Saturday, December 17, 2005

Democrats Filibuster While Terrorists Smile

Terrorists can pretty much rely on Democrats and RINOs in congress, and even in State governments (Kaine in VA springs to mind), to give them ideas and assistance for their next 9/11-style attack:

FOUR YEARS after 9/11 and we still have loose borders, no profiling, poor baggage and cargo screening, and our elected 'leaders' are actually proposing to UNDO some of the things that have actually helped. What's wrong with this picture? Anyone?

I'm not for permanently expanded NSA and Patriot Act powers, at least some of the more intrusive (for US citizens) of them, but certainly another temporary extension of them is warranted. Why is this a question at all? With proper congressional oversight (if we can get them to quit leaking Top Secret information to the NYT and WaPo), I don't have a problem with this. It's a shame to say it, but under a Republican government, I'm more confident that the government can be temporarily trusted with this kind of power.

There have been NO instances of abuse of these powers, and these powers produce solid results:

  • Terrorists did not blow up the Brooklyn Bridge, or anything else since 9/11.
  • Terrorists cells were rounded up in more than 5 states in less than 2 years. I'm sure there are many others being eyed right now.
  • Intelligence about foreign contacts, planning, and tactical operations is gained.
  • The 'wall' between foreign and domestic intelligence is mitigated, controlled, and made more flexible.
We need to temporarily continue this approach, and more of it. We need to do it better, faster, and more creatively (yes RINO McCain, I mean more ruthlessly here - we haven't even publicly beheaded ONE person yet), and continue to do it responsibly. Terrorists HATE it, and opponents need to keep that in mind please, while responsibly considering our civil rights.

Adios MF,


Saturday, December 10, 2005

Barking Moonbat of the Month - December 2005

New SanityAnyone? regular feature: Barking Moonbat of the Month Award.

Sanity Anyone?'s December 2005 award goes to (drum roll):

The Nobel Prize Committee

Elbaradei, Arafat, Carter - The Nobel Peace Prize remains true to form

Mohammed ElBaradei is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, a dubious honor these days:,2933,178327,00.html

This is the man who failed, over 3 YEARS, in the face of obvious Hussein trickery, to discover WMDs in Iraq. I could hide an 800 lb. gorrilla in my shorts and Mohammed would say I have unusually large testicles. ElBaradei, obviously in cahoots with Don Kofi and his corrupt Oil for Food machine, wouldn't disrupt the UN gravy train. If he actually 'FOUND' the WMDs ElBaradei and the United Nazis would be cut out of all the nice Saddam dollars, French kickbacks, Russian and German favors, and of course Chinese perks.

ElBaradei's getting the prize because he was sufficiently anti-Bush and anti-American, not because he was of any use at all in promoting or preserving peace. The Nobel Peace Prize, once the highest, most altruistic honor ever to be earned, is nothing to be proud of anymore. The NPP in the last few decades has evolved into an award for one who best promotes the Euro-centric, socialist, anti-freedom hegemony at the expense of the US, and pretty much everyone else if you're clever enough to see it.

They should call it the Nobel Putz Prize, much more fitting for rubes like ElBaradei.

Adios MF,
