Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Border Security Bill: No Guest Workers, No Amnesty for Lawbreakers

I wonder if our political leaders even care what their constituents think. NO ONE I know, and I know a lot of people, wants any kind of guest worker program or any form of leniency for illegal immigrants included in any new border security legislation. In fact, most folks I know simply want to enforce the laws we already have, and only want Congress to fund the necessary tools to do so. More agents, a border wall, more deportation, more technology, less beuracracy.

But no, this is what we get from Republicans to whom conservatives gave a big majority in both houses:

McCain is a simply a liberal in Republican clothes, I usually just try to ignore him. Hagel and Frist call themselves Republicans too, but are dangerously close to losing their base of support due to their inclusion of guest worker and/or legalization legislation in their bills. These men, aided and abetted by W's weakness on this issue, will destroy the Republican party with their soft illegal immigration stance. We are not amused.

Democrats will be able to lie, as is usual for them, about being 'tough on illegal immigrants' and unseat many Republicans, especially in border states. By the time the electorate realizes that the Democrats they elected are even more pro-illegal than the Republicans, it will be too late. I see a large number of recall elections in our future.

REPUBLICANS: Better get with the program, or your days are ALL numbered.

Until then, GO MINUTEMEN!!! I've recently become a proud volunteer, by the way...

Adios MF,


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Galloway: Robbing Iraqi Children on Saddam's Payroll

Soon-to-be-ex-British parliamentarian, nee-inmate Galloway, gets his comuppance.

Everyone knew, despite his 3rd-rate acting (in my personal opinion - because of it), that Galloway was as guilty as hell during his appearance before Congress earlier this year. The documentated proof of his guilt existed back then, if not the supporting witness testimony. It was mentioned in the press, but was not widely reported. Well, it's widely in the press now:

After the Congressional meeting, where - by the way - a non-committal Senator Coleman calmly watched the intrepid Brit commit what we now find was perjury, the liberals touted Galloway as a hero. It was amusing to watch the liberal media gloat over Galloway's ameteur theatrics, portraying him as "fiesty", and "combative". Of course, you won't hear them using such appealing adjectives about him anymore, soon it'll be "defensive", "evasive", etc. And no mention, of course, of the Galloway/liberal media love fest of just a few months ago.

It's seems very clear now that Galloway was one of those on Saddam's payroll, tasked with turning at least British public opinion in the dictator's favor, and against the US. Paid with money that should have gone to feed Iraqi women and children, Galloway ranks among the worst of humanity, a putrid example of elitism, corruption, and hypocracy. The liberal, socialist ranks of the world are full of these men and women, people who will trade innocent lives and the freedom of others for their own wealth and power. This is in essence what creates Saddam Husseins, Josef Stalins, and Adolf Hitlers.

Freedom and democracy are what defeats men like these. A free Iraqi press in Galloway's case...

Signing off to Inmate Galloway now, and I DO mean "Adios" but NOT "My Friend":

Adios MF,


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Go Minutemen!!!

Excellent news from Herndon, VA, right around the corner from me:

It's about time that we ordinary citizens step up to the plate and put our pro-illegal governement and business community on notice: WE THE PEOPLE WILL NO LONGER TOLERATE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS OR THEIR EMPLOYERS, OR THEIR POLITICAL BENEFACTORS WITHIN OUR GOVERNMENT.

Think I'll see if they need another volunteer.

Adios MF,


UN: Shell Games and Conspiracy Inc.

More sewage leaking from the floating crap game in Turtle Bay:,2933,172902,00.html

What a convoluted mess. This is how the corporate pirates get in bed with the corrupt scum at the UN spending US tax money and hard-earned money from developing nations. It's very hard to follow, but I believe bottom line in this story is that a corrupt company got caught using a corrupt UN contact to obtain contracts through malfeasance. So they sell the company to themselves using corrupt offshore shell corporations in an attempt to continue doing business as usual.

This is also how the UN Oil for Food scandal worked. I hope that some day the world will find out the identify of all the criminals involved. The UN is such a hotbed of corruption, I've never seen anything like it. Makes the Mafia look like streetcorner card sharks.

Way to go Fox for staying on their trail and exposing the fraud! Keep it up.


Adios MF,


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Be my guest to work in your OWN country...

Dear George,

How many times do we have to say it?! THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES (you know, the folks who ELECTED you) DO NOT WANT A GUEST WORKER PROGRAM. So what do you do? Bundle the guest worker crap in the same legislation with the border security reforms that we DO want:

There ARE no jobs that Americans don't want to do. There are jobs that Americans won't do for the measly pay that your pals in the corrupt, money-gubbing, greedy industries that donate to your's and all politician's election campaigns offer - true. But eliminate the slave labor pool that illegal immigration provides and the economy will correct that injustice.

NAFTA, CAFTA, guest workers, and the other nonsensical legislation that are thinly veiled attempts to screw Americans out of a decent wage do not fool us anymore. We're TIRED of our elected leaders selling us out for campaign contributions.

So while you're at it securing our borders, how about some REAL campaign finance reform rather than the unconstitutional, anti-1st Amendment, claptrap in McCain/Fiengold?

I'm thoroughly disgusted with you on the issue of guest workers W, it's a betrayal of the first order to conservatives, and indeed to all working Americans. The United States DOES NOT NEED a legal sub-class of employees, who due to their circumstances will work for peanuts and no benefits. It will not stop at 'jobs Americans don't want to do', as if there are any. Pretty soon computer programming will be 'a job that Americans don't want to do', as will trash collection, and carpentry, and plumbing, and on and on. Also, I guarantee that liberals will immediately start agitating for voting rights, unions, and increased wages for these 'guests', it won't be a cheap labor pool for long!

The backlash from your guest worker program will fracture the Republican party, alienate conservatives, and destroy the ability of Americans to hope for smaller government, responsible government spending, and law and order. How can you do this to Americans George?! Have you no shame, no scruples, no compassion at all for your fellow Americans? If you were looking for another issue that will DESTROY your legacy of the man who spread democracy to the middle east, you found it in guest workers.

FIRST, secure our borders, without the guest worker nonsense please. SECOND, punish American companies who employ illegal aliens. THIRD, over the next few years remove EVERY SINGLE ILLEGAL ALIEN from my country.

It's getting to the point that I'm forgetting why we elected you George. It's all well and good to provide democracy to middle eastern folks, how about some for your own country?

Adios MF,


Sunday, October 16, 2005

Victims exploited, entire categories of innocents condemned...

Wendy McElroy is a terrific writer on many subjects, including women's issues and modern feminism. Her column on is always a must read for me, and this one is no exception:,2933,171951,00.html

She's so right about the folks that take advantage of the generous and caring nature of average Americans. I had a lot of sympathy for the Hurricane Katrina victims (most of them, it's hard to sympathize with looters of TVs and luxury items, and scum that shot at rescue workers), and was fully prepared to make a donation of money to the cause. But as soon as the 'victimization' crowd stepped in; the NAACP, Nagin, Blanco and the race baiting Sharpton, Farrukahn, and Maxine Waters my sympathy evaporated, and my money is staying home.

The backlash against these folks who DEMAND legislation and reparations for entire classes of people, at the expense of entire classes of people, is considerable. I'm a perfect example. The Farrukahns who make completely outrageous, racial accusations without the slightest hint of proof, and the scumbags who refuse to disassociate themselves with it, much less refute it, disgust me. These bastards are killing human decency in our country, and I'm sad to see it go.

Of course it doesn't help that Blanco, Nagin and the other fantastically corrupt New Orleans and Louisiana Democrats are taking the opportunity to capitalize on the goodness of our federal government and donating citizens by tacking on every bit of pork they can find to their DEMANDED hurricane 'aid'. I'm even more disgusted by these losers than I am with Farrakahn and Sharpton - everyone knows Louis and Al are racist lunatics.

But these Democrats are the people that NO and LA elected. Seems to me that residents are getting what they deserve from the scumbags. But you can bet your ass that I'm going to do my best from now on to point out their corruption and opportunism. I'm tired of paying for the greed of politicians, aren't you?


Adios MF,


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Give the Internet to the UN?!

NOT A CHANCE!!!,2933,172184,00.html

We built it, we'll keep it. Jimmah Cahtah is no longer president (thank God), and the Net will not be another Panama Canal.

All the other whiner countries can pound sand. It's very interesting that our "allies" in the European Union have joined with our enemies in China, Iran, and Cuba to demand we turn over the management of the Net to the UN. Not that any American is surprised at the turncoat bastards.

They are very welcome to create their own "World Wide Webs" - an empty threat if I ever heard one. That's like North Dakota deciding to build their own national highway system. Good luck, and we'll just stay on the US WWW with the rest of the world, thank you.

You might as well just shut it down if you're going to turn it over to the UN. Websites will cost 5000 times as much, and US and Israeli sites will be down more than up. All evidence of the Holocaust will disappear from sites, and top secret US defense intelligence will be 'mistakenly' published on a regular basis.

The Net is ours, deal with it.

Adios MF,


Monday, October 10, 2005

Down with Dotster!!!

Just in case anyone who reads this blog is considering creating a website using, DON'T. They are criminal scum!!

Back in January I created a band website using their service. Unfortunately, the band broke up in Feb. But Dotster sold my personal information, without my permission of course, to as many hucksters and direct mailing firms as they could find. Not a day goes by that my mailbox isn't clogged with direct mail trash addressed to me at the old band's name. I get spam addressed to me in the same manner.

I've complained to them about it, but of course it's too late now. Also of course, Dotster never replied to my complaint.

They had the nerve recently to ask me to renew my website as it is set to expire soon. You can guess the tone of my reply...I'm sure they don't give a crap tho.

Adios MF,


Build a Border Wall

Absolutely, build a wall on our southern border, but don't compare it to the Berlin wall. The Berlin wall was designed to keep people in, not out.,2933,171668,00.html

The southern US border is as porous as 50 year old fishing net. My favorite part of the article is the comment by the pro-illegal Ms. Sanbrano:

"I think what we're doing is criminalizing work and criminalizing the need of families to be together," said Angela Sanbrano of the (organization deleted, not promoting a criminal-supporting organization on my blog) an open-borders interest group."

That's such crock of BS I don't know where to start. Mexicans can work and their families can be together just fine on THEIR OWN side of the wall. Any who are here illegally will just have to go home, the US Govt. will even help them with a little deportation bus ride. Ms. Sanbrano needs to wake up and smell the Semtex - the US is wide open to terrorists through our porous borders. Not to mention the economic catastrophy of illegal immigration - I'm through being Mexico's number one financial benefactor.

Let's build the wall, and then we can refocus our limited Border Patrol resources on our northern border, almost as bad.

And by the way, until we can get the wall built - GO MINUTEMEN!!!!

Adios MF,
