Friday, May 27, 2005

Pull your pants back up Senator Frisk

Duh, Democrats went back on their word within 48 hours. Tell the RINO 7 how screwed they are now, and watch them squirm - bunch of egomaniacal, grandstanding BSers.

Then, utilize the 'nuclear option'. Advise and consent does not mean dictate and extort, for Republicans either.

Enough said.

Adios MF,


Game Update: Weasles 0 Coalition: 3 is on a roll this week, they're batting 1000. First O'Reilly lambastes a liberal loonie in primetime, but good. Now Neil Cavuto sticks it right in the eye of Coalition of the Weasles founding members, illicit arms dealing scum, and Oil for Food kingpins Chirac and Schroeder:,2933,157805,00.html

Blair, Howard, and Bush all re-elected, economies booming, all with the high moral ground and getting increasing vindication daily.

EU-floggers Chirac and Schroeder are both on the ropes, about to be voted out of office if the elections in those countries are even close to legal. Their economies are in ruins, their socialist policies and anti-US puling are wearing thin amongst the electorates - and Europeans are not known for handling national 'disillusionment' well.

You can tell when the reality catches up, and the veil is lifted from the European masses - they start looking for someone besides themselves and their freely elected leaders to blame; WWII: Jews/Nazis, Terrorism: US, Jews, slumping wine sales: US, poor national productivity: US, nuclear proliferation: US, Jews (nevermind that France and Germany are the biggest proliferators, with Russia) - sorry it gets a bit repetitive lately. These days between the US and Israel/the Jews, I think Europeans (or at least their media/government/literati) have all the bases covered for the blame of the all the world's problems. By "world's problems" of course I mean the manner in which they detrimentally impact the French.

Mas oui, certainmont!

Let me be clear, I don't for a minute believe that Europeans are stupid, lazy, deceitful, or ciminal in general. I'm descended from Europeans myself, I've lived among them, and as a rule generalizations are for fools - said the fool who just made one :>). Seriously, I've met many average Europeans; loved a few, liked most, and disliked some, just like I have Americans, and Canadians, Mexicans, Africans, Asians, etc. Beautiful people, country, languages, art - lousy attitudes in some sectors, unfortunately.

The prevailing fad of anti-Americanism, anti-capitalism, and self-centered myopia in western Europe - particulary in the media and government, while I'm sure it is fun for them, is simply a mask to hide the failed policies of socialism and the corrupt, terror-enabling practices of it's government/business leaders. The massive, systemic corruption of European leaders, while I'm sure it is fun for us (to watch), also slows the implementation of peace and prosperity for the average man, woman, and child everywhere in the world. The US has never been just about us citizens, and that has always unnerved foreign governments. Nothing like a little pressure to live up to your professed values....

It's no surprise to me that the EU won't fly - who'd trust a western European country's word, except for Britain? Especially not other western European countries, that hasn't historically worked out well either. And the veterans of eastern Europe recognizes oppression when they see it - no thanks.

When others who profess to believe in the same concepts of life, liberty, freedom, prosperity, and advancement as we in the US don't help us help long-oppressed nations to those concepts, it's regretable. But when those same 'others' actively thwart those goals for entire nations, that is a violation of those principles, and THAT the US remembers. That, I remember. This violation aides our enemies, costs more lives in both innocents and soldiers, and only increases the hardship and sadness of those creating a new Iraqi/Afghan nation. Yes, including our American military/civilians and their families. Maybe Europeans can live with that now, but Americans can't.

Okay, don't help us if you can't be bothered. But don't get in their/our way either please. We're being nice about it, since we're 'allies' and all, but most Americans aren't known for their patience - you tell us so all the time. I admit it, it's true - especially for Texans, as if that had to actually be said. We're working on it, but when people are DYING it's difficult, oui? Ja, verstehen sie?

Just a suggestion for the voters in the upcoming elections in France and Germany? Elect someone who understands what "The Government that governs least, governs best" means - a little Thomas Jefferson for my homies across the pond. Join us to help spread freedom and prosperity to those who have never known it - elect a leader, not a corrupt whiner.

Adios MF,


Thursday, May 26, 2005

O'Reilly Flames a Liberal Nut Job

It doesn't happen that often anymore, but BOR still does a good slow roast when he wants to:,2933,157624,00.html

Brooks comes off looking like a standard, head-in-the-sand, pampered, foolish la-la land resident; your typical leftie. It's always fun to watch the left squirm and evade the truth and reality when pressed, Bill does a good job of cutting through the leftist BS in this interview. The sad and horrible thing is that Brooks actually thinks she's doing the US a favor by advancing her failed and weak agenda.

It's amazing that liberals can look at the same history as you and me, but see something entirely different from it. The US has spent 50 years trying to be kind and gentle to the Muslim world, Brooks completely ignores the fact that in socially primitive cultures, especially in the Muslim world, that behavior is a sign of weakness and NOT to be respected. When in history has 'talk' ever prevented a war when the agressors were committed to domination, power, and economic riches?

Yes, I said the Muslim world is largely possessed of a socially primitive culture, relatively unchanged in a 1000 years. They're not the only ones; China is still a land of oppressed women and foreigners, Africa is a dog's breakfast of rape, slavery, and ethnic murder, South America, Japan, and Southeast Asia are only now struggling out of centuries of female bondage, fascism, and/or communism. But the Muslim world certainly is the leading anchor around world social enlightenment in most areas they dominate. Cultural ignorance is only one of the objective realities that the left ignores, along with peace through strength, trust but verify, and the spread of freedom and liberty through democratic reform. It's both funny and sad that the left is supposed to be the world's leading champion of social enlightenment...

Is it any wonder that in the US specifically, but all over the world, people are more and more seeing through the hypocracy of the left, seeing the corruption, self-serving weasleing, and lies that the liberals and socialists rely on to stay in power? Conservative leaders are not innocent in those areas either, but when it comes to the safety and well-being of US citizens and freedom-loving people around the world, at least you can rely on conservatives for strength, security, realism, and principle. You can only rely on liberals for arrogance and ignorance anymore.

Adios MF,


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

BETRAYED! By the RINO-7 Mega-Wussies

I'm so angry I don't know where to start. Frist and the seven RINOs who betrayed conservatives will pay, you watch the next elections.,2933,157441,00.html

We conservatives worked extraordinarily hard in the last elections to ensure that Republicans were elected. We got the vote out that elected a Republican president and added seats to both the House and the Senate. And THIS is our reward. A bunch of RINO (Republicans In Name-Only) wimps in the Senate roll over for the radical wing of the Democratic party and preserve the Dem's main weapon of fascism: judicial activism.

Our reward so far for handing Republicans bigger majorities has been no movement whatsoever on illegal immigration, no movement on fixing the tax code, welfare reform, or social security, and now a cop out on presidential nominees. Does anyone know what our Republican majority is actually DOING for us? Not a thing as far as I can tell.

I'm so sick of Senate scumbags I'm tempted to call for a return to monarchy. Our current system of government is broken, especially in the Senate, but also in the White House and the People's House. After the last election I took great pleasure in telling whining liberals "We won, you lost - deal with it." But it seems I was mistaken, it seems we still lost.

Here's the RINO egomaniacs, I'll post these until they are defeated in their next elections:

Lincoln D. Chafee of Rhode Island
Susan M. Collins of Maine
Olympia J. Snowe of Maine
John W. Warner of Virginia
John McCain of Arizona
Mike DeWine, an Ohio Republican
Lindsey O. Graham of South Carolina

You seven are DONE, better get your resumes in order. You seven are a splendid example of the WORST traits of an American politician and I will work to unseat you with every tool I have. Starting with contributing to your truly conservative opponents, but also here on my blog.

Adios MF (and I don't mean 'my friend' with regard to you 7 arrogant wafflers),


Monday, May 23, 2005

Send Troops to Protect Our Borders!

Excellent article that the liberal media completely ignores:

The fact is that The Minuteman Project was amazingly successful and no amount of Border Patrol or liberal media gainsaying can contradict the facts. All the politically neutered Border Patrol supervisors who ordered no cooperation, no support, and no validation of the Minutemen ought to be fired immediately and replaced by line officers who understand the problem and its obvious solution - man the damn border.

Tom Tancredo of Colorado seems to be the only politician who truly is out to solve the problem. George Allen also seems to understand the problem and be willing to solve it, and maybe Gov. Swarzenegger too.

Word to the wise politican, this issue will not go away. Get on the resolution train now or you WILL be run over by it.

Adios MF,


Friday, May 20, 2005

UN Logic: "We're corrupt because you don't give us enough money."

Here we go. Now the UN is whining about not having enough money to do their jobs properly and without corruption. Bwaaahahahahaha!! Got to give them credit for chutspah, but they must think that the average US politician is both naive and possessed of a 4th grade ability in mathematics. Maybe they should ensure that their own people aren't STEALING the money we send, they'll have plenty left over to do the job.

In my opinion, and that of every other American I've spoken to about this, there is no hope for the UN to reform itself. Kofi "Crime Lord" Annan has too thoroughly destroyed any hope of credibility for the UN through his mismanagement and thievery. I say stop paying ANY money to the UN - dues, fees, donations - everything.

Then, I say withdraw US membership in the UN, and kick them the hell out of Turtle Bay, and out of the country. Let them wither to irrelevancy on someone else's dime.

The US can then start over with a new world body. This time, as leaders of the free world we should limit its membership to true democracies, we can ensure that security council members are truly interested in world security (leaves France, Russia and China out). We can also ensure that human rights violators do not get seated on, much less run, the Human Rights council. We can have ALL finances managed in rotation by large, bonded, accounting firms with constant audit oversight by different firms. We can ensure that UN charities and international aide groups provide charity and international aide, rather than a slush fund for the corrupt poseurs that run them. We can enforce a non-partisan ideology so that UN resources are not made available to Palestinian terrorists. We can ensure proper peacekeeping oversight so that UN troops are not raping young girls and boys and trading on their hunger.

Current reform efforts at the UN are a joke. They don't want reform, they want to look like they're interested in reform while continuing to rob the world blind. They want to first survive the atrocities and corruption of their immediate past by sweeping all accountability under the rug or blaming it on 'cheap' host nations. That idiot in The Netherlands who called the US cheap after the tsunami disaster said that for a reason, and not just for tsunami relief. It's part of the UN's new strategy to dodge responsibility for their misdeeds, while at the same time building up their power over sovereign nations, in particular the US.

The International Criminal Court is their favorite method for this, along with their desire for their own standing army. The UN under current management doesn't give a crap about their original mandate; to provide a worldwide forum for diplomacy as a means to avert war, to assist developing nations, and to provide consensus and alliance against tyranny. For most nations, the UN is nothing but a shady means to make money off the backs of the helpless, poor, and clueless donors and donor nations.

The UN is currently a HUGE insoluable mess. Time to throw it out and start over. The current management and staffing of the UN deserve to be forever after known to history as the criminals who brought down the best hope to limit global warfare, poverty, and hunger ever devised in order to line their own pockets or that of their home countries.


Adios MF,


Thursday, May 19, 2005

Galloway: In the tradition of Kim Philby

Excellent article by Emmett Tyrrell regarding former MP Galloway's testimony before congress earlier this week.

Leftist media in the US loved his testimony, but very few of them noticed that he did nothing to refute the documented evidence of corruption. He, like many in Europe and the UN were BRIBED by Saddam Hussein into inaction. As Mr. Tyrrell agrees, I thought it was just cowardice and liberal dominence of Europe at the time, but I should have known - money talks.

Buch of scumbags.

Adios MF,


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Petition Against Judicial Filibusters

Everyone sign this! End judicial activism and begin purging the government of liberal fascism! Judicial activism is the only way liberals/socialists get their agendas shoved down our throats, so reaffirm our founding father's desire for government OF, BY, AND FOR THE PEOPLE by reminding Congress who THE PEOPLE are:

The People are NOT just a few liberals in New England, Michigan, and California, although you wouldn't know it from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The 9th is well known for their committment to bringing socialism and Big Brother soon to a neighborhood near you.

I fully support the anti-judicial-filibuster petition, and in fact would like to see that concept applied to all Senate legislative deliberations. We don't pay our Senators to talk in committee, we pay them to vote on the floor. They can talk on the floor until they've reasonably discussed all sides of an issue, but then they must vote. How much more of our business could they get done if they got to the point quickly, efficiently, and then voted? The House is more properly where committee work belongs. The People's house is not only more constitutionally appropriate for committees, but also has a LOT more people to man them.

Granted, there must be enough time for reasonable debate, and very complex legislative issues may require time in committee to distill. But Presidential nominations should take first priority in the Senate's business, as they historically have.

The Senate should not be allowed to filibuster Presidential nominations, the constitution seems clear enough on that for me, and it has always been understood to be the President's right to have a full vote expeditiously on his nominees; judicial, foreign service, military, etc. Sign the petition and lets take that particular piece of obstructionism out of our government. We can always bring it back if necessary - we do, after all, own the place.

Adios MF,


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

CASA: ID?! We don't need no stinkin' ID!

Organizations like CASA and La Raza are undermining the security, economy, and quality of life in the United States, and in Maryland politicians are ignoring it out of self-interest. Pretty much par for the course in the entire country:

Maryland Democrats, long known for their corrupt, special interest toadying are still lining their own pockets and electorates at the expense of national security. By not barring illegal aliens from getting drivers licenses they leave the door open for another 9-11 tragedy. Governer Ehrlich is regrettably just as guilty, like a lot of Republicans (namely the President) Ehrlich hems and haws looking for a justifiable reason to pander to Hispanics in the area of illegal immigration. Unlike his counterpart in Virginia, George Allen, who has come down solidly against illegals in the US, Ehrlich is selling out to open-border scumbags who couldn't care less about my country. That's why George Allen will likely be the next President of the US, he's running in 2008, and Ehrlich will likely be defeated in the next MD Governer's election.

That is, Allen will likely be the next President if the current President doesn't end up destroying the Republican party because of his abdication of his responsbility for secure borders. Otherwise it could be Hillary "Taking from you for the common good" Clinton, if she manages a good conservative masquerade during the next 3 years. I personally don't think America will buy her as a moderate, much less a conservative, but with the liberal media on her side she just might pull off the lie.

CASA, like La Raza, in my opinion are anti-American organizations encouraging foreign citizens to break our laws and invade our country. Seems to me we've banned as terrorist organizations in this country plenty of others for far less. The only reason it hasn't happened in this case is that politicians want Hispanic votes and are willing to sell-out their country and the very lives of its citizens in order to get them.

So! My voting policy over the forseeable future will be to vote against ANYONE calling for eased restrictions on illegal immigration, less border security, rights for illegals, and/or prevention of LEGAL Americans/law enforcement cracking down on illegal entry to MY country. I suggest the same for everyone - let's vote out the scumbags who don't care about your children's safety and future, once and for all time.

The next 9-11 will be the fault of organizations like CASA, La Raza, pro-illegal politicians, and apathetic citizens just as much as the terrorists themselves. What more warning than 9-11 could we need?

Adios MF,
