Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Democrats Cut and Run: 403 to 3!

Democrats constantly suggest 'cutting and running' from Iraq, but thanks to some House Republicans with spine, had to 'cut and run' from their own 'cut and run' policies.

There. Have I managed to imprint 'Democrats cut and run' on you with my clever subliminal blogeration? For their continuing edification, Democrats should read and take to heart the comments of our military commanders regarding Congressional/media discussions about leaving Iraq, the conduct of the war, and congress's/media's role in demoralizing our fighting men and women:

Let me just repeat that vote, since the leftist media will lock this away into the 'never publish again' vault, along with the results of the US pull-out from Vietnam, the results of Communist and Socialist failure over their entire existence in the last century, and of course the positive results of Iraqi/Afghan liberation currently being actively suppressed:

403 to 3 against
any immediate retreat from Iraq

Where were so-called Democrat principles on this vote? Every one of them has called for retreat from Iraq, it's a great way to attack a Republican President. Especially since it's aided and abetted by a traitorous media at tremendous expense of their resources and time. But when it came time to go on record, to put their money (vote) where their mouth is, what do they do? CUT AND RUN like the cynical, self-involved, power-hungry liars that they are.

I wonder how the Democrats' leftist base feels about this squandered opportunity? Hey Cindy Meehan, Mikey Moore, Jimmah Carter, Martin Sheen, etc.! Your buds hosed you, how does that kool-aid taste now? Bwahahahahahah! Ouch, that's gotta sting. Better put some ice on that hippy! In the standard 'conservative football spiking' words of one of my favorite sites,, "All your base are belong to us! Series! This is HUGH!"* /gloat mode off.

(*The original comments I believe came from liberal trolls on FR (before they were kicked off - 'zotted'), but were adopted for their obvious intrinsic intellectual content by long-time FReepers. They are used as a standard sarcastic riposte for trolls, for gloating, or as a response to overly-excited/rookie bloggers.)

Liberal politicians prove once again that they don't really believe their own principles and policies, and that they know average Americans overwhelmingly don't either. How else can this 403-3 vote be explained?

Adios MF,


PS: Did I mention how even Murtha himself voted against it? Oh, and by the way that total vote count was:

403 to 3 against
any immediate retreat from Iraq
(Democrats cut and run, democrats cut and run...)

**************** Thanksgiving 2005 Thanks To:
  • My kids, my family, and my friends. I am because of you.
  • Our honored military who bravely gave their lives for freedom, liberty, country, honor, and their fellow soldiers. We will miss you always.
  • Our honored military serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere around the world and at home.
  • Our honored military families, who bear the burdens of fear and uncertainty with pride and dignity. Our country is great because of soldiers and families like these.
  • Our Nation, may it be ever free and strong.
  • Our President, may he continue to show strength and resolve in the face of our enemies.
  • Conservative and moderate elected representatives who truly support small government, free markets, strong defense and foreign policy, strong economies, federalism, and strict interpretation of the Constitution.
  • My band, may it continue to rock the house.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Angus Young (of ACDC) is Number 1

As he should be. The guitar's almost bigger than he is, but Angus plays it like a poet. A particularly nasty and smart-alec poet...:>D,2933,176010,00.html

Riff Raff is my favorite, followed by just about everything else ACDC does. Rock on Angus, always!

Adios My Friend,


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Unlike Frost, Tod Lindberg is obviously NOT lying...

In this companion rant to my becoming-customary Frost Flame below, here's a perfect set of arguments from Tod Lindberg's editorial in today's Washington Times online:

In addition to Tod's arguments, I just have to ask one question:

Would you prefer a President, given HONESTLY the same evidence and situation, who would wait until we were attacked with WMDs instead of acting pre-emptively, unilaterally if necessary?

Democrats think we citizens have forgotten how much President Bush did to gain consensus, and build a coalition. And how successful he was despite outrageous Democrat and media sniping. We have NOT forgotten the 14 years we spent trying to keep Hussein from selling nukes to terrorists while the French, the Germans, the Russians, and the Chinese, aided and abetted by the UN via their Oil for Food program, secretly enlisted their expensive services in restoring Saddam's WMD ambitions.

To me, and I think most Americans, and even most citizens of the world in their hearts, Bush did the right thing even though it was personally and politically difficult for him. Bush had to act, act now, and on the best information he had at the time. Even though he wasn't sure, and even with the understanding that even the wise couldn't foresee all the consequences and risks.

So George W. Bush acted. That's what a man of courage and integrity does when his family, friends, and neighbors are in danger. Again, would ANYONE really want it any other way?

As I said below, I'm not religious, but I thank God, Jesus, Mary, Jehovah, Allah, Budda, Vishnu, Pele - WHOMEVER, that we did not have Al Gore for President on 9/11, or John Kerry at all. John Edwards, Gore, Dean, Kerry, Clinton, Kennedy - these men and women will lead only to defeat and socialism, and, increased terrorism if I even still need to say it.

W needs to wise up about illegal immigration and spending, but I will pray to anyone's God if it will help to elect more moderate conservative and pro-American men and women like George W. Bush to our governments.

Adios MF,


Martin Frost is lying again, his mouth is open

Still not sure why feels it necessary to consistenly give a platform to one of the biggest liberal Democrat spinners around, Martin "Lies-R-Us" Frost:,2933,175554,00.html

After admitting that he himself voted for the war, Frost then whines about Democrats being vilified for now blaming the President for the same incomplete information that congressmen heard prior to the war. Frost is attempting to suddenly become anti-war, like all other Democrats seeing an opportunity to now switch hats and use it to harm the President and our troops. Democrats like Frost ARE damaging the war effort, they ARE lying 'fair-weather' patriots; W hit it right on the head with his remarks in Alaska. It's nice to see them squirming now, their 'the masses are ignorant and forgetful' scam exposed.

Frost then goes on to repeat the now thoroughly discredited DNC talking points about there being no WMDs, no imminent threat. Frost even seems to suggest that 250k Kurds WERE NOT gassed by Saddam Hussein. It's simply amazing to me that liberals and their 'useful idiots' in the media can so blatantly ignore bona-fide and established evidence to the contrary, and then think that average Americans will buy it! It's very insulting; guarranteed to push more folks over to the Republican party, mark my words.

Any unbiased review of the facts will show just the opposite of Democrat fairy tales: There WAS an imminent threat from terrorists acquiring WMDs from Saddam, Iraq DID attempt to buy uranium from Niger, there WERE several al-Queda training camps in Iraq, Saddam WAS producing chemical and biological weapons, and Saddam WAS planning to reconstitute his nuclear weapons program under the noses of the UN and the world, using profits scammed (willingly, in collusion with the UN) from the UN's Oil for Food program. Not to mention that Saddam WAS a tyrant busily killing off all dissent internally, and subverting the UN, the media, and other countries with bribes.

In addition, I still don't believe that what we actually found with regard to WMDs is all that Saddam had. Most likely, Saddam made a deal with Iran or Syria and they now possess the bulk of Iraq's WMD program. Bush would not want to divulge any knowledge about that so as not to tip off the Iranians or Syrians of possible plans to take action about it. The Democrats' insistance of working through the UN prior to the Iraqi war cost the US about 18 months in terms of putting an end to Saddam's regime - plenty of time to get rid of WMDs.

To continue to accuse Bush of making 'mistakes' with pre-war intelligence is to also admit that Democrats made the same mistakes, all their current whining aside. To continue to ignore the potential of NOT taking action against Saddam is treasonous, even now after Saddam is gone. I'm not religious, but I do thank God that W was President during 9/11, it seems Democrats would still be attempting to determine if Saddam is a threat when the Iraqi army rolls into DC. Unlike Senators and Congressmen, the President must take decisive action in defense of American citizens. If he's a principled American, he does not have the luxury of waiting to be attacked and hoping there's something left afterwards with which to fight back.

Bush DID make a mistake by allowing Democrats to hype this scam for years before fighting back with the truth. Now he's on the right track, clearly evidenced by Frost's frantic, puling, weak counter-attack. Expect to see more of this from Democrats as W ramps it up.

Liberals and Democrats are anti-US and anti-military, no question. You cannot support the troops by sniping at their mission and calling for their withdrawal before the job is done. Everyone knows - even liberals and Democrats - that to withdraw now, to even talk about it, is to hand victory to the terrorists. Therefore, when a Democrat conducts scams like this, accusing the President of lying to get us into a war, you know it's only a manifestation of their own personal dreams of politial power. Democrats will let ANY amount of innocent civilians, much less our valiant fighting men and women, die to once again achieve political power.

Frost and his ilk disgust me - 100 years ago such men and women would be jailed and executed for treason and subversion. Now, due to our socialist, terrorist-supporting, blood-thirsty media, they get front page headlines and an unimpeded podium to spew their lies.

Makes me long for the good old days...

Adios MF,


Friday, November 11, 2005

Outlaw Torture and only outlaws will torture...umm, wait a minute....

I wish the pussies in our midst would shut up. When the other side sets the rules, they win. When we have so-called Americans helping the enemy by their subversive, anti-soldier, leftist BS, we lose:,2933,175349,00.html

Veterans for Common Sense have none if they think torture doesn't produce results, reliable results. VCS is nothing but your usual leftist, anti-Bush assholes who happen to be joined by some of the 14 military folks (out of 1.2 million) who hate the President. I normally wouldn't even bother to honor them with a mention on my blog, but their comments were simply too blatantly ignorant to leave alone.

We simply don't torture our terrorist enemy enough, which of course plays right to their advantage. Terrorists don't have those qualms, and they think that anyone who does is weak and asking for more. VCS members claim to have served in the middle east and they don't know this? Where did they spend their time, in the latrine?

The only way to defeat terror is to defeat it in the minds of our enemy. Traitorous morons like VCS, the NYT, WaPo, CBS, CNN, and all the rest of the liberal media, along with delusional power-mad politicians like Kennedy, Kerry, Clinton (both), Reid, Dean, Schumer, Leahy, and the rest are no better than the scum we're fighting. Our enemy in Iraq and elsewhere kills children at school, and kidnaps them to force their fathers become suicide bombers. Our enemy poisons the minds of their fellow muslim children, shamelessly planting a lying, vicious hate, and condemning these boys to a short life of horror and blood.

If torturing ALL of them to DEATH manages to save one innocent Iraqi child, if it gets one soldier back home alive and intact to his family, then I say do it and screw anyone who doesn't like it. We're in a war, and the other side is cutting off heads on the web...

Damn to hell the bleeding hearts who care more for appearances, personal gain, and political power than they do about the lives of their fellow man, much less the men who fight to ensure our freedom. Cowards, traitors, and miserable vultures - how can any one of them say they support our soldiers while whining about methods that save military and civilian lives?!

I don't normally curse in my blog, but these folks deserve it as much as the terrorists do: Shut the fuck up get your candy-asses out of the way. Do that, and our military and Iraqis will finish the job twice as fast, with half as many lives spent. Grow up, get smart, get jobs, and join the rest of us in the real world, we're getting tired of paying for your fantasy world with our sons and our money.

Adios MF,


PS: While I'm cursing, and since I saw about 4 minutes of George Carlin's lastest cable stand-up act last night - right up until Commie Carlin said he doesn't "give a fuck" about American contractors getting killed while rebuilding and protecting Iraq:


I'm torn, it might be fun to let Stephanides back in the UN...

But don't expect it to happen - Capo tutti Capo Annan would never allow his patsy to come back. That would once again refocus the investigation on Annan himself, can't have that.,2933,175270,00.html

I almost feel sorry for Stephanides, callously sacked 4 months before his retirement by the person ultimately (and maybe sooner) most responsibile for the Oil for Food scam of scams, Capo Annan. But don't cry for Joseph, Argentina - the reason for Stephanides' termination is plenty valid, and I'm certain is only a flake of snow on the tip of THAT particular iceberg. As much as I'd like to see Stephanides reinstated for the circus value, it's no guarrantee that Sen. Norm Coleman will be able to then crack Kofi and his band of thieves.

Norm will just have to find another way - leave Stephanides kicked to the curb where he belongs. Seeing Stephanides disgraced and unemployed is not enough punishment for the scumbag, whose participation in the wholesale selling of the United Nations to tyrants, terrorists, and soul-less corporations is without doubt. IMHO he needs to be arrested and shot for the damage he's done to Iraq, the US, the UN (yes, an honorable, pro-democracy, and pro-freedom UN would still be valuable, but don't hold your breath) and the world.

But Stephanides is, BY FAR, a little fish in this cesspool - Norm needs to find a way to use him for bait. We need to catch the true sharks involved, starting with Kofi "Oil for ANYTHING" Annan, and his crew.

Adios MF,


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

VA Republicans 'Get' Illegal Immigration, Dems Don't

Finally, it appears that legislators are waking up to smell the semtex. Our borders are wide open to all terrorists, criminals, and subversives. Not to mention the economic catastrophe of illegal immigration. Excellent article in the Washington Times regarding new legislation (hopefully) coming in VA that will begin to address the 'demand' side of the illegal equation:

My son has lost two jobs due to shady employers hiring illegals for peanuts. Time to fight back Virginia!

Very interesting that Dems. whine about the positives of 'immigrants'. It's a typical liberal, pro-illegal dodge - no one is complaining about 'immigrants'. This nation was founded on immigration. What the vast majority of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens are complaining about is ILLEGAL immigration you Democrat putzes! Democrats are desparate to kill immigration reform - they want to make it legal for illegals to vote - these are the only votes they're likely to get with these policies.

Secure the borders, deport ALL illegals, and don't give me any of the 'guest worker' nonsense. Pay a decent wage and Americans will do ANY job.

Adios MF,
