Wednesday, September 29, 2004

TAS Online Article: Farenheit 411 - A must read!

Jay Homnick's excellent article in The American Spectator Online today, about how the Old Media wanted McCain/Feingold to consolidate their political power but didn't count on bloggers is a must read. Well written and funny, Mr. Homnick rubs in the irony and lauds the hutspah of the 'pajama-clad bloggers', and lampoons the Old Media's bumbling:

Here's my response, emailed to TAS:

Subject: Old Media got 'owned'

Rather amusing, Mr. Homnick! This blogger ( thanks you for so cleverly illuminating what has become a thriving community on line. The Pajamahadeen have developed into a watchful, 24/7 media police, a force with which to be reckoned as CBS recently found out. "Ratherizing" and "freeping" (lying/forging and getting busted by Free Republic (and now, any) bloggers, respectively) have recently become well known verbs in cyberspace.

Another phenomenon of the blogosphere is its ability to drive stories into the news, stories the Old Media attempt to ignore in their quest to elect John Kerry. The Swift Boat Vets charges against Kerry are a prime example. Kerry's friends in the media completely discarded their principles long before the Rathergate mess with regard to the Swifties, but the Pajamahadeen's ruthless R&D was enough to convince at least Fox News and a few others. This left Old Media no alternative but to break out the DNC-led attack/distract/smear machine against the Swifties, but the Vets stood strong anyway.

There are also a lot of bloggers (here's one of my favorite neighbors: showing the other side of the war in Iraq; the side that includes new schools, women in business and government, a free press, a new electrical and transportation infrastructure, grateful and brave Iraqis, and more. This side cannot be found on Old Media and even Fox News doesn't provide nearly the amount coverage this news deserves.

The bottom line is that Americans can FINALLY get their news, analysis, and information on their own via the Internet, getting ALL sides and easily avoiding becoming stooges of the Old Media. My hero Drudge regularly scoops Old Media on big stories; now we can add Free Republic to the list of Davids against the liberal/socialist-dominated Goliath of the CNN/CBS/New York Times/Washington Post/ABC/NBC/NPR/LA Times/Boston Globe/USA Today leftist media cabal.

There's a new movement, also started I believe on Free Republic, to pitch in and get Dan Rather some snuggly pajamas to assist his fact checking. I've already pledged an old pair - I recently went out and bought a WHOLE BUNCH of new PJs for myself...

Harpers Ferry, WV

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

How about closing the border AND checking IDs at hospitals? has a story that Feds are telling hospitals to gather data about the citizenship of their patients:,2933,133736,00.html

I agree with the Southwestern Legal Foundation about throwing more money at border security (and 'clarfiying' their mandate), but I disagree with the Georgia Hospital Association. The GHA says they don't want to be an arm of the INS, fine. But at least do your job to help control the cost of health care, we taxpayers are tired of paying for your laziness.

Here's another story, this one in The Washington Times online, entitled "Al Queda seeks tie to local gangs" ( This story in particular shows why I, and I think EVERYONE, am/should be so concerned about border security and requiring legal ID cards for basic government services. The terrorists are already moving across our borders. Most likely they can also easily get free health care, false IDs, and probably even drivers licenses.

I sent the following to

I read your article on-line at FoxNews, "Feds Order Hospitals to Question Illegals' Status" (,2933,133736,00.html), on September 28, 2004. I'd like to point out that the rising cost of health care in this country is forcing American CITIZENS, particularly small businesses, out of the various health care plans in our country. HMOs, PPOs, and the rest are increasingly removing the competitive choice from their customers, the very thing that made our health care industry the envy of the world. At the same time doctors are being forced out due to the greed of trial lawyers and insurance companies.

So, if our elected leaders would care to get serious, both in funding and mandate, about closing our borders we'll solve both large security problems AND take a large whack at the cost of health care in this country. It seems both major political parties, especially Democrats - illegals vote overwhelming Democrat - would prefer to figure out ways for illegal aliens to vote, and in the mean time benefit from cheap labor. It's clear to me that both Republican and Democrat political leadership do not have the will to address either side of this problem; the open borders or alien theft of services. I'm sorry to put it so coldly, but I think both long-time Americans and LEGAL immigrants agree - we have to do both for the benefit of all who obey the law and fairly pay into our health care, tax, and insurance systems. Not to mention stopping cold blooded killers from waltzing into our country unnoticed.

In my blog (, I've called for Asa Hutchinson's resignation several times, after his admonishment of Border Patrol agents for 'lack of sensitivity', and his recent comments that 'Americans don't have the political will to enforce closed borders'. Excuse me Mr. Hutchinson, but it's definitely NOT the American people (the folks you work for), who lack the political will, it's folks like you and your bosses on both sides of the political spectrum. Mr. Hutchinson is clearly the wrong man to be running our border security. Until Tom Ridge fixes that problem, we will continue to see this lack of 'political will' in both Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Ridge themselves, and unfortunately, in President Bush as well.

The United States of America was founded on ideals of freedom, acceptance, and welcome for immigrants of all lands and cultures. I and everyone I know, including recent immigrants, still believe that - I think most Americans do not want 'shut' borders, only controlled. Illegal aliens unfairly 'cut in line' in front of folks who respect our laws; illegals mostly do not pay their fair share of especially federal taxes and place an enormous burden on many of our government systems, especially health care and hospitals. Illegals should not get driver's licenses, they should not get free health care - they should not be here in the first place.

Even the ACLU knows that when you want security and to lower your bills (and we do), the first thing you should do is firmly close the door.

Harpers Ferry, WV

Monday, September 27, 2004

Thanks Komrad Teddy

Thanks a lot to Ted Kennedy for telling the terrorists how to help John Kerry win the election - bomb America with a nuclear weapon. As long as, of course, they bomb those horrible people down in NYC or DC rather than HIS swank abode:,2933,133683,00.html

Someone needs to perform an intervention and ensure that ol' Ted gets off the juice. Maybe prozac instead? Something!

Unfortunately for Swimmer Ted, his plan will backfire. Any major terrorist act will make Bush's election a shoo-in. In the face of imminent danger, Americans will abandon Kerry and the Democrats faster than our hero can abandon a woman drowning in his car.

Sorry Teddy, going to have to come up with another way for America to lose. But don't worry, with old drunken communists like you there is ALWAYS another way to sabotage American interests.

Adios MF,


Friday, September 24, 2004

No Bliss in OUR Pajamas, Mr. Somin

I wrote a letter to Fox News Online regarding Mr. Somin's suggestion that the problem of political ignorance in America is entrenched and the outlook is bleak. Not from where I sit:

With regard to Mr. Somin's article "Political Ignorance Is No Bliss" (,2933,133202,00.html), while I agree that political ignorance is a problem in this country, I disagree that the problem is as bad as Mr. Somin seems to imply. True, there are a number of folks who simply do not give politics and voting the priority it deserves, for any number of reasons. But there are a quickly growing number of other folks that do weigh all the information and pay attention, particularly bloggers on the Internet. These increasingly vocal and educated 'Pajamahadeen' are more and more becoming a political truth squad; an efficient, 24/hr on-line, often brutally factual judge and referee of the political spin and a wide range of other government-related issues. I'm proud to be a bona-fide 'pajama-clad blogger' myself, at; part time of course - there's rarely any money it.

For instance, maybe at the time he wrote in his article that "...58% [of Americans] mistakenly believe that the Bush administration perceives a connection between Saddam Hussein and the Sept. 11th attacks", that was Mr. Somin's poll-influenced perception of public opinion. But the blogosphere has long been warning of rushing to judgement on that dismissal, whether President Bush agreed or not, citing the looming UN/Oil For Food/Hussein possibilities as are currently coming to light.

There are many folks on-line keeping an eye on all manner of other issues - everything Mr. Somin mentioned in his article and more - the truth really is out there. Interestingly, many blogs also warn of dismissing the possibility of finding Osama, and Saddam's WMD. The Net is also very useful to see the actual progress being made in Iraq, helping to counter the decidedly anti-progress coverage of the major media.

Like Mr. Somin, I'm all for it. Increasing the level of government/political education and awareness in our country is a must to counter media bias like we've seen recently from CBS. Ordinary citizens can now easily take the matter into their own hands on-line, such as, again, in the case of CBS as well as with regard to the Swift Boat Vets' charges against Kerry. Americans shouldn't accept ignorance or being shut out of two of the most important responsibilities of a citizen - government oversight and voting. This incidentally is why in my blog I regularly call on Congress and the President to repeal the McCain/Feingold debacle, you cannot trust politicians or the media to give you all sides of the story. But the natural filtering process that occurs on-line is a wonderfully 'leveling' anti-spin device.

I do disagree with Mr. Somin, however, that "The problem of political ignorance is not going to be solved any time soon." Take a good look on line these days and you may see history in the making - America is waking up with the aid of technology. Come and join us.

Harpers Ferry, WV

Thursday, September 23, 2004

UN + Kerry = Funded and Enabled Terrorists

I saw the Fox News Breaking Point story regarding the UN Oil For Food (UNOFF) scandal. I have never been so horrified, disgusted, and ANGRY about a news story in my life. The Fox story was a scathing indictment of the United Nations, some of our former allies (France, Russia, and Germany), and our longer term adversary, China. Here's an excerpt that will chill your blood, then boil it:,2933,133212,00.html

So! In this brave new world of Democratic Party vision, the UN will fund terrorists and Kerry will enable them. UN BLOOD MONEY IS KILLING OUR BOYS RIGHT NOW IN IRAQ, AND, VERY LIKELY FUNDED AL QUEDA'S 9/11 ATTACK ITSELF. Americans will not forget this betrayal, we will hunt down those responsible and bring them to justice if it takes forever. You would think that between the UN funders and anti-war enablers, there's enough US blood on their hands to wake up even the most ardent protester or corrupt beaurocrat. But it would appear not - they and Kerry won't be happy until the US is humiliated and withdraws, leaving the Iraqis to the ministrations of the thugs and Islamofacists. Kerry hasn't even been to Iraq recently (or ever?), but that doesn't stop this arrogant elitist from confidently telling the world what he presently thinks (it changes day to day).

Kerry's recent comments about withdrawing from Iraq did not include an insistence on VICTORY first, AND didn't include any kind of deference to the Iraqis' wishes in this regard. Kerry would have us cut and run, and therefore every terrorist in Iraq and around the world, if they weren't so predisposed already, is now firmly in the Kerry camp. I'm so angry about this, Kerry is pulling out his old bag of Vietnam treason-tricks, just in time for Halloween. Listen to Kerry's rhetoric about Iraq today (count how many times the word 'quagmire' is mentioned), and then pull out his old Vietnam speeches from his VVAW and early political days. The similarity is too striking to be coincidental. Kerry is well on the way to betraying our fighting men and women AGAIN. He's already told the terrorists they will win if they just stick in out. Once a traitor, always a traitor.

I'm 100% behind Bush's and Allawi's view - "we are making progress and will stay until we are done". Thank goodness that due to the Internet, talk radio, and cable news the likelyhood of another Vietnam-style betrayal of both our soldiers and the Iraqi/Afghan people is poor. CBS, CNN, NYT, and all the other terror-fan media outlets be warned - your days of lying and pushing your liberal agenda on us, consequence free, are over. CBS is the first casualty, but never fear, we bloggers will get around to you all soon enough.

Here's a test. You can determine if you have a liberal media bias by simply trying the following: Announce at your next news planning meeting that you are going to conduct an interview with John O'Neill of the Swift Boat Vets, and then support a public demand that John Kerry sign a Form 180 to release ALL of his military records. If you get fired before the show, your news organization is likely liberally-biased.

We believe what we want in this country - and for most of us that does NOT include a high tolerance for liberalism, socialism, or far left agendas. So get over it and get back to your job. You report, we'll decide. Oh wait, isn't that Fox's slogan? :>)

The Fox News BP story had major detail and covered a wide range of despicable acts. It used info gleaned from UN insider sources, confidential memos and databases, The 9/11 Report, and Iraqi press/government sources. It had analysis and commentary from two US Congressmen who are running independant probes, as well as experts in financial shenanigans such as money laundering and terrorist funding. It was an EXCELLENT piece of journalism and I applaud them without reservation. NICE WORK FOX!

The UN, France, Germany, Russia, and China are NOT friends of the United States. These terrorist/tyranny-supporting nations should feel our isolation, wrath, economic justice, and 'strategic disdain' (in other words, defend your OWN jerkwater countries from now on) very soon. America must continue to follow this story until we have specific names, we will then find these people and bring them to justice. And not in the pro-terrorist UN or ICC - like Iraq, we'll do this ourselves if necessary.

It will take time to send the message to our new enemies in Europe and Asia, but the UN can be dealt with now and in no uncertain terms. I propose that the US withdraw from the UN and either initate a new, 'coalition of the willing'-type of association, or simply 'go it alone' since we are accused of that anyway. Members in the new UN will gain favored trading and security status for assisting in the world-wide war on terrorism, theocratic tyranny, and socialism/communism. Non-members can live in irrevalency in the old, failed UN. "If you want to live the good life with us, you must not enable or support the evil in the world.", should be the new guiding principle. Make nations like France, Germany, etc. reapply for membership. They'll probably resist due to nationalistic pride, but I believe their citizens will see the world passing them by without a vibrant, close alliance with the US. These traitor governments (I don't for a minute believe that a majority of Germans or French support their government's current terror-friendly postures) must reform or they will join the terrorists in their third world miasma.

Russia seems to have lately gotten the message about terrorism, but that old communist Putin would prefer to eliminate democracy first before protecting his 'subjects'. If Russian citizens allow Putin to appoint their 'elected leaders', it won't be long before there's a new Iron Curtain in Asia/Europe. If Russia's creeping but obivous (re)turn towards totalitarianism doesn't worry France and Germany they are fools who deserve to be speaking Russian. Their new anti-Bush driven and socialism-fueled disdain for their former saviors and friends in the US will leave them isolated in the new world where Islamic fascism is looking to extend north into the lands of the croissant and schnitzel, and Russian aggression is reawakening in the east.

We in the US say, "fine, it's all yours".

I suspect that Russia will also be a lot less humane than the US in their reactions to terrorism from now on, not that there was much humanity in their responses to date. But it seems that at least Putin might be beginning to understand that arming terrorists doesn't necessarily keep you safe from their madness. It's like taking the leash off of a rabid dog - better hope he dislikes the other guy more. Welcome to the real world Putin, but what's the matter? Democracy a bit too hard for poor little you? Not much of a vision for the future there comrade, have you forgotten the old USSR's demise? Or like Kerry, is it that 'you can do it better'?

As for China, their day is coming too. Over a billion people in this country, and I bet very few of them are even aware of their government's support of terrorism and tyranny. The internet, radio, and even television are making democratic inroads in China. New leaders have been emplaced that seem to indicate a softening in the anti-American stances of its aging leaders. But these new leaders should be aware that problems in their western provinces with Islamic terrorism will get worse as these thugs are driven from Afghanistan, Iraq, Kashmir, Chechnya, and Uzbekistan (and all the other -stans over there). Pretty soon the Chinese will be facing the very guns they sold to Saddam while smirking at UN betrayals and US ignorance.

Ronald Reagan might have said at this point, "Well, now we know who to trust - America is coming for the rest of you."

Adios MF,


Monday, September 20, 2004

The American Spectator Published my Letter to the Editor re: McCain/Feingold

I was responding to an article called Voltaire's Bastards, written by Jeremy Lott (

My response (scroll down and look for a Reader Mail entitled "Speech Impediments"):

Adios MF,


Friday, September 17, 2004

Repeal McCain/Feingold!!!

I couldn't have said it better:

Keep your laws out of my mouth!

Hey John: Why don't you have the guts to fight the real enemy of free and fair elections - the main stream media? Remove the most profitable political speech conduit from the media's control: outlaw political advertising on broadcast and cable networks - start an Election Channel. If you leave legal political speech only in the hands of politicians and reporters, it's revolution time again...

Adios MF,


Kerry Betrays America Again

This man would sell his soul for power - he sold out our Vietnam Vets, he sold out our military during the Cold War, he sold out our citizens before and after 9/11, and he'll sell us ALL out to the EU, the UN, and the terrorists themselves if he is elected.

Most responsible Americans, once they become adults, understand that the time to protest a war, or be anti-war, is BEFORE it starts, NEVER after. David Horowitz exemplifies courage and wisdom in admitting the mistake of his anti-war activities during the Vietnam conflict (, while John Kerry obviously has not learned this, or more likely, doesn't care and thinks no one else does. Every time John Kerry opens his mouth about Iraq it's so obvious he hopes that our soldiers' efforts will fail:

Look back on Kerry's anti-war activities and then look at his behavior now - can anyone deny that he is up to his old tricks? The soft, under-cutting words of supposed concern, the 'soldiers dying for the President's mistake' garbage, the instant highlighting and moaning over every single problem, real and imagined. THIS IS THE SAME DIVISIVE AND SUBVERSIVE BEHAVIOR THAT FIRST BROUGHT HIM TO THE ATTENTION OF GENERAL GIAP AND THE NORTH VIETNAMESE 35 YEARS AGO, AND EARNED HIM A PLACE OF HONOR IN VIETNAM'S WAR MUSEUMS (seriously, check out I'm sure Osama, Zawaherie, and Muqtada (Larry, Moe and Curly) have told all their American operatives and contacts: "Vote Kerry, as often as possible."

Seems pretty easy these days, they can just register in as many states as they can get to in a 24 hr. period - standard Democrat Party practice (

I firmly believe that anti-war protesters in this country are responsible for at least half of the post-war deaths of our soldiers in Iraq, just as anti-war protesters of the Vietnam conflict, in particular John Kerry, Jane Fonda, and Tom Hayden, are responsible for the deaths of thousands of our sons in Vietnam. Anti-war protesting is anti-American, no matter what these idiots believe, no matter what their college professors have told them (most are 'fellow travelers' in my opinion), and no matter what the leftist media in this country (also fellow travelers) have been selling us. War protesting costs American lives on the battlefield, and that blood is square on the doorstep of every anti-war protester, from the Vietnam era up to and including the idiots marching in NYC during the RNC.

Adios MF,


Thursday, September 16, 2004

Ollie vs. Dan (or is it Stan?)

What's the fequency Kenneth?

Dan Rathers over at 'see-BS' (new CBS logo) has sunk to a new low. He has become the news (Rathergate) due to his airing of a 60 Minutes II story in which the prima facia evidence were obvious forgeries. Despite everyone and their brother calling on him to fess up, his arrogance won't let him. He now looks like such a buffoon, he'll never have credibility again, not that he ever had much after his Vietnam reporting fiascos.

But apparently Col. Ollie North is not amused. He just called Dan "Forgeries-R-Us" Rather a "wimp, coward, and a liar", and then "un-American". It's about time someone did. Rather treated Ollie very badly back during the Iran-Contra thing, so as Ollie says now, "it's personal". Good for him. Rather is a sick man, his mental illness has been apparent for years, but CBS keeps trundling him out year after year. It's very amusing to see that Cronkite's heir has morfed CBS from the King of News into the National Enquirer. Viacom stockholders have to be pissed, I wonder why they let it happen?

I think it happened because of the liberal blinders on most of the old media. CBS execs probably don't perceive the liberal bias of their news organization because they are liberally biased themselves. They perceive themselves as moderates, calling folks like Chomsky and Michael Moore the liberals. Old Media execs think folks like Tom Daschle are actually conservatives, when in fact they wouldn't know a moderate if he/she was washing their Mercedes.

But it won't be that way anymore, the Internet has finally set its sights on Old Media. The New Media of Bloggers and commentary sites has broken the leftist media's hold on truth. No longer can the New York Times ignore a story like the Swift Vets - if not for the bloggers (and a little help from Brit Hume, Tony Snow, and others at Fox - not liberal O'Reilly) the NYT, WaPo, Globe, LATimes, CNN would never have even mentioned it. I for one intend for this to become the norm from now on, not the exception.

Adios MF,


Monday, September 13, 2004

O'Reilly is a Pinhead

Crap. My beautiful letter to Bill O'Reilly was eaten by Blogspot.

No time to rewrite today. Oh well, in short:

O'Reilly wants the Swift Boat story to go away, and is falling for the Kerry strategy of bashing Bush's ANG service as a means to dismiss both stories.

His article on Foxnews (,2933,131908,00.html) is arrogant and condecending, as if he thinks Americans shouldn't be upset anymore about the massive betrayal of Kerry's post-Vietnam actions. As if Americans should consider electing a person who as recently as the DNC was LYING to them about his exploits in Vietnam. Ann Coulter figured Bill out in a very perceptive article, where she said: "There is the Bill O'Reilly method, which is to abandon independent thinking and simply come out in the middle, irrespective of where the two sides are." I highly recomend it if you can find it, I couldn't seem to via Google.


Adios MF,


Friday, September 10, 2004

Please, PLEASE Fire Asa "Screw you, Americans" Hutchinson!!

This is my second blog about this cream puff, here he goes again:

Now he says the job he was hired to do, and that Americans are depending on him doing, is not only not possible, but that Americans don't really want him to do it. Where did this idiot come from? Does he even live in this country? FIRE HIM NOW!

First, months of border patrol agent work (not to mention the risk associated with rounding up hundreds of illegals) are thrown away because ol' 'America Wide Open' Asa said they offended the sensitivities of Hispanics. Now he says the job can't be done at all. Well, maybe not by a wussy like Asa, but it wouldn't be hard for anyone possessed with even a modicum of sense and a little backbone to do better than the current fiasco.

This also reflects very poorly on Tom Ridge - someone for whom I have had great admiration, although it is diminishing rapidly considering his non-response to Asa's abdications.

Americans want our borders closed to illegal aliens. We want illegals deported - not granted amnesty. The only folks who oppose this are politicians who would like to figure out how to get the illegals to vote in their favor (non-citizen voting laws be damned, if they can't flout them they'll try to change them) and business owners who take advantage of illegal immigrants - paying them substantially less than legal Americans, which of course also denies jobs to folks who obeyed the law and waited their turn in line.

Illegal immigrants are foreign criminals, not citizens. If you'd like to protect yourself and your house from criminals, even a moron understands that you ought to close the door.

Adios MF,


Tuesday, September 07, 2004

What "Veterans for Kerry" are those?

I don't see many pro-Kerry Vets anymore, not that I ever saw many. Maybe folks who enlisted to get college money and were pissed that they actually had to salute and serve, but I never saw a whole lot of true military professionals in Kerry's camp. And much less these days, the Swift Vets are taking their toll not only on Kerry's 'Band of Brothers' nonsense, but also on his Vet supporters in general, such that they were.

Real Veterans are most definately NOT for Kerry, as evidenced by his campaign stop in Racine, WV. I drove past this campaign stop on my way home from a real veteran's house, my father's, where I was treated to a most decidedly anti-Kerry weekend. Other than a few cheaply lettered signs and about a dozen obvious Veterans (most of whom looked to be in their twenties, hmmm), I saw more anti-Kerry signs than favorable ones. I saw two signs mentioning the Swift Vets - both demanded that Kerry sign his Form 180: "Kerry Lies: Sign the Form 180 NOW!

This 'rally' seemed very pathetic to me, considering that Bush seems to draw 10k even when visiting towns that only have 16k people all-together. There couldn't have been more than 500 people, total (including the anti-Kerry protesters). The liberal press won't mention it very much, but Kerry is clearly only drawing the 10% on the looney-left these days - this was very clear from the tie-dyed, liberal/socialist, and 'artsy' crowd I saw. The anti-Kerry folks were wearing jeans, t-shirts, and baseball caps, very distiguishable from the earth-toned, J. Crew/dead-head bedecked Birkenstock crowd, complete with yuppie-larva in their Landcruiser-sized baby strollers. (Gotta give props to my little sister for the "yuppie-larva" label, she coined it about 4 years ago...:>)

Kerry is finally obeying his handlers and attempting to stay off the national security and Vietnam issues - the Swift Boat Vets need a new hard-hitting ad to bring the issue back to the forefront. Bush needs to keep hammering on Kerry's national security abdication policies, Bush can't lose on that issue. The Democrats will try to repeat Clinton's "It's the Economy, Stupid" arrogance they used before, but American's won't buy it this time. The media doesn't have us on lockdown anymore, so this attempt to run away from our nation's security in a time of war won't fly - the left-media will only damage themselves further in Kerry's hopeless demise.

If I could send a message to Hanoi John and his ambulance chaser, it would be: "You have to be alive to have a job and spend money you morons, and we prefer a president who will kill those first who would kill us. We don't want a president who will run away to hide behind the EU and the UN until it's safe. We had enough of Kerry's 'heroism and leadership' during and especially after Vietnam, and all through his so-called Senate career."

Adios MF,


Friday, September 03, 2004

Boy, John Edwards sure looks glum these days...

I bet John Edwards is highly pissed-off.

Clinton and the DNC maneuvered Kerry into the spotlight instead of Edwards in order to ensure that no "star" could possibly derail Hillary's aspirations in the 2008 election. Clinton knew that Kerry would lose - while Slick Willy is a scumbag, he's also one of the cleverest (read: slimiest) political animals ever. Therefore after Kerry goes down in flames Hillary can ride in on her white horse.

Edwards probably is now realizing that if the DNC had backed HIS candidacy instead of Kerry, the Dems would likely be leading this race right now. But Clinton saw himself in Edwards - good looking, glib, down-home accent, and an 'aw shucks' delivery style - and therefore had to shut him down, quick. So now Edwards is relegated to standing by and watching Kerry get peeled like an onion.

Our little ambulance chaser realized that Hanoi John is destroying Edward's career along with his own. Welcome to the Bigs, you naive little [...shudder...] lawyer. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Only one southern BS artist per century please...

Watch for Hillary to attempt to move towards the center over the next 4 years, or at least disguise her liberal views. A Hillary presidency would be as bad as a Kerry presidency, or worse. But she'll lose too - the days of shameless liberal pandering, PC idiocy, and moral equivalence are coming to an end. We Americans see it now for what it is - encouragement for terrorists and anti-Americanism disguised as 'sensitivity'.

If not for 9/11, someone like Edwards could very possibly have won this election, in the same ridiculous, left-media-assisted way that Clinton did - twice. Edwards certainly was, in my opinion, the most dangerous Dem candidate in the race - even more so than Lieberman (too conservative to appeal to the loony left).

But 9/11 actually DID wake America up, notwithstanding all the Democratic attempts to lull them back to sleep and turn Iraq in Vietnam. Americans learned from the Vietnam episode that the time to protest the war is BEFORE it starts, not after. Dems are very careful to insist that they 'support the troops', but then immediately denigrate their very reason for being in Iraq. And of course the Dem surrogates at the NYT and WaPo aide and abet every story negative about the troops and their CIC.

The Dems and leftist media are willing participants in Iraqi insurgent and terrorist dreams of exploiting a perceived American split on the issue. Just like the NVA in Vietnam - for the Dems it IS Vietnam all over again. Is this any surprise considering who they are running for President?

Adios MF,


Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Terrorists are NOT Citizens

Can anyone doubt that processing terrorists through our pitiful justice system, with all its activist judges and low-life ACLU lawyers, is an excercise in futility? Here's an article on that dicusses how terrorists who are American citizens beat our judicial system with ease:,2933,131038,00.html

Like racial profiling, when the national security interests of the country are at stake trying terrorists in military tribunals is the right choice. Here's a case of terrorist forgers who will serve about 6 months because they were tried in a US court. Massouie is another case in point, this man will probably ultimately walk, or serve minimal time. Same deal with the idiots in NY that got caught selling a SAM to the FBI. Burden of proof is so high in our courts we basically have to catch terrorists in the act of pushing the button that sets off their bomb - even then an ACLU scumbag will say that their client only found that detonator and was curious to see what the button did.

Our legal system is completely corrupted by slimy lawyers and activist judges. We as Americans should insist that 1) judges and attornies clean up their acts before we clean it up for them, and b) national security issues involving foreign nationals are NEVER tried in US courts.

Adios MF,
