Monday, November 29, 2004

Asa Hutchison Must Go

Once again, I have to renew my call for Mr. Hutchison to retire. This is the third time in 3 months that I've blogged about this, and it seems many people agree with me:

Republican pandering to Hispanics does not completely explain the flaming incompetence plagueing ICE management, as the article makes clear. Our border security is demonstrably worse, and it seems you don't have to look any further than the number 1 and 2 over at ICE. The same morons that turned INS into a joke are wreaking the same havoc on the new ICE, and insisting it's 'progress'.

"Hey George: The election is over now: Stop this 'Guest Worker' nonsense, get rid of Ridge, Hutchison, and Garcia, and close the borders. Give back ICE it's investigators, find the criminal aliens, and get them out of the country. Don't worry about ensuring they have DVDs to watch while in detention - don't keep them in detention long enough to watch one."

Adios MF,


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Bush's Illegal Immigrant Insanity

An article in The Washington Times online discusses the fact that the Bush Administration is doing next to nothing to close our border and stop illegals. In my opinion, his guest worker program proposes to make the problem even worse.

"Guest Workers" are just a euphamism for a proposed new permanent 'underclass' of American workers. They will be legal workers, but not citizens, and the legal issues that will surround them will be like a Smokey Mountain fog. Corporations will jump in en-masse and hire these cheap, disposable workers and American citizens will find it even harder to earn a decent wage. If you think these 'scab Americans' will be limited to agricultural and laborer jobs, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you. Terrorists and criminals will be provided yet another means of infiltration and cover to attack Americans in their own homes and streets.

I cannot express how much I disagree with this entire notion. We don't need to make the illegals legal, we need to make the illegals deportees! HELLO!!! They are, after all, CRIMINALS.

I have backed Bush, his re-election, and his programs over the last 4 years, but this one I absolutely cannot accept. Prescription drugs, okay - maybe for now. No Child Left Behind, not bad - as long as it is enforced and funded - pretty good. But I refuse to back this idea, it's got bad news written all over it and I don't understand how Bush could be persuaded otherwise. I couldn't be, and I don't even live in a border state.

"Say George, just kill terrorists, fix the tax code, and pass tort reform. That's MORE than enough to test you and the congress to the limit of your abilities. Tell Ridge, Hutchinson, and DHS to GET OFF THEIR ASSES and close our borders - Americans will hold YOU responsible George, should another terrorist act occur because the scum walked across our wide-open southern and northern borders. Your Border Security agents WILL close the borders down, just mandate, support and fund them, and quit listening to the greedy special interests of your friends. I'm not kidding - if you can't sense the wrongness of the Guest Worker idea and the danger of lax border security, you are not the President my fellow citizens deserve."

Adios MF,


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Dan Rather to Step Down

Interesting that Rather-biased is stepping down BEFORE the independent investigation report for the RatherGate incident (fake TANG documents) is due to be released. - Foxlife - Dan Rather to Step Down as CBS Anchor

I find it hard to believe that suddenly SeeBS "has been wanting to replace Rather for years". Despite SeeBS 'News' being the ratings cellar-dweller for a decade, there hasn't been a peep about replacing that old liar. In fact, despite decades of CBS embarrassments caused by King Dan, up until now SeeBS and their parent VIACOM seemed to relish Dan's radical liberal agenda, his leftist editorial and news propagandizing, and his ability to lie and perpetually get away with it. To paraphrase Natalie Mains (of the Dixie Ticks), "I'm ashamed that Dan Rather is from Texas!"

It's nice that Rather is finally giving up the ghost, although how he can be allowed to continue to drag down what remaining credibility there may be of the 60 Minutes shows is a mystery to me. Rather is the ratings kiss of death, and has been for years. But the fact that Dan has not been summarily and publicly fired for any of this many reporting debacles, and especially for his latest foray into forgery and election tampering, clearly points out that the leftist broadcast media has NOT seen the error of their ways. They are not planning on balancing their reportage, eliminating their divisive anti-American philosophy, supporting their country's government and foreign policy (or at least giving it fair and balanced coverage), and rooting out the corruption in their ties to the Democratic Party.

SeeBS will point to Rather's removal and proclaim their 'high standards' (or maybe not - the entire SeeBS News division should be replaced IMHO), but continue to promote their leftist, socialist agenda. They'll bring in a new face for the anchor job; I suspect it might be Bill O'Reilly, but it depends on whether they think Bill can still appeal to moderates and conservatives after the last election. Bill's overwhelming support and cooperation for the DNC's whitewashing of Kerry's record, his kid gloves with Michael Moore-on, and his refusal to take a principled stand on any issue have erased much of the conservative support he used to enjoy. I'm not much of a fan anymore either, although I don't completely boycott him yet - I only watch when he has a really good guest, like Ann Coulter or Dick Morris.

So long Dan, you anti-military, liberal/socialist, propagandizing, opportunistic, lying sack of dung. It will be very interesting to watch SeeBS News's ratings go up now, while the 60 Minutes ratings take an even sharper nose dive.

Adios MF,


Monday, November 22, 2004

Media Still Whitewashing Kerry's Past

You'd think that with the election over that even the left-wing media, and especially moderate media like Fox would be all over Kerry's refusal to release his records and clear up the discrepencies that loomed so large during the campaign. But no, there is still a concerted effort to demonize 260 Viertnam Vets and POWs - according to VVAW and the corrupt liberal media, John O'Neill and his group are partisans who smeared Kerry. Nothing could be further from the truth. - Politics - Debate Continues Over Use of Vietnam in Election

My question is if that is true, WHERE IN THE HECK ARE ALL THE LAWSUITS agains the Swifties? Even the Fox article says that "Kerry repeated the atrocity claims in front of Congress that were told to him by fellow soldiers." This is NOT TRUE. Kerry claimed that he himself witnessed these atrocities, and in fact committed some of them himself. The folks that repeated these 'atrocity stories' to Kerry have subsequently mostly been proven to be lying and/or embellishing, why doesn't Mr. Vlahos report that?

No one denies that some soldiers committed atrocities in Vietnam, but a sworn, public, blanket condemnation of all Vietnam-era combat soldiers, as was done by Kerry in front of Congress, was a bald-faced lie. Most of us who have researched the facts of the matter cannot help but conclude that Kerry was at best, foolishly acting in concert with North Vietnamese and Viet Cong espionage chiefs in communist propaganda efforts. Many also believe that at worst, Kerry overtly and willingly cooperated with enemy intelligence officers in executing a strategy of turning Americans against the war.

Many also believe that Kerry's official record used to reflect his past accurately and plainly showed what his former Navy superiors thought about the matter, and of him - I believe that Kerry was Dishonorably Discharged from the Navy, for collaboration with the NV enemy, including the revocation of all of his medals. Further, I feel that Bill Clinton during his presidency helped Kerry rehabilitate his record; removing or changing the dishonorable discharge and reinstating Kerry's medals. But because Kerry won't release all of his records, the truth cannot as yet be determined.

We also believe that most in the corrupt liberal media DO NOT want Kerry's true record to be revealed. Not only because as their 'boy', he might run for President again in 2008, but because to reveal Kerry's perfidy in Vietnam and especially after his abbreviated 'tour' is to reveal their own. The liberal media, in particular CBS, ABC, NYT, and NBC ALSO knowingly collaborated with the Vietnamese enemy in futhering the North's 'divide America' strategy. The entire Vietnam war-protesting crowd lives in fear that their ignorance and blood-stained past will someday be highlighted before a nation that learned from Vietnam that protesting war during war time only helps the enemy. I say 'blood-stained' because I feel that anyone who protested the war contributed to the fact that the NVA fought on after they were decimated during the Tet Offensive, contrary to the father of all media liars, CBS's Walter Cronkite. General Giap himself said that the only reason the North fought on after Tet is because of the encouragement he got from American anti-war protesters. Approximately 40,000 more GIs died in Vietnam combat after Tet, I believe anti-war protesters must share that blame for this blood.

But it has to come out. I has to come out because some ignoramuses in the liberal media still have not learned the lesson - protesting war in war time makes you an enemy collaborator, willing or no, admitted or not. The media's DISGRACEFUL behavior towards our soldiers and marines in Iraq and Afghanistan must not be allowed to continue. You cannot 'support our troops' without supporting their mission - help them win or shut the HELL up. Balance the overwhelminly negative press coverage of the Iraq war with success stories like women voting, women in school, free speech, mulitple political parties, elections, etc.

The liberal media in this country, and others (the BBC is now Al Jazeera, Great Britain) need to grow up, wake up, and realize that terrorists will kill their liberal/socialist asses along with the rest of the sane folks, unless their terrorist sympathies will progress to Islamic conversion. And, unless they agree to print ONLY what the new fanatical mullahs tell them too.

Radical Islam is the enemy you traitorous vermin in liberal media! Not liberty, democracy, freedom, the US, or our military. Get it right, or STFU - nobody cares about your naive, simplistic, ignorant moralizing anymore - we're smarter than you now.

Adios MF,


Saturday, November 20, 2004

Inauguration Protesters: Waaahhh!

I don't know when the US Constitution was changed to mandate a free speech entitlement within any specific geographic location? This issue has always been about the left-wing media's agenda and common greed - public confrontations are more profitable 'news' items. You didn't hear these kinds of complaints when protesters were confined at the DNC.,2933,139009,00.html

It doesn't matter where protesters are allowed to protest. If the protesters are left of center and radical, especially if they are fanatical and violent, they will get plenty of coverage from the old media. If the protesters are right of center and fanatical and violent, they will get plenty of coverage from the old media. If the protesters are right of center and calm, and especially if their message is effective, they will get NO coverage unless it is highly edited, out of context, and clearly a hatchet job. Can anyone say Swift Boat Veterans? Or even pro-military veterans in general?

The last part of the article hits home:

Carafano said the protesters' complaints often fall on deaf ears because most people agree that there are good reasons why an area needs to be secured, and that gangs of protestors need not be given the opportunity to disrupt the proceedings.

"People who argue that this is creating some kind of suppression are just crying wolf," he said. "Sooner or later nobody is going to be listening."

But it's really beside the point. A suicide bomber would love for them to be closer to his target and a bunch of extra infidel blood would just be gravy - 'Allahu Snackbar, fellow martyrs'. You'd think that protesters would appreciate not being close enough to become infiltration targets for terrorists.

I'm beginning to wonder, considering the article's comments from that ANSWER moron Becker and the clearly biased oversimplifications from Pena of the CATO Institute, if that's what it will take for the remaining naive fringe among us to wake up and smell the Sarin gas. Do you think ol' 'my speech isn't free unless I can sit in the President's lap while I run my mouth' Becker is prepared for his Jihadi 'recruitment'?

Adios MF,


Friday, November 19, 2004

Euro-Iran Nuke Deal in Jeopardy

Duh! Only the 'head-in-the-sand' fantasists of the EU would believe that Iran's mullahs will give up their A-bomb if they are appeased. How else will the Islamofascists incinerate Israel? - U.S. & World - Euro-Iran Nuke Deal in Jeopardy

I say we let Bush and the US military shut down Iran's nuke production. Or Isreal. Either of these bodies will do a fine job, I'm sure. If the US does it we can facilitate a new democracy in Iran while we're at it.

The EU has got the UN's corrupt, "as long as we keep talking the crats get paid and the crazies stay in power" apeasement-itis.

As much as I prefer peaceful approaches, I can't help but wonder how long the EU and the UN will continue to enrich themselves at the future expense of their contituents as an alternative to force?

Adios MF,


Radio Host Calls Rice an 'Aunt Jemima'


And the left calls conservatives bigots! - Politics - Radio Host Calls Rice an 'Aunt Jemima'

I don't understand how following the instructions of your boss can be construed as "Uncle Tom-ing and Aunt Jemima-ing". I guess if you're black and don't buy into the DNC as the new "massah" - as do, unfortunately, the majority of black people in this country - you're a token for 'whitey'.

Today's Democratic and civil rights leadership prefer that black folks just stay where they are on the plantation, shut up, don't worry about school or work, and vote for the new DNC massah. He'll send you - if he thinks about it and it doesn't have any negative impact on his personal ambitions or those of other friends whose vote he CAN'T take for granted - what he thinks you need. To call American success stories like Powell and Rice servile is a tremendous insult to all self-made Americans, especially black men and women.

I also can't believe, although I'm not all THAT surprised, that the NAACP would not immediately condemn the use of the Uncle Tom and Aunt Jemima terms in general, especially by a white person. But no, they have to 'hear the remarks in their entirety' first so that they make sure they don't accidentally support black people who successfully left the new plantation. Apparently whites can disparage any black person with racist comments as long as that black person is demonstrably not Democrat.

I hope that Condi, in her more public role as Sec. State now, publicly castigates this clearly leftist bomb thrower of a talk radio host, and creates a huge media circus about it. Powell is also now in an excellent position that he might make great strides for black people with a very strong and public comment on this problem. This issue is the MAJOR reason that Bush doubled his vote among black folks this election - the more astute black people begin to see that the TRUE racists and bigots are on the left.

Adios MF,


Kerry Says UBL Tape Cost Him Election

Not exactly, but it sure didn't help to remind US citizens a week before the election that UBL was rooting for Kerry. Kerry's lackies in the liberal media couldn't prevent the story from getting wide reportage, although they certainly tried - even they know that Americans are not like Spaniards. Threaten us and we will, en masse, do exactly what we believe will be UBL's worst nightmare - re-elect Bush. - Politics - Exclusive: Kerry Says UBL Tape Cost Him Election

But for Kerry to say this is what cost him the election is disingenuous, as if America's worst enemy is to blame and not the liberal, socialist, lying, opportunistic, irresponsible, anti-American, divisive, hate-mongering, do-nothing, UN-first, traitorous, perpetually absent junior Senator from Mass. - as if Kerry himself had nothing to with his own loss.

Kerry lost because of his overwhelmingly negative personal qualities listed above, and because of the antipathy of the average American towards the corrupt, fiercely-biased, and criminal liberal media that shamelessly flacked for him.

This man is trying to position himself for the 2008 election, both in America's eyes and the eyes of his own party. Good luck loser! The Swift Vets are not done with you Hanoi John, and threatening to sue them only shows how desparate you still are to silence them. The media let you slide on your past, but don't expect that to continue when the industry begins to smell your dishonorable discharge and medal revocations, and the lies about your medals revealed in your medical and personal files. Sue the Swifties and it will only come out faster.

But everyone knows that Kerry won't sue, it's simple posturing in order to attempt to garner sympathy without giving up the whitewashing of his record that Clinton helped him with. The Swifties, and I for that matter, won't give up until the truth comes out, and until Kerry apologizes and retires from public service, or better yet, is convicted of treason. The corrupt liberal media can only hold this story back for so long.

What I think WILL happen is that the Swifties, in particular John O'Neill will sue Kerry, and hopefully the CLM (Corrupt Liberal Media) flunkies that slandered and libeled him during the campaign, in paticular Lawrence O'Donnell and Chris Mathews. I also think that Sinclair Broadcasting and the producers/veterans of Stolen Honor should sue the DNC for civil rights violations, and include the 100 Democrat Senators and Congressmen who pressured the FCC to threaten Sinclair with license revocation if they broadcast Stolen Honor. Time to repost on this blog the names of these enemies of free speech in our government...

Adios MF,


Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Replace Colin Powell with Bill Clinton?!

As usual these days, Bill O'Reilly is on the crack pipe again: - The O'Reilly Factor - Talking Points - Iraq, Mexico and Colin Powell...

I have no idea why he thinks anyone in this country wants ANYTHING to do with Slick Willie again. Clinton as Sec. State would only enable the liberal foot-draggers over at State even more so. Powell embraced the madness over there rather than correct it, I hope Condi cleans house with a BIG BROOM.

Adios MF,


Friday, November 12, 2004

It's the Liberalism, Stupid!

Exactly! This guy (girl?) must have been reading my mind:

The American Thinker

I sent a letter to the Editor at Fox News in response to an article in which some Dem. shill (Jane Roh) attempted to pass along the "evangelical Christians won the election for Bush" myth. My letter was VERY similar to Mr. Duke's article.

You can call us Bush voters stupid all you want, but in the end it really was 'the liberalism, stupid'!

Adios MF,


A Treasonous American Press

Mr. Fackler's article is right on the money. The press has used their 'freedom' to unfetter themselves from any semblance of responsibility, honesty, balance, or pro-American position:

Accountability of the press - The Washington Times: Editorials/OP-ED - November 12, 2004

They aren't fooling anyone but the most simple-minded and themselves. When you never hear ANY good news in a story that CLEARLY has good news happening every day, well you don't have to be a brain surgeon to call it bias. It's clear the Old Corrupt Media (OCM) intends to betray our soldiers and our country in Iraq, as they did in Vietnam.

CBS and the rest of the media radical leftists attempted to subourn our national election as well, with forgeries, officially-sanctioned bias, carefully calculated lies, scare tactics, and vicious, vitriolic denunciations of a sitting president in wartime. And not just in their editorial columns but on their news pages as well, as mentioned above. No one batted an eye. Democratic Senators and Congressmen flagrantly defied our 'freedom of the press' to suppress Sinclair Broadcasting's airing of Stolen Honor to the deafening silence of the old media. These Dem. names are stored elsewhere on my site. I'll continue to publish these names monthly until they are all defeated in their next elections.

If the OCM didn't raise holy hell about one of their fellow broadcasters and 260 decorated war vets being denied their constitutional right of free speech, there is no way the OCM can deny that their radical liberal agenda runs their news and reportage.

So I boycott: CBS, NY Times, ABC, NBC, CNN, LA Times, Boston Globe, and the Washington Post. And I recommend everyone do the same. Some of these, CBS, the NYT, and CNN in particular, make Al Jazeera look fair and balanced.

I get my news from Fox, The Washington Times, and The NY Post. The Times is a bit conservative for my taste, but still miles ahead of any of the Old Corrupt Media outlets (notice I DO NOT call them the Main Stream Media, as they would dearly like to be called).

If they wonder at the success of Fox and the Internet, they shouldn't. I refuse to patronize any service provide by treasonous scumbags.

Adios MF,


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Kerry lost because he's a liberal, a liar, and anti-war - get used to it

The American Spectator: "The reason why liberalism lacks any enduring appeal to ordinary Americans is not that it is too lofty but that it is too low. It is beneath the reason of man. It appeals not to the mind of humans but to their irrational desires. Liberalism is far more about emotion than reason. Want to feel good about being bad? Liberalism will give you plenty of excuses to. But Americans can see that this is a childish, self-indulgent political philosophy that no civilization can run on for very long."

Excellent American Spectator article, calls it like it is.

Liberals would like to believe that relgious zealots elected Bush on social conservative issues - not. This registered independent elected Bush because he's NOT a liar, traitor, liberal, socialist, and panty-waist. I'm very much anti-religion, especially Islam, but even a lot of Judaeism and Christianity. If religions would only stop at educating children on the 'golden rule', I'd be very much a supporter. But religion is just like any other ideology, it can be hijacked by the crazies for its controlling power. More people have been killed in the name of some religion than for any other reason, since the beginning of time.

It's not just the liberal John Kerry that was rejected by the American people, it was liberal idealism itself. Leftist pundits will spend the next four years trying to convince the world that rather than their naive and childish worldview, it's ignorant American religious conservatives that 'just are too stupid to understand us'. Nothing could be more incorrect - we understand liberals all to well.

Adios MF,


U.S. Presses into Heart of Fallujah

Tear 'em a new one, boys. - U.S. & World - U.S. Presses into Heart of Fallujah

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Kerry Calls Bush to Concede

Woooooohoooooo! - You Decide 2004 - Kerry Calls Bush to Concede

Thank goodness. Even the 20 points added by a liberal media bias and Dem. 527 cheating wasn't enough!

Congratulations America!

Adios MF,


Monday, November 01, 2004


...for Bush....:>)

Adios MF,


Kerry's Dishonorable Discharge?

This is why Kerry won't release his records. My guess is that he was dishonorably discharged in the early 70's due to his collaboration with the Viet Cong in Paris.

WorldNetDaily: Ex-Navy sec to Kerry: Open up your records

I hope all of this comes out after the elections, but I'm not holding my breath for it to be reported in the Corrupt Liberal Media (CLM).

Adios MF,
