by populist rhetoric. I blame the 'liberalization' of education in America. Anyone who has attended college after 1960, like me, has been the target of 're-education', Soviet-style. "If you don't believe us, you are obviously a reactionary and need further 're-education". In modern academia, Left = Corrrect, and Right = Ignorance. Fantasy and lies have replaced reality and honesty, and true academic impartiality is arrogantly attributed to narrowmindedness.

As a business professional, I haven't made hiring decisions based upon educational background in some time. I've always attempted to place into context the applicant's recent work history and accomplishments, and their educational background was always a supporting criteria. But these days I find myself going the other way. Should I see schools like Yale, Princeton, Bryn Mar, Stanford, UCLA, Berkely, and just about any other formerly top-notch school, I look deeper into the applicant's history than I did before. What I find is disturbing - applicants that attended these schools overwhelmingly list accomplishments such as 'diversity specialization', 'gender-neutral communications', 'affirmative action program expert', 'racism-free taxonomies', etc. But when I ask in interviews for them to elaborate on System Development Life Cycle, I get answers that demonstrate an alarming lack of fundamental scientific, logical thought.

So generally I stick with hiring immigrants and Americans who developed their expertise in the marketplace, and mostly do not have college educations. Degrees from many of these Ivy League socialist factories are becoming a liability in the market. I don't hire them anymore, that's for sure.

Adios MF,


Thursday, July 29, 2004

Michelle Malkin: More Muslim hate crime myths

Not a lot of time today, but I found Michelle Malkin's articles on the myth of Arab hate crimes very interesting:

Michelle Malkin: More Muslim hate crime myths

Sounds like the Arab-American ADL has taken a page from the NAACP and gay-rights groups: Make it a crime for anyone to have a low opinion of you or your behavior. Discrimination is already a crime, and despicable. The "Hate Crime" label is a crass attempt to allow the government to make it illegal to have your own opinions. In the AA-ADL logic, wasn't 9/11 the biggest hate-crime of them all? NO. It was mass-murder, plain and simple. The killing of Byrd in Texas was murder, plain and simple. The killing of homosexuals is murder.

There is no consitutional protection against being hated. If there were, liberals would all be in jail these days. It matters little to the murdered if their killer is electrocuted due to the commission of a 'hate' crime.

In America, people are free to hate, love, or be indifferent as they choose. Unlike Islam, where the Quran clearly states that Muslims must hate, kill, and oppress non-Muslims, women, gays, etc. Let's hear the AA-ADL condemnation of Islamic hate-mongering native to the religion. But even terrorists if they are American citizens are free to hate us without govt. reprisal. They may not, however, move beyond that into injury, discrimination, or murder.

AA-ADL: How about you remove and condemn the parts of the Quran that hate Jews, Christians, women, and other races?

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

O'Reilly vs. Moore on Fox

Kudos to Bill for staying after Moore to get him on the show. Maybe it was the 'rules' that they agreed to that restrained him, but I felt that Bill could have gone after Moore harder. Bill never even touched on all the anti-American crap that Moore spews internationally, or the fact that Moore's insinuations in F911 are not based in fact. - The O'Reilly Factor - Moore: Bush 'Didn't Tell the Truth'

Oh well, at least the world finally saw him in a setting in which interviewer and the network itself were not softballing him. At least he was forced to back up his 'Bush lied' crap, and the evasions, stutterings, stammerings, and topic changes were very revealing. Moore cannot defend his 'lied' comments, but insists on repeating them - they are his primary ticket to all the attention he's getting. By staging Moore on a fair platform, his bias-driven lies are highlighted.

To paraphrase an old southern saying, "This man needs to be ignored". The original southern expression is as a murder defense - "he needed to be killed".

Adios MF,


Monday, July 26, 2004

Leftist Media Supporting Michael Moore's "Documentary"

It's very interesting to read how media outlets refer to Michael Moore-on's anti-Bush fantasy. Here's a link to an AP article in the Washington Times:

The Washington Times: AP

AP is still calling this movie a documentary. Merriam-Webster online defines documentary as follows:

"of, relating to, or employing documentation in literature or art; broadly : FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE ".

Why does the media insist on referring to this Moore's garbage as a documentary? It has overwhelmingly failed the 'factual' test by any but the blantantly leftist standard. Likewise, the 'objective' standard was never even a contest - Moore's modus operandi, the ambush interview, is by execution (if not by defintion) subjective.

The 'movie' is one of the biggest entertainment industry cons in history, in fact off-hand I can think of none bigger. Except maybe that ridiculous global warming disaster 'epic' of recent release (can't remember the name, it was that bad). I'm guessing Moore spent an afternoon on "" and then wrote the screenplay for his movie (notice I'm not even listing the title - don't even want the web-crawlers to be inadvertantly promote this crap). Then he wraps it in his fake 'little guy against the man' production style, throws in some carefully edited ambush interviews, and with his socialist Hollywood buddies and gleeful support of the liberal media, he labels it a documentary in an attempt to give elevate it from it's rightful category - treasonous, libelous, agit-propaganda. I'm not amused.

What I'd pay to see over and over is a true documentary of Michael Moore. I bet it would triple whatever his latest screed makes, just in the US alone. Contrary to leftist media reports, this is an almost universally reviled man in the US.

Also, I'd be very curious to see in which countries his movie is making the supposed 100M...I seriously doubt that it attracts a wide audience. I'm sure it gets it's money from the 10% on the lunatic fringe (and repeat viewings in that category - these are generally not scholars) and foreigners of the same ilk.

Hey Mike: If you're so in favor of the 'little guy', why don't you interview me? I'll tape it too, just in case you're inclined to edit away my true feeling about your anti-American, traitorous, socialist, liberal, opportunistic, lowlife ass.

Adios MF,


Friday, July 23, 2004

American Heroes

I'm not a religious man, but may God bless these brave souls. - Politics - Flight 93 Downed Without Struggle

I will never forget these American Heroes, nor forgive their murderers. Neither will I rest until any connected to them in the 9/11 atrocities, and even all that would likewise murder innocent Americans, are killed or captured. Americans currently complaining about Bush's strategies for protecting our nation need to read the above article, and think about the last terrifying moments of the innocent men, women, and children on Flight 93 and the New York and Washington DC flights.

How much do you want to bet that the mainstream media will downplay or give this heroism minimal coverage? It probably won't work for the liberal media this time, this story is too inspiring, too real to not be a major motion picture someday.

Good bye fellow Americans of Flight 93, your deaths have transformed our nation and will not be in vain.

Adios My Friends,


Thursday, July 22, 2004

Booking Ronstadt is Detrimental to the Bottom Line

How much do you want to bet Rondstadt never again draws the crowds she used to? She just pointed out her ignorance to her fan base - most folks will not drop down good money to be subjected to the anti-American opinions of a washed-up entertainer: - Foxlife - Aladdin Casino May Welcome Linda Ronstadt

This is fast becoming a major issue for entertainment industry agents, distributors, facility owners, PR/Marketing companies, etc. All the folks who bear the risk and expect to reap the financial rewards for booking entertainment talent for shows, movies, TV, specials, etc. These entertainer ignoramuses shoot themselves in the pocketbook everytime they open their mouths. If I was in that business I'd be adding 'no political soapboxing' clauses to every contract I offered. And I'd be suing the Sheens, Robbins, Penns, and now Rondstadts that directly sabotaged my profits by opening their ill-informed mouths.

It's different for the entertainers like Dennis Miller, Bruce Willis, Don King, etc., who when they talk politics at least make sense. But the Martin Sheens, Garafolos, Robbins, Streeps, Goldbergs, Depps, Penns, and now Rondstadts of the industry have talked themselves out of many a job, maybe for ever. If what came out of their mouths was constructive criticism or objective comment it wouldn't be a big deal. But what they spew is hate-filled invective, Moore-like lies and conspiracies, insults, profanity, and drivel.

Anyone who didn't see Sheen's God and Generals last year (which is most of you), who didn't see Garafolo's comedy shows (she, like Whoopi Goldberg, are booked less and less), who didn't see Penn's and Robbins's latest movies (which again is most of you), who will no longer see Whoopi's Slimfast commercials; is it, like me, deliberate? I refuse to drop down good money for a show, and then be subjected to Rondstadt-like left-wing prosletizing. I will ask for my money back everytime.

Just a quick reality check to Linda Rondstadt and all her loony-left buddies:

Hey Linda, et al! Just because you have a microphone in your hand doesn't mean that everyone wants to hear anything out of your mouth except for song. Stick to singing (or telling jokes, or acting) and leave real life to real people. Get over it, Gore LOST in 2000, and rightly so.

In case anyone isn't aware, invoking Michael Moore has become the kiss of death for entertainers and politicians across the land. When Tom Dashle loses his reelection bid, one of the contributing factors will be his hug of that fat, socialist scumbag. I bet Linda secretly wishes she'd kept her mouth shut, her Moore-plug can only help her along her road to oblivion.

Adios MF,


California Tax Money Defends Illegal Govt. Practice

I'm sure glad I don't live in California, too many foreigners...:>) - Views - Behind the Bar - Will Landmark Suit Force Immigration Reform?

What the State of CA is doing is incredible - if the government won't obey it's own laws who will? What's even more incredible is that the majority of LEGAL immigrants in CA are just as pissed as everyone else. Isn't governmental tyranny grounds for revolution in this country? It sure used to be. Need to do this in Texas and Florida as well

Excellent idea to sue the State, how can it be turned it into a Class Action suit? Need to get more horsepower behind it so that the 'crats can't get it sidetracked.

This country will, as always, welcome legal immigrants who want to contribute to the country, pay taxes, adopt our language and culture, and protect freedom and democracy. But the illegals have to go, now. Not be given driver's licenses, free healthcare at taxpayer expense, and especially not the right to vote.

Adios MF,


Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Mistake?! It's not funny Bill.

Ahhh, the odiferous spin on a sultry summer day in Washington DC reminds me of the pig sty on the family farms of my youth. It stinks to high heaven, but is also interesting in the same way that a car wreck is.

Another example of the maddening arrogance of liberal politicians and their media flunkies is the reaction of Kerry and Clinton to Sandy Berger's flagrant flouting of information security laws: - Politics - Berger: 'I Deeply Regret' an 'Honest Mistake'

What kind of arrogance must be in Berger's mind in that he thinks that the average American is dumb enough to believe his 'honest mistake' sty filling? It may be an honest mistake for an everage citizen to stick a code-word document in his/her briefcase, but is clearly NOT a mistake when a former NSA to the President of the US sticks code-word documents and his notes into his socks, underwear, and pockets.

No one should be fooled (and no one I know is) by this obvious attempt at damage control. Sandy was caught hiding damning documents from the 9/11 Commission, plain and simple. He was covering his incompetent ass, and his even more incompetent boss's ass (Slick Willy), by carefully selecting what info the 9/11 Commission could see.

This is clear from Sandy's own immediate whine "I turned over every document requested by the Commission". However, why would he say that, especially since he was charged by Bill Clinton to SELECT which docs the Commission can see? Disingenuous at the very least, blatantly criminal meddling with what should have been one of the most important investigations of our time. Americans have been conned by 9/11 Commission and Clinton's 'smoke-filled room' obstructionism, but the majority see through this despicable and criminal behavior. Especially those who have experience with Clinton-era liberal media manipulation.

Add Jamie Gorelick to the equation, and you have the whole scheme: Sandy makes sure the Commission doesn't see anything damaging to Clinton and his regime figureheads, and from the inside Gorelick makes sure that the 9/11 Report is skewed to damage Bush and the republicans. Does anyone have any hope for a fair, objective, and realistic 9/11 Report from the Commission? If so, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.

I'm also enraged but not surprised by Bill Clinton's reaction; in essence 'what's the big deal, Sandy was always careless with documents'. Clearly, a reflection on the Clinton Admin's general attitude towards security. That in itself is an indication of where blame for 9/11 lies.

I bet Monsier Kerry was pissed. I'm sure he was counting on the promised anti-Bush slant of the Senate Intelligent Report, and the expected 'Bush is to blame' connotations ensured by Gorelick, Veniste, and Berger. First Joe Wilson is proven a bald-faced, criminally irresponsible liar, and that Bush was telling the truth all along - no Senate Intelligence Report bonanza. Now Berger's criminality further marginalizes the expected anti-Bush benefit of the 9/11 Report.

It's par for the course that like past scandals on the Democratic side of the fence, the media and Democratic leaders complain about the messenger rather than the message. The Univ. of Michigan judicial rigging on affirmative action, the Democratic plan to use the formerly non-partisan Senate Intelligence Committee as a political weapon against Bush, Kerry's intern scandals, and now the 'secret Berger sauce' - Clinton/Kerry democrats are more pissed about getting caught, just like your average teenager - to a man/woman they have no principles. Where are all the principled Democrats? When will they give back to the American people an honest and principled alternative to Republican party candidates? I like Bush, but I'd vote for a Democrat if I thought his/her political stances and more importantly, integrity, was equal or better than the Republican candidate's. Haven't seen a Democrat like that since Zell Miller. What do we have instead to choose from on the Democrat side? Clinton (Hillary too), Dashle, Kennedy, Kerry, Edwards, Dean, Byrd, etc. Liars and oppotunistic populists, all, if not outright socialists or communists.

Adios MF,

- Doug

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

How do you want your Berger?

Make mine well done.
Here's a man who was asleep at the switch while Al Queda became an international network.  A man who wouldn't capture Osama due to legal niceties (I imagine most NSAs err on the other side of that equation - less picky about legalities when compared to potential American deaths).  This is a man who was a nonentity when he was NSA.  My opinion is that the documents he 'lost' all very clearly point out that had anyone in the Clinton administration lifted even one finger to protect the US, 9/11 wouldn't have happened.
But you can't really blame this entirely on Sandy Berger, Bill Clinton is the real culprit.  Leadership by example works in the negative too.  It's a shame that real Americans like George W. Bush have to spend so much of their time in office cleaning up after that Arkansas scumbag.  It's a tragedy that Bill and Co. are spending more time and effort attempting to rewrite history than they ever did in office actually doing their damn jobs.
Please, please, please!  Let's continue to break the strangle hold of the liberal media.  America does NOT belong to the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CNN, or USA Today.
Have to give Kudos to USA Today for printing the Berger story on page 1.  Unusual for them.  NY Times and Wash. Post buried it, as usual.  They are also leaving out aspects that are damaging to John Kerry, Massachusetts scumbag.
Adios MF,